Talking about turtledove turtledove is usually associated with locally believed to have supernatural powers or supernatural beliefs by older people for hundreds of years , especially in the tradition of Javanese society and not cross turtledove .Turtledove.
Turtledove Bangkok plenty to see and maintain is no longer believed to have supernatural powers in accordance with the mind of modern society . Turtledove is often called supernatural bird that can provide sustenance , happiness and peace of the household , rank and position , etc. .
The habit of enjoying beautiful sound turtledove started since the time of Majapahit and this is one bird at a time that is usually only maintained by royalty royal palace increasingly being developed for under Sultan Yogyakarta Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII in 1877-1921 .
Turtledove also believed to be the fifth number completeness of the perfect guy right in the Javanese tradition set in the palace of culture , Pensions ( home ) , Garwa ( wife ), Suspicion ( Keris ), Turangga ( Horse ) and Kukila ( turtledove ). Turtledove is personal satisfaction or enjoyment creator tool . Voice and her physical beauty can provide a quiet atmosphere , calm , relaxed and happy as if humans can relate to the universe directly .
As mentioned at the beginning of this paper , turtledove has incredible privilege because it was considered to have magical powers that can affect the owner with " Katuranggan " which is believed to have occult blood bead , also by " mathi characteristics " are expected in relation to a particular form or nature of the cuckoo, thus believed to have a good effect ( to bring good luck / fortune , domestic tranquility , rank , etc. . ) or bad ( bad luck or misfortune brought) to the owner or keeper like .
To determine whether or not the cuckoo, and can be seen by mathi katuranggan physical features such characteristics as body shape , feathers , beak , legs and also the nature , behavior and when reading / gig which can be explained as follows / as below .
Turtledove Katuranggan or Primbon include:* Turtledove Songgo Queen: turtledove is believed to be the incarnation of the son of the King of Bali in the days of Majapahit who pursue their enemies and run away to look at Blambangan village, Banyuwangi and killed, then turned into Turtledove Turtledove Songgo named Queen .. Turtledove is typical in the crown of his head there was some sort of white-crested. Natural and nobles who do not like to hang around, his life only in a quiet place such as in caves or in the cemetery. Turtledove is robust to withstand hunger and thirst until a few days, the place is always higher than most other turtledove. Have substantial powers, which keeps so turtledove it will not dare to voice / sound. The physical characteristics of the other, feet and beak are black. Its fur is somewhat blackish. Turtledove has great power, and his voice is rarely heard relatively too small, so one of the turtledove. Turtledove able to reject witchcraft / black magic, luck, and have launched a high authority for the owner.
* Turtledove Ward: seen from the turtledove color, subtle similarities can be seen through the snake, which both have the same striated. Turtledove has chest hair colors are brighter, even whiteness, as well as snakes. Turtledove Ward lived in the forest eating or being fed turtledove food brought by others who became his men. The cuckoo normally maintained by the employer or leader that has a notch, because it has tremendous authority and power of turtledoves bring abundant sustenance.
* White Turtledove: belle of the turtledove is being chased a lot of people, because in addition to very rare, white turtledove is believed to bring wealth for the owner or keeper. Color entirely white fur, red eyes, beak reddish gray, red toe nails black and white stripes. Turtledove usually previously held only by the king or leader. From the turtledove is also believed to breed in the marriage between siblings that lasted several generations around 5 to 10 years. So not necessarily a white turtledove her children were white, but the white turtledove used to take blood at some point will have a fluffy white offspring. It is said that because of the scarcity usually before someone, a white turtledove dream come through with such an old man, white-haired and bearded.
* Turtledove Black or Col Buntet: whole jet black fur is considered the king of turtledoves, if maintained will give you good luck.
* In addition, there are several types of turtledoves Katuranggan among others; Turtledove tail 15 pieces (which Mijil Trustees), Turtledove cone colored flour is also called Online Full Turtledove / Translucent, Turtledove Rain Gold, red and yellow-eyed Turtledove (Mercu Soul), Turtledove Rondo Semoyo, etc.. all of which have their own yoni among others to reject black magic and tranquility of families (Flour Tumpeng), authority (authority Supervisory out great and Soul Mercu), smooth trade (Rondo Semoyo). So you can imagine if we had crashed Tumpeng colored flour, red or yellow eyes and a tail number of 15 pieces, it is clearly and definitely turtledove turtledove nice and rare and expensive.
Type Turtledove
Turtledove (Geopelia striata) many live in the lowland forests. Like a bird entered the tribal Columbidae, turtledove has many close relatives such as covariance and pigeons are widespread throughout the world. However, a special type of turtledoves only limited distribution of the Malay Peninsula to Australia.In Indonesia kind enough turtledove. COOLING distinguish existing turtledoves according to the region of origin, such as turtledove Sumatra, Java turtledove, turtledoves Bali, Nusa Tenggara, and the turtledove. Especially for Java, can still be distinguished by region of origin, which is known as a quality regional turtledove, for example, Padjadjaran turtledove, turtledoves Mataram, Majapahit turtledove, turtledoves Tuban, and Madura turtledove.
In Java, once the cuckoo is often found in open areas or in the dry scrub forest edge adjacent to residential areas. In fact, the first turtledove is also often found foraging in fields or rice paddies.
Generally turtledove living and foraging in pairs or in small groups. These birds usually eat the soil surface. Not infrequently found turtledove is simultaneously a source of drinking water.
Because it is not easily disturbed by human presence and can be approached within a few feet, which is known as a rather tame doves. When you feel threatened, this bird will fly fast and stopped a short distance or perched in a tree not far from the place of origin.
In captivity wild turtledove is not as good in the breeding farm. In the wild turtledove only lay two to three times a year that occurred in January-September. The breeding season is marked by a pair of turtledoves nest building to be captivated. Shape of the nest is rather flat and thin. The bottom of the nest is made of twigs rather rough sets, while the top is lined with dry grass or leaves finer fibers. nests are generally placed on a tree or shrub that is not too high off the ground.
A few days after the nest , the female will lay eggs as many as two grains doves . Egg white with an oval shape . Egg size approximately 22 x 17mm . The eggs will be incubated alternately by both parents for approximately two weeks , after the eggs hatch . Son of turtledoves newly hatched looks red , did not have fur , and his eyes still closed . At times like this puppy still needs its mother's body warmth . Therefore , parents will incubate her until hair growth ( about two weeks of age ) .
Puppies turtledove newly hatched fed by its parent in the form of milk produced by the parent cache . Breastfeeding process runs according to the bird 's natural instincts . Children who can not see half of the touch stick to the mouth of the mother . After the hit , the puppies will put his head in his mother 's throat . This process is called feed. As the head of the entry of the child into the parent 's throat holding the contents of the cache will spew liquid and directly into the child's mouth . Breastfeeding process usually lasts until the child can fly out feathers or .
Catchment forests have long stated that the turtledove turtledove is known locally. Turtledove is usually either at a gig, but unfortunately it is difficult to be raised. Barriers local turtledove very slow or not easy to breed. Attempts to cross the local old men with mother cuckoo cuckoo Bangkok too slow or not pure surfing turtledove Bangkok. Finally, many farmers choose the male and female cuckoo Bangkok purely because it is more effective.
Local - cuckoo cuckoo sound is actually the case is not too much different, although each has its characteristics. Turtledove has differences from one region to another of turtledoves, but the difference is not so striking. In fact, in terms of size or weight is hardly different. Turtledove included in the group of small birds (women and men 19-21 cm 20-24 cm) weighing between 60-70 grams.
Body color is dominated by brown color with a rather long tail. Colors in the head with the back of a gray - brown. Neck ribbed and smooth sides. Brown dorsal fur with black edges. On the outer side of the tail feathers somewhat blackish white at the edges.
Iris (iris) rather bluish gray, gray beak and pink legs. Another color that characterizes the cuckoo is the wing feathers on the back, sides of neck, chest, and body-colored side sections somewhat grayish brown.
Local types of turtledoves increasingly less attractive to fans turtledove sound enhancement. Now the fans of turtledoves demanding better sound. That is, fans turtledove now not only based on the advent of the sound front, middle, and back of course, but to grow even more in the long pull of the front sound, sound pressure, clean sound, and so on. Additional demands clearly can not be obtained from the natural catchment or local birds, because the sound of the local birds are generally mild and flat. Therefore, without realizing the need to switch on the turtledove in the cross. Just by way of cruciferous fans can obtain a turtledove sound as expected.
By the way this is the end of crosses turtledove fan in the country of origin minded with turtledoves Bangkok descent (lineage). The Bangkok Turtledove origin generally have a sound quality that can be relied upon, both in rhythm and sound pressure (front, middle, and rear) as well as power. It did not escape from the expertise of breeders there are indeed pretty acknowledged expert on the subject intersecting turtledove.
CHOOSING going turtledove
Buying turtledove is not like buying other bird species . In choosing the cuckoo, as well as requires patience , precision in order not to be disappointed later on . Before buying the turtledove there are several criteria that must be considered . First , if the will to contest , must clearly male . Then , because it goes to the turtledove is identified with chicks , while the cuckoo chicks own criteria categorized newly hatched birds begin until the age of five months , then will buy in each age required knowledge and attention on their own . So , in buying turtledove will we be able to buy new chicks started to hatch ( a few days ) until the birds began to show the original sound when the bird was five months old .
The turtledove buyer , good to hear his voice and to the race , definitely pick turtledove men . Turtledove men have loud voices , the pressure on the bass sounds great , and great strength so that the sound will be heard loud and steady . For fans new and lay still turtledove turtledove , rather difficult to distinguish between male and female turtledove. Especially if you buy it is still under going.
To distinguish between the male and the female cuckoo, can be done by looking at the tail bone (the bone below the anus). If chopsticks meet or nearly touching, definitely male . Conversely, if the distance between the chopsticks bone width ( approximately 1 cm or the size of a finger ) , which means women . This method can only be used after the age of four months piyik . Before the age of four months of chopsticks in puppies male turtledove relatively loose so that fans will have difficulty determining which men will lie like this .
After going four months old, especially when it's on top of the six months, naturally chopsticks narrowed so that the male will easily distinguish them from females. Additionally male turtledove is already ahead of the adults also can be known from the shape of the eyeball, head shape, physical shape and sound. Turtledove eyeball males seem more prominent premises sharp eyes, while females seemed glazed with weak eyes. Head of turtledoves males are larger and somewhat rounded, while the females are smaller and slightly oval. The physical size of the body, too, the males are usually larger than the females. voice, too, turtledove male voice louder than the female.
Although we have learned that the male turtledove, but there is no harm if we take another look at the tail bone perfection. Turtledove chopsticks said to be perfect if the same length and are parallel. Keep in mind that it is not uncommon to find men next turtledove has long chopsticks (one short and lies approximately parallel). Turtledove thus characterized by a good voice though generally less favored because they are damaged in fan, there is a defect in the body.
Going turtledoves are a few days old (still under the age of one month) is difficult to know whether or not. Therefore, fans who purchase a turtledove turtledove rare at this age. Buying the turtledove under one month old has a fairly high risk gambling unless it has been known parent pairs in the cage has been known to give birth to a champion. Not infrequently newly hatched chicks if purchased directly from the cage often born turtledove champion. Thus, another buyer who wants a child of the enclosure must be booked in advance.In the world there are also terms shaft turtledoves or books to get chicks.
Fans who order tillers turtledove turtledove many breeders who have got the name because there is no guarantee of quality. In fact, to ensure the good name of his bird farm there are breeders who are willing to swap if it turns out the birds that we buy poor quality. One safe way to buy a new born chicks turtledove and yet sounds are buying from farms that have been known to give birth turtledove champion. If we buy from farms that chicks often breeds champions, we can know the lineage (lineage) of its parent. If a good parent and often give birth to puppies champion, certainly has qualities further sapling is not much different from his brothers. But to buy the bird so besides the price is high enough, we have to stand in line.
If you want to make sure we can buy again be aged between 1-1.5 months . In the age of the bird sounds are still in the form of wind noise. For fans who understand from the sounds of adults expected. If the sound comes out pess-pess-bubonic, the birds will surely voicing ankle or three streets . If pess - pess - pess - pess , estimated or double intercropping . If the voice sounds chicks pess - pess - pess ... pess .. pess, the bird is expected later voiced double, intercropping, or ankle. Therefore it is necessary to listen to the sound of a short length of foresight to know where the wind into sound pess the middle and that is where the sound back If still in doubt with the ability to choose , you have to wait until 1.5-2 months old bird . At this age the chicks belonging to the wind noise will be replaced with clearer sound turtledove although it still does not appear original sound turtledove
Ride lot sold at the farm , show room , or a bird market . In this place will be an adult traded with a range of prices , types and quality . To purchase go up , we must ask ourselves first, if we keep only the cuckoo sound alone or to be derived in a contest arena turtledove . If you only want to be maintained only for pets only we could stop selling turtledoves traded at prices between Rp . 25.000,00 - Rp . 50000.00 per cow . Cheap Turtledove clustered generally placed in a large box ( ranji ) . Turtledove lower classes captured from the wild , local agricultural products , or cruciferous local birds with bird exhaust Bangkok .
Distinguish between birds caught from the wild ( trawling ) and breeding results quite easily . Caught from the wild usually do not ringed legs , while generally of captive ringed . Because it's cheap , usually the seller will not guarantee good sound turtledove . Keep in mind , before it is inserted into the container , the traders have chosen bird . Birds are usually straight rather good voice in his own cage , and sold at a higher price . not uncommon bird selection results are then fitted with rings to convince prospective buyers that of captive birds . Therefore , before buying pigeons we have to know the difference between the local birds in cross turtledove Bangkok. When his voice was solid and there is a high pressure, these birds are the result of crosses with doves Bangkok or imported birds . If the flat or soft -spoken , obviously a local bird watching .
Another characteristic of the local birds , when considered more carefully will be more visible . For example lashes a bit rough on the eyes and looks like there is a white ring that can expand and shrink . Eyes rather large , while local turtledove turtledove Bangkok look narrower . Local cuckoo cuckoo usually lean while Bangkok or cross are usually obese . Special Turtledove Nusa Tenggara local origin is the most easily recognizable . his eyes have a yellow ring , body hair looks a little darker green and black legs look better .
Almost all the local farmers and Import provide results captive ring her feet turtledove . It was to give an indication of where the farm of origin , how to birth , and offspring of birds . Thus , if at any time to track down the mother , can find out of the ring . For local farmers , giving the ring can not be separated from P3SI call ( Turtledove Enthusiasts Association of Indonesia ) to give a ring to the results of his captive animal turtledove local to note that the results of the turtledove captive not caught from the wild . For large farms , usually pedigree is of considerable concern . Each puppy is sold is usually accompanied by a certificate .
The ring does not ensure that the bird is the result of breeders breeding. Today many traders or farmers even tried to falsify the results of captive birds ring his farm with ring coded famous bird that often breeds champions. Knowing it means a circular ring in the turtledove feet, as far as that term ring selling fake or ring. The emergence of cases of forgery ring could not be separated from the desire of farmers or traders who want to emulate the success of other farmers. Suppose only owned turtledoves A always win in the arena of contest winners will be awarded if the turtledove fans will flock to the farm A brother or a turtledove derivative separately ordered the previous champion. Due to the number of orders, the price is usually a brother or a turtledove derivative champions will soar.
The high price of the turtledove is not moral hazard is rarely used by farmers . For example , he bought a bird belonging to other breeders that lower quality and lower prices , then put the ring on behalf of breeder farms so that the bird appears to be the result of a breeding farm . The birds are then sold at high prices to the previous turtledove champion offspring . Turtledove fan itself is difficult to distinguish whether a bird native puppy from a breeder who gave birth to a puppy or puppies champion crashed installed because the original ring of the farm in question . Therefore buying a puppy champion turtledoves , large farms have to be careful and need to ask the breeder authenticity .
To determine whether a circular ring in the turtledove foot genuine or not , it is not too difficult . If genuine , the ring is removed because it is rather difficult to press with the feet . if the bird was 1 month old , original ring removable hard . if forced to be removed or installed will make a wounded bird in question . Therefore , the installation of the original ring or rings turtledove chicks usually done before the age of 15 days . More than it has been difficult because of toe puppies will grow rapidly enlarged . Given this ring with easy ordering , recently appeared slightly larger ring size . This sort of ring false birds are usually used for lower class that looks like a bird upscale .
The size of the ring can be assembled at the foot of turtledoves usually rather large diameter , known as size 44 . The ring can be placed on an ankle that was released turtledove although adult birds . The original ring of smaller diameter , which is known as a size 41 .
Cutring Turtledove .
In the community there are fans ring Cut turtledove term , which means that doves deliberately not equipped with a removable ring or rings . Turtledove Cut ring could result in cruciferous cruciferous local and imported products . why should Cut Ring ? There are several reasons why farmers have to sell the birds became famous ring release . It was to maintain the credibility of the breeder . Keep in mind that the big breeders hundreds every month to incubate the eggs . The results were not all good , there must be something bad ( wrong ) . Before removing the tiller or go to a breeder buyer usually sorting . Of the hundreds of tail usually only 10 % would be classified as special . The sequence should be thrown into the market . That's where jumbled , there are going to either category , medium , and sag . Farm name unknown , usually farmers who are already famous before selling some sort of bird ring first release from the turtledove feet . Anyway breeders feel pity if its a sort discarded . Better than the market , but of course not possible to throw some sort complete with ring because it could backfire for agriculture .
Commercial practice of releasing some sort of turtledoves is not only done by local farmers , but also breeders of top- breeders in Bangkok . Where a kind of cuckoo cuckoo - thrown ? well-known farm in Bangkok turns many exiles throws to Indonesia . That's because most of the major markets are Indonesia turtledove . Although turtledove Cut Ring is a kind of bird , does not mean that all the birds in a kind of bad because it is likely to " explode " in the contest is still there , especially if it is a kind of famous ranch . As is known , the sorting is done by the breeder bird turtledove after passing loose fur ( fur off first ) first or birds between 4-5 months of age . Why is that ? Before bird feathers off an unexpected sound . It may be that at the time of tillers indicates a good voice , but after a loose fur even sag . On the contrary . Not occur when the pups sound a little less well turned out after a period of loose fur better . Therefore , after a period of loose fur will not know whether or not sound good turtledoves .
Birds are not good then in Cut Ring . However , it does not mean that the cutting ring must be bad . Not infrequently the fans who understand the cuckoo would prefer to buy from the turtledove Cut Ring famous ranch . With the knowledge and expertise of caring , the fans get to choose who is going to explode in a contest arena when she was admitted .
Cut the ring itself is not synonymous with low quality birds because there are many fans who have just released doves championship ring her to hide her breeders home or farm . this is done with consideration for its owners breeders do not know whether the results of his captive into a champion . Thus , the last champion bird owners who still can buy blood brothers from the turtledove champion continuously with a relatively cheap price . Another intention to remove the ring on the bird champion is that other fans are not flocking raided the ranch of origin turtledove champion you have to order from the turtledove champion blood so that if by the many fans who know the winners before the origin of birds , mostly from various regions of the turtledove fans stormed to the farm of origin and involved in the ordering and champion bird prolonged shaft .
For breeders , if the results of his captive into a champion and many applicants who come will surely raise the price of birds to tens of times higher than the previous price . On this basis it can be concluded that not necessarily turtledove turtledove Cut Ring is a low grade . Moreover, if the cuckoo is sold at the farm or prestigious show room for hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars , we can be sure the quality is good turtledoves .
KATURANGGAN turtledove.
So far, in the world there is a term turtledove is an amalgamation of two terms katur Java and antlers. Katur in Javanese means notice and tine means body. So, katuranggan means notice or knowledge of the shape of the body. In buying the turtledove turtledove fans can not escape from katuranggan. Moreover if the turtledove who would buy it costs millions of dollars, certainly very concerned katuranggan prospective buyers. From katuranggan predictable climax voice and sound turtledove. Therefore, usually the prospective buyer at the seller's asking permission to be allowed to hold the bird to be purchased. Permit the holding means to determine whether the bird katuranggan perfect or not.
This is used as a benchmark during katuranggan there are some things, such as the shape of the head, beak, body, and tail. The rule of thumb is as follows:
* Turtledove the oval head shape like fruit jambe is expected to issue a good sound and maximum. Birds are thus expected to have a head voice sonority can last until old age. Therefore, as the head of the best category.
* Turtledove mbeton nongko the shape of his head (such as jackfruit seeds) are expected to have a pretty good voice sonority and can last until old age. However, the voice sonority rarely reaches the maximum.
* Turtledove which forms a round head like sonority currency is expected to have a pretty good voice and will continue to increase until the bird is 24 years old. The rest sound will decrease.
* Turtledove ngepel the beak shape (like fruit), ngontong body shape (such as banana flower buds), and combined with the tapered tail, the middle voice can be expected to have a fairly clear and clean. Birds with these traits as well including most birds.
* Turtledove nggabah the beak shape (such as grain), the shape of the body such as jackfruit, and a rather long tail to the back of the middle voice rather blunt expected either. Birds with these characteristics including good category.
* Birds mapah gedhang beak shape (such as banana), mbluluk body shape (such as young coconut), and a short tapered tail, the middle voice predicted quite well. Birds with such characteristics is categorized quite well.
Although existing guidance or forecasts of katuranggan, but it would be better if we keep into account the perfection of physical form, such as a healthy body and no defects in the parts of his body. Shape selected bosom the field. The field indicate that chest of the bird's body well and has good sound bag also so sound that issued most also good
Requirements other limbs that make birds belonging to either category is a long neck with a rather large part of the throat, eyes bright sharp look, and slim legs with regular and shiny scales.
Breed Turtledove IN CAGE :
i . profit
Normally turtledove reared in cages . Cage for raising turtledoves generally walled wire and wood or metal framed . No matter how small a cage - width 60 cm , length 90 cm , and a height of 180 cm is considered small size - is always set on the ground and dirt floors .
Apparently to raise the cage turtledove should not like it . At least there has been a successful breeding cage like turtledoves without using it . Breeding cages used more appropriately called because it is a confinement cage or cage with bars hanging from bamboo . However , the placement of the cage so that it can not be suspended freely swinging . The hanging cage mounted against the wall . Thus , the breeding ground turtledove is not paved . Yarig used hanging cage size is relatively small , the length and width of the m with a height of 60 cm .
Many people think can only breed turtledove in the dirt floor cage was not true . In the small cage that could easily be moved too , turtledove can breed . Apparently birds can not tame - always fear when approached and did not want to go back to the cage if loose - bred is actually very easy .
Cuckoo breeding success in the cage of course very encouraging for those who want to learn to improve the turtledove. Replaces the role of permanent cage by cage is easily removed to make place of business is no longer merely raising turtledoves can only be done by those who have large land . During a spot can still be reached by sunlight then there could be used as a place to put the cage captivity
In addition to saving space, turtledove breed in a cage also has other benefits, such as turtledove is rarely attacked by worms. Worm attacks generally occur in turtledoves are reared in the cage with the base soil and less maintained clean . In repose enclosure of land , often consuming feed turtledove has fallen . This facilitates the worms enter the body turtledove .
Son of turtledoves breeding results from the relatively more benign than the cage turtledove result of breeding cages . Chicks become familiar with a narrow and well accustomed adjacent to various human activities . Thus , turtledove be not so wild . Turtledove is behaving wildly always flying fear if approached by humans or seeing something foreign to him. If you continue to fear generally injured wings, Although it does not cause death , injury to the wing difficult to heal . It rarely occurs in children turtledove livestock in a small cage .
If concluded, the advantage turtledove bred in cages than in cages, can be seen as follows :
Breed in a cage hanging ;
• f only requires a small place or can be carried in a small place , the origin of the sun
• Turtledove rarely exposed worms
• Children who produced a more benign
. Breed in a breeding cage
• Requires a spacious place
• Turtledove be attacked by worms
• Son of turtledoves produced wild .
ii . Selecting broodstock
Good offspring must have come from a good parent anyway . Conversely , a good parent does not necessarily produce good offspring . This postulate seems like a very adhered to by farmers . Therefore , it is not surprising that the selection of the parent must be done as carefully as possible . In connection ' with the selection of the parent 's good if the following description is understood by farmers .
A. Selecting Males and Females
The ability to distinguish the sex of turtledoves absolutely required by the farmer . For farmers who have already experienced , it does not take long to determine the sex of turtledoves . In fact , the physical glimpse turtledove , can be readily determined the male or female turtledove . However , this can only be done for a turtledove who has appeared physical maturity , approximately 9 -month -old . At this age , turtledove ready bred . Here are the characteristics of male and female turtledove adult .
1 . The characteristics of the male turtledove
Without careful observation , rather difficult for beginners to distinguish among a flock of male turtledove turtledove . However , if carefully considered , a turtledove turtledove males are easily distinguished from females . Turtledove males have memorable faces fierce . The skin surrounding the eyes look so thick and round his eyes became sharp look . Another sign is the powder ( grayish-white feathers on the head ) more than half of the head , thin head , and a long tail . Therefore , the color of fur head turtledove involved males are brighter than females turtledove head . In addition , male turtledove also has a half long , thick , and curved ( this characteristic is rather difficult to understand ) . Her body looks lebib overall larger than the female turtledove .
Turtledove also be marked on the male sexual behavior . After sexual maturity , male turtledove will reveal typical sexual behavior if close to females , which reads , nodding near a female .
2 . The characteristics of the female turtledove
Turtledove has a female face glazed . The skin surrounding the eyes look thin so impressed his eyes glazed . She was more Kedl than males . In addition, the powder is not more than half of the head ( so that his head was impressed dark coat color ) , small head and round , straight beak , and a short tail . When viewed as a whole , his size seemed smaller than males turtledove .
Choosing which Unmute Good Parent .
For the layman who has never maintain a turtledove , turtledoves definitely considered all sound the same . At first glance this is so . However , if heard carefully , every turtledove it has a distinctive sound that is different from the turtledove other .
For those who are used to pay attention to the sound of a turtledove , turtledoves peculiarities of each voice can be easily known . In fact , they usually maintain a turtledove , pasci could mark one voice among dozens perkutuc turtledove that was maintained without having to look at the turtledove . This marks the turtledove is diverse sound .
Variety of turtledoves voice can be heard on the sound front , middle voice , and the voice behind . Variety can also be known through the voice clarity sound lag between the front , middle , and rear ; tempo of the sound to the sound ; clear whether voice and sound stability .
Those who have been trained ear will hear the voice of turtledoves say , " There is no sound at the turtledove . There was only the sound similarity . "
Sounds turtledove is heard by the human ear if simplified into writing , roughly reads " Hur ... monkey ... yoke " . There are also reads " Wao ... monkey ... kung " or " Klao / Kleo ... monkey ... kung " .
Sound of hur , wao , or Klao / Kleo called the front sound . The next sound is very varied : there is heard a long , medium , and short .
Sounds armpit called the middle voice . These sounds also varied : there are one-time , one -half times , two times , and so on . Turtledove is sound if the middle one reads about sounding " Hur ... monkey ... yoke " . The one and a half times sounding " Hur ... ketepek ... yoke " . Which sounded twice " Hur ... armpit - armpit ... yoke " .
Sounds yoke or kung voice called back . The rear sound was also varied : some short , some long buzzing , and so on .
Selected parent , either male or female , as far as possible meet the criteria for a good sound . Sounds good turtledoves say if it meets the following criteria .
1 ) Sound off the front sound ( Klao or Kleo ) long .
2 ) Sound off middle voice thick and clear .
3 ) Sound off rear sound ( kung ) long buzzing .
4 ) Have a clear pause between the sound front , middle , and rear .
5 ) Between one voice to the next sound remains upbeat .
6 ) The voice sounded clear ( crystal ) , echoing , and not obstructed .
7 ) Sound off voice steady , not affected by changes in the atmosphere .
If a turtledove can project sound that meets such criteria , the bird can be considered good . Rarely turtledoves that can meet all of these criteria. Therefore , birds are able to meet such criteria was definitely worth the very expensive . Likewise, the offspring .
Although not 100 % sound inherited parent to offspring , the buyer will still listen to the voice before buying parent offspring . At least that sounds good parent also will raise the price of their offspring .
Knowing the importance of Ancestry
Descendants turtledoves are always high-priced good voice . That is why farmers are always looking for qualified stem so expensive precious offspring . Parent 's who generally has a distinctive quality in sound although not necessarily in the championship contest . Parent quality usually have a blood relationship with the turtledove turtledove - champion .
Relationship of blood , lineage , or pedigree is what needs to be known by the breeder . Although his voice was not very good , a turtledove can be selected as the parent if you have a blood relationship with the turtledove champion . This makes the blood relationship concerned turtledove has a good chance of producing offspring voice .
Although not revealed scientifically , sound turtledove is passed on to offspring . Turtledove who won the contest always comes from the parent whose quality is excellent . No good voice turtledove derived from proof-texted parent ( grab ) . If anything , it is a fortune . If traced , proof-texted progenitor stem that produces good offspring certainly also of prime quality . However, no one knows .
Parent quality does not always produce quality child . Sometimes good offspring can only be obtained after the mother produced some offspring . This is what makes the farm business becomes increasingly engrossing turtledoves . The possibility of obtaining offspring quality that makes breeders are always curious to get it .
By knowing the lineage or pedigree turtledoves , breeders could predict or at least have the hope of someday couple turtledove will produce quality offspring .
Do not Pick the Physically Handicapped .
Physically , turtledove which will be a parent to be normal . If not considered carefully , physical disabilities sometimes do not appear . New defects appear after the parent is in the breeding cage .
Blind eye , eyelid is not symmetrical , the eyelids do not close completely , and broke a toe physical disabilities most easily observed . With a cursory look , a physical disability like this will come to light .
Another case when physical disability is a limp , drooping wings , or crooked breast bone . Defects such as this requires a closer look to find out. Turtledove is visible limp when walking . Therefore , it should be observed when running . The wings were clearly visible limp when not turtledove motion activity . At rest, the wings are normally looks tight to the body . New bent sternum chest turtledove visible if touched with a finger .
Do Choosing Parent Catch of Nature
Now this is coming from the turtledove pet in a natural catchment less than that derived from the captivity . The reason , turtledove her voice caught from the wild is not good . Nevertheless , there are still sellers who sell turtledove birds caught from the wild .
Although the price is very cheap , for the purpose of breeding in a small cage , do not ever pick turtledove caught from the wild as a parent . Birds catch wild behavior . In a small cage , bird like this is difficult to breed.
It's better if you choose a bird breeding results . Turtledove breeding results are more accustomed to humans and has been used to breed in the cage . Therefore, it does not matter if the turtledove is bred in a small cage .
iii . Setting up Captive
Turtledove hanging cage for breeding should be conditioned in order to be used for breeding . The cage should be placed in the right way and should be equipped with some support equipment that could serve as a breeding ground . The following description will describe in more detail about the cage and support equipment to be there and how its placement .
Material , shape , and size of cage
Cage with frame made of wood and bars of bamboo suitable for breeding turtledove . This cage is relatively mild so as not to bother the placement .
In the bird market , such as the cage is sold in a variety of shapes and sizes . To raise turtledoves , shaped box should be selected with elevated minimum size length and width of about 45 cm and a height of about 60 cm . The size of a cage used to breed a pair of turtledoves . Thus , a cage filled only a pair of turtledoves .
Try not to choose a cage that is smaller or larger than the size . Cage that is too small will damage the fur parent turtledove . If the cage is too large , the parent or child turtledove elusive because of the range of hands that terhatas . Distance antarjeruji cage lest lehih of 1.5 cm , the meeting increasingly haik . Distance antarjeruji the meeting could not make head turtledove stretched out the cage . Turtledove neck pinch bars feared if his head could be extended out of the cage.
For ease of management , the cage should have two doors . The first door is located on the bottom side of the cage , while the latter on the upper side . The first door is used to insert or remove the feed container and drink container . The second door is used to install and control nest egg or a turtledove child who can not yet fly . Generally , cage birds sold in the market has only one door , located on the side of the cage bottom . Cage like this can be used , but it is rather inconvenient to control egg or a turtledove child who can not yet fly . To that end , the doors need to be made again . The size of the door should not be too broad , as long as enough containers enter the nest .
Cage equipment and placement .
Equipment that must be in a cage covering the feed containers , drink containers , tengggeran , following nest containers nest material , dirt receptacle , and roof . All equipment must be properly arranged so easily managed .
1 . Food container and drink container
Food containers and drink containers sold in the bird market . These containers are sold in a variety of sizes and are generally made of plastic . For turtledoves , chosen container with a diameter of about 6 cm and 6 cm depth also .
Food container and drink container is placed on the right or left of the door bottom, stick on the cage bars , food containers ditempatkan closest to the door . Both of these containers
cultivated not coincident with each other , are spaced approximately 5 cm . Snpaya not shifted or inverted , these containers can be attributed to the bars of the cage by using a stick or wire . In order for the feed or drinking water are not intruding rain water , place the container cage wall feed and drink containers stick covered with a thick clear plastic .
2 . perch
Perch is required as a place to rest . It would be better if the perch is made of wood twigs acid . If it is difficult to get sour twigs , wood buildings can also be used . Branches to perch should be selected that straight with a diameter of about 2.5 cm . Twig does not need to be discarded skin . Twigs rough skin makes turtledove not easily slip , especially during mating .
One cage was given two perch . Both perch is placed parallel . One put under , about one-third as high as the high cage . The other was on it , about two- thirds as high as the high cage . That perch on the top of the back wall is located and brought to the cage , approximately 15 cm from the back wall . Laying perch made like this so turtledoves can still beat their wings without hitting perch on it .
3 . Containers and nest material
Containers turtledove a nest for birds sold in the market . These containers can also be made alone . The material could of used plastic packaging material soap or other origin have sunken room for nest material . Containers nest is placed parallel to the perch above , adjacent to the top of the door , on the corner of the cage , and is not above food container and drink container .
The container is then filled with nest material . Nest materials such as pine needles or grass that has been dried . The nest material previously formed into a sort of basin , according to the container , in a way ditekantekan . Furthermore , this material is inserted into the container if the couple has a turtledove in a mating cage .
Wall adjacent to the nest cage covered with a material that is impermeable to water and dark colored . Partial closure of the cage wall so that the nest is not wet by rain and no sunshine .
4 . Reservoirs dirt
Dirt receptacle can be made of plywood or sheet zinc . This equipment is installed at the bottom of the cage . Installation can be arranged so easily removed from the cage .
Reservoirs dung dung serves turtledove and trickle feed . The existence of this equipment to make room under the cages are kept clean so that it can be used for other purposes without worrying fallout dirt turtledove .
5 . roof
Although it has closed the bars , the upper side of the cage needs to be closed again with a material that is impermeable to water and light . Materials used are selected that do not absorb and deliver heat too high . Do not use zinc because this material is very easy to absorb and dissipate heat from the sun . Excessive heat is absorbed and delivered by the roof into the cage very disturbed the turtledove . Excessive heat can also cause the eggs can not hatch .
Examples of good material for the roof of the cage is plywood and cardboard . Both of these materials can be used simultaneously . At first the top of the cage covered plywood , then on it was given a thick cardboard . Since both of these materials can be ruined by rain water , on it needs to be closed again with a rather thick plastic . With this roof like the atmosphere in the cage is not too hot when the sun shines strong and not take in water when it rains .
Cage placement .
Cage for raising turtledoves placed on the wall in a way linked or given buffer . With such placement , the cage will not sway when exposed to wind or touched , whether intentional or not . Cage that often sway , especially with a surprising shock , will make turtledove feel disturbed . If the shock is surprisingly often occurs when turtledoves were incubating eggs , the eggs do not hatch possibility becomes larger .
Cage affixed to the wall where the roof and should not be reached by sunlight . Such conditions allow the cage always blown away by the fresh air and warmed by the sun . Turtledove is demanding fresh air and sunlight shining directly into his body a minimum of two hours a day . Without sunlight breeding turtledoves would not normally and frequent disturbances of bone growth and reduced sound quality .
Given the sunlight is absolutely required by turtledove it will be very good if a cage affixed to the wall facing the east. With such placement , turtledoves will always receive sunlight in the morning until noon . Nevertheless, the wall facing north, south , and west can still be used to attach the cage along the sun can still reach .
Placement of the cage should not be too high , to the extent they can reach the hand without using a foothold . Cage affixed to the wall that is too high will be troublesome in its management . If only one , it may not be too became a problem. However , if the number of his cage a lot , would be very tiring to take care of it .
If the amount is more than one cage , placement can be tiered . The composition of the cage should be no more than three . The minimum cage bottom within 100 cm of the soil so that when rain water splashing from the soil does not get into the cage . Left and right side of the cage should be given the distance , the minimum width of the cage , so that pairs of turtledoves in a cage is not disturbed or interfere with another couple in the cage next to him .
iv . Turtledove match .
When a pair of turtledoves have affinity and spawn , then there are hardly any barriers in DEVELOPMENT - biakannya . Barriers are most often experienced by breeders , especially beginners , it occurs at the beginning rahap , the couple does not want to marry aka turtledove not mate . If there is anything like this , how do I fix this . The following description will tell.
Couple Has buy Houses
Many breeders turtledove turtledove who mix up some chicks in a cage before the birds are sold . After the age of six months or more , the turtledove child began to show signs of sexual maturity . Turtledove males start looking for a partner with wheezes , nodding his head . Females who are interested will be approached . Both the head closer to each other . Turtledove male and opening half to give food to the female turtledove .
For the novice breeder , can take advantage of such signs in choosing a partner turtledove . If there is a pair of turtledoves have to show signs like this , it means that both of them had been dating and ready to breed. If you intend to buy , soon turtledove who show signs like these are sprayed with water until damp , and then arrested . If not marked with water , would be very confusing to catch it . Once paired , the pair soon entered into a breeding cage . For several days the pair of birds will adapt to a new place . Once adapted , the pair will show early signs of breeding .
Usually breeders who sell their turtledove ternakannya also provide a turtledove who has been dating couples . We could have bought this pair of turtledoves as breeders . Such pairs can be directly incorporated into the breeding cage .
For the novice breeder , buy couples dating is very profitable . No need to bother to match turtledove . Couples who are dating can be directly incorporated into the breeding cage .
How to choose a partner who has been paired as above also has its drawbacks . Breeders can not match experiment turtledoves according to his wishes . Pairing depends solely on the turtledove in choosing a partner . Thus , the sound quality of the offspring is also increasingly unpredictable . . Yet , somehow in this way can be tried by beginners . In raising turtledoves , probably not a novice breeder birds can directly print quality without having to learn it first. This is part of the learning process .
Matching pair of Turtledove
Sometimes a pair of turtledoves direct mating when put together in one cage . However , not infrequently, a pair of turtledoves which has long been betrothed does not want to marry quickly . In fact , a pair of turtledoves who seem attracted to each other when mixed even fight .
Incompatibility couple turtledove is generally characterized by a female who does not want to accept the stud . Turtledove females always shy away when approached by a stud . As a result , the male always chasing turtledove . Not infrequently females who do not want to accept the male always being chased and pecked . If left unchecked , turtledove females will experience injury , even death .
It is just like in the above picture that match turtledove is sometimes not as easy or may not be as difficult as we imagine . How easy or difficult it is to match turtledove is better if tried first .
1 . Match one male with one female
If you want to start breeding only with a pair of turtledoves , this method can be selected . How pairing this one too
allows farmers to conduct experiments to generate a turtledove children how to match quality with quality parent - parent .
To match a turtledove males and females , the first step must buy male and female broodstock . It is better if they are not purchased from the same breeder . If purchased from the same breeder , there is likely to happen sibling marriage .
Should be selected young turtledove , age not more than three months . A pair of young turtledove is then inserted in a different cage . Adequately equipped with a cage perch , food containers , drink containers , and a container of dirt . Both the cage every day should be brought closer to each other , both when being dried in the sun or have been placed in the shade , so that the two turtledoves can see each other.
For approximately three months , the two birds will interact . If the male turtledove reads , turtledove females will menyahutnya . Furthermore , turtledove males attract females will attempt to voice and nod of the head . If there is a reaction - as if to get out of the cage and approached from the turtledove turtledove male - female , mean there is progress in the pairing .
Couples who already show such behavior can be mixed in a single cage . Moments after the mixed pairs should be monitored . If the two do not show signs of hostile , most likely both have a mate . Buriing male sexual behavior becomes very clear if they have a mate . Courtship between a pair of these birds usually ends with marriage . Wedding day can happen repeatedly. Sexual behavior is easily observed when the bird turtledove is being dried .
If there are signs of trying to marry a male turtledove turtledove females , both can be immediately transferred to the breeding cage . Previous breeding cage should already be filled with a variety of equipment required .
If after mixed male turtledove turtledove seen pecking at the female , both must be separated . Possible turtledoves or female is not ready to mate the males is fierce . If kept together , turtledove females will hurt , even die . One month later , the two can be put together again . If the male was assaulted turtledoves , meaning the two are not dating . Both turtledove turtledove is to be paired with another . Another bird that will be paired with this bird that males must be younger than females and that females must be older than this stud .
2 . One is free to choose male female
Perform pairing in this way berarri have to buy a ram, and a turtledove least some - more than two - tailed females . The birds are brought together in a cage a length of approximately 60 cm , width 40 cm , and 50 cm high . This cage is equipped with enough food containers , drink containers , perches , and a container of dirt . Inside this cage will be free to choose the male turtledove females .
If all the turtledove is put into the cage adult sex , no more than a month already formed couples mate . Females are usually always willing to accept the stud adjacent to the stud . Both the mutual courtship and mating . If you see signs like this , the pair soon be taken . Females who are not selected are allowed to remain in the cage to look for other males .
3 . Some males and some females
Efforts to match turtledoves can also be done by mixing several males with several females in one cage . The number of males and females can be the same or it may not. Cage measuring 60 cm long , 40 cm wide and 50 cm high equipped with feed and water containers , perches , and a container of dirt can be used to mix up to eight birds .
Couples who have a mate can be known through observation of the behavior of these birds . Couples who have been immediately transferred to a cage match proliferation . Turtledove is not allowed to inhabit a cage mate pairing to find a partner .
How pairing like this still allows for a bird that does not get a pair . Birds that do not receive pair can be maintained . Who knows one day be used to replace the partners.
v . Maintaining pair .
A pair of turtledoves who has been in a breeding cage mate who is ready to breed. If maintained properly , turtledove pair will soon mate and produce offspring . Maintaining the turtledove has been dating couples to breed is not something difficult . By applying the following things turtledoves can breed normally.
Feed needs , Drinking Water , Vitamins and Minerals
Feed , water , vitamins , and minerals is an absolute necessity required by turtledove , both for growth and body development or reproductive function . Make sure to provide BirdVit bird vitamins , minerals , while for - also can be used BirdMineral . With the provision of vitamins and minerals that, then just by feeding a grain , which is farmed in cages turtledove bare soil has been able to live a normal life and breed . The importance of minerals is as a place to raise only a small cage that does not allow the turtledove get extra minerals from the soil . That is , the one element that needs to be given specifically . This needs to be done because it was feared to entrust the fulfillment of minerals from food alone can enable a mineral deficiency . This deficiency can lead to disruption of the body's growth and proliferation processes .
1 . Feed given
Perkurut a grain -eating birds . Therefore , the feed is also a grain . Seeds of millet, barley , black rice , and grain could be given to the turtledove . The composition is a mixture of three parts remaining millet millet , black rice , and grain with the same ratio .
To improve the nutritional value , the grain mixture can be mixed with the feed of laying hens at a ratio of 4:1 . The addition to feed of laying hens do lay eggs turtledove . At the time of hatching , fed enough grain form . When the eggs are hatched , the feed can be added to feed DOC (day old chiken , day old chicks ) with a ratio of four parts of feed grains and feed one part of the DOC . This feed was given during the turtledove parenting .
This feed is given in an amount not too much , about devoured during the day . The addition of the feed should not be done when there is still food left . Usually the remaining feed is not liked turtledove feed . When coupled with the new feed , the feed is not liked will never consumed . Sadly if the feed is not liked is the high nutritional value of feed . By not adding a new feed , the feed is not liked too forced to be eaten .
Feeding may actually be once every three days . If this is done , the control of the freshness of the feed should be kept. Do not let any rotten or moldy feed for wet or soiled . Food that has been rotting birds can cause illness or death if eaten .
In the . while feeding , feed containers should be cleaned . If necessary , washed until clean . Feed container hygiene is one of the turtledove health advocates . The placement of the feed container should be done slowly . Do not let the movement that resulted in turtledove surprised . Surprising movement will make a turtledove fly blundering cage bars .
2 . drinking water
Water by the turtledove is only used for drinking . Turtledove is not the kind of birds that use water to clean the body . Therefore, it is not necessary that the container is too broad to place water . The water was not necessary given too much , as long as enough for one day . As long as the water can be consumed by humans, the water can also be given to the turtledove , either boiled or not . For water that has been boiled , should be cooled before given to a turtledove .
Water for drinking should be replaced every day . By the time the water is replaced, drinking water containers should be cleaned. Affixed to cage a bit high , replacement of drinking water becomes rather difficult . Most do not have to lower the cage first. In fact , if the cage is often lowered , turtledove be frequently interrupted .
There is a way to cope with things like this . Two plastic bottles of shampoo packaging or the like can be used to facilitate the replacement of drinking water and cleaning the container . Before use , the bottle should be free of the remnants and scent shampoo . After thoroughly clean , small hose holes penetrated bottle or drinking straws . The length of hose adapted to the size of the bottle . To be sure hoses that are outside the bottle along approximately 20 cm .
If the bottle to be used as a tool to pour water , the hose is inserted to the bottom of the bottle . If the bottle is only used as a means to clean drinking water container , a hose does not need to be inserted to the bottom . Between the hose and the hole so that the bottle is not hollow , edge of the hole can be closed with plastic glue .
Bottles used to clean drinking water container works by sucking water following the dirt that is in the water container . Therefore , before using these bottles must be empty and clean . To clean the water container , the hose is inserted into the container . Furthermore bottle pressed - air press to be churning out a container of drinking water . Water that has been soiled can immediately sucked into the bottle by releasing the pressure on the bottle . Once the container is empty and clean drinking water can be filled with fresh water using a bottle to pour water . End of the hose is inserted into a container of water , and the bottle is pressed . Water will flow meets the drinking water container . With the help of a tool like this , cleaning and replacement of drinking water containers can be done very easily without having to lower the cage from the wall and pulled out a container to be cleaned .
3 . Multivitamins and minerals .
Breeder experience showed that administration of a multivitamin , for example BirdVit , to birds chirp also can maintain reproductive turtledove high. Mukivitamin contains vitamins and minerals that are necessary for reproduction .
In the wild turtledove often takes a soft rock or gravel to aid digestion . In cage breeding function soft rock or gravel may be substituted bricks . Broken bricks half-sized hand grip can be placed at the bottom of the cage . Turtledoves will peck bricks to help digestion while meeting the need for minerals . Before being given to the turtledove , the bricks must be washed , then boiled or roasted . In this way turtledoves will avoid the possibility of invading organisms attached to the brick .
Cleanliness Cage
Cage clean will prevent turtledove of the disease . Therefore , the cleanliness of the cage should always be considered . Every day should be discarded dirt deposited . The container must be cleaned before being returned to the cage . Removal or re- installation of the dirt receptacle must be done slowly so as not to scare turtledoves .
Once the reservoir is clean dirt , the bars on the bottom of the cage is also cleaned of dirt . Current models generally cage bars on the bottom side of the reservoir can be removed as well as dirt . Like this cage easy to clean of impurities without disturbing the peace of the turtledove is in it .
Totally cleaned cage when the child is separated from its mother turtledoves . While the cage is cleaned , the parent turtledove moved to another cage . All the dirt on the cage should be discarded . All equipment must be clean cage . If necessary , use FreshAves for spraying for fleas and fungus -free birds . Once clean , all equipment is returned to its original place . Nest material can not be used again to spawn . Nest material must be replaced with a new one for the next breeding period .
Controlling Roofing and Protective
Control of the roof of the cage should also be done routinely . There must be no leaking roof , especially on Bujan season . The position of the protective nest and feed container and drink container camphor note . Do not let its position shifted to allow sunlight or rain water get into these places .
Controlling Eggs
Turtledove females usually lay one to two weeks after mating . Each breeding period a turtledove generally produce two eggs . Two eggs is released consecutively for two days . Even so , sometimes a turtledove only one grain spawn . Turtledove eggs incubated for 14-16 days .
Should note the date of the release of the egg . Recording is necessary to know when the eggs hatch . If within 14-16 days to hatch yet , do not rush the eggs were taken . Perhaps the eggs did not hatch time . Eggs can be taken , to be disposed of , after a period of incubation for a week . Decision that it was time to hatch eggs , but had not yet hatched turtledove is not necessary that the parent continues to incubate the eggs , which obviously would not hatch . In addition to eggs , nest materials also need to be taken .
Sometimes there are males who attempted to marry a turtledove turtledove females were incubating eggs . This desire often leads to male turtledove turtledove avoid running females . Obviously, this is very disturbing process of egg incubation . Turtledove males who behave like this should be separated from the females . Turtledove females lay eggs without a male left .
Maintaining Children Turtledove
If the eggs are incubated been hatched , the female turtledove be not too wild . Turtledove females are becoming more frequent in the nest to protect her nest . Each approached and threatened anyone with pecks .
A week after hatching , the child had grown large turtledove . Most of his body was covered with feathers needle . At this age , the child is not actively engaged turtledove . The organs of motion , wings and legs , still looks very weak . His legs have not been able to lift the body and wings can not dikepak - kepakkan .
At the age of about ten days , should be performed on the child's foot mounting ring turtledove . Installation is done by inserting rings on three fingers facing forward , then pushed back until past the fingers facing backwards . After passing the fingers facing backwards means ring was attached to the foot turtledove . If the mounting ring late , the ring will be difficult for the child's foot attached turtledove had grown large and rigid .
Once fitted with rings or ten days of age , the child can remain turtledove entrusted to the stem along its mother did not neglect their children or deposited into the puter to be raised . With child dititipkannya turtledove to puter , the parent can immediately spawn another turtledove . However , do not forget to dispose of the nest and the nest material to replace a new one a week later . Turtledove child will be cared for by puter to be able to live alone .
Age two weeks plume needle begins to expand and turtledoves children start trying to get out of the nest . At this age , children are often seen perched turtledove perch . His movements became more active , especially when hungry . Her legs began to be used for jumping , while flapping its wings can begin .
At three weeks of age , children begin turtledove often flapping . Feathers cover the body even more perfect . When a hungry child for the rest of the turtledove will pursue its parent to ask for bribes . Nest are increasingly being abandoned .
Children aged four weeks turtledove began to fly though not perfect . In addition to be able to fly , son turtledove also begin to feed themselves . Son of turtledoves four -week -old could be separated from their mothers ( weaned ) .
Maintain Healthy Parent
Cage , food , and drinking water are always kept clean can actually prevent turtledove of disease . Even so , sometimes turtledove is also developing the disease . Backup and diarrhea is an example of a disease that is sometimes attacked turtledove .
1 . wormy
Turtledove worm infested menampikkan symptoms often digerak skinny and tail - flick ( as if trying to throw something out of the cloaca ) . Sometimes the worms found in the feces .
The worms can be eradicated with worming for birds like AscariStop proven to eradicate various types of worms nuisance birds . The drug is administered in a manner to be drunk to the oral cavity . This drug delivery can be repeated one week later next worm medication is given once a month .
2 . diarrhea
The physical condition of the dirt can be used to determine the digestive disease disorders . Turtledove healthy issued ko toran with solid state soft ( sometimes accompanied by discharge of clear liquid discharge so memorable as diarrhea , but it is not ) .
Gastrointestinal disorders with diarrhea is very soft dirt marks are white or green . Diarrhoea is usually followed by a decline in the vitality of life : turtledove is listless and poor appetite . If you see symptoms like these , drinking water may be given medication BirdBlown turtledove . It will restore health if the turtledove has not suffered severe diarrhea .
vi . Utilizing Puter as a foster parent
Children can be deposited into the bird turtledove puter to be raised . Thus , the parent turtledove no need to linger parenting . Parent parenting turtledove only for approximately ten days . The time should be used to care for children up to about a month - old son can be used to restore the body's condition after such a long time to incubate . Once the condition is recovered , the parent can turtledove mated and laying again soon . This is the advantage to utilize the parenting puter turtledove .
A. Choosing Puter for Foster Parent
Puter -old _ + l , 5 years can be used to raise a child turtledove . For this purpose , necessary puter pair , male and female . Puter pair can be used to care for pups 2-6 turtledove .
As a surrogate parent , this puter to be really healthy . Puter healthy can be known of the behavior and appearance of the body . Agile behavior with a high appetite shows the puter healthy . Puter healthy fur also looks neat and clean . Nothing at all former dirt around the cloaca . His eyes looked clean and clear . The nostrils are clean and dry .
To ensure puter completely healthy , as long as one month 's bird isolated ( placed in a cage and kept tlari turtledove ) . During the isolation period , puter given dalain worming twice within two weeks . Special worming for birds could choose AscariStop that can be purchased online by way of use and purchases can be clicked here . In this way the puter will be free of worms . Thus , a child who will fosterage turtledove was also protected from the worm attack .
B. Setting up the cage Puter
Puter to be used for child care turtledove barred placed in a bamboo cage . Cage should elongated shape with a length of 60 cm , width 40 cm , and 50 cm high . Inside the cage are also children will be taken care of by puter turtledoves . Cage for puter is equipped with feed and water containers , perches , nest nest the following materials , as well as the dirt receptacle .
Food and drink containers container similar to that used for a turtledove . The container is placed on the right and left of the cage door . Laying like this will make the container protected from dirt puter and easily removed or inserted . So that is not easy to shift or reverse , feed and water containers should be attributed to the bars of the cage .
Perch mounted at a height of one-third or half the height of the cage with the direction parallel to the length of the cage. Perch should be made of rough wood ( not slippery ) so puter or child can turtledove perched well . Twig acid is very good for the skin wrapped perch .
Place nest to puter can be easily obtained in the bird market . The materials used can of bamboo or rattan . The nest should be about 15 cm in diameter . Place nests laid in the bottom of the cage in the corner farthest from the door . This nest material should be equipped with a nest of grass or pine needles that have been dried . Nest material must be available when puter start mating .
Dirt receptacle is mounted on the bottom of the cage . This equipment should be installed and removed easily . Dirt receptacle can be made of sheet aluminum or plywood .
C. Kids and Moving Puter renders Turtledove cage to Puter
Before becoming a foster parent , puter need to be prepared to be ready to accept children turtledove .
1 . Preparing puter
Puter that has elected to be a foster parent and have been through a period of isolation can be immediately put into a cage . Inside this cage puter prepared to accept children turtledove .
a. Allowed to lay eggs
In the cage , should be sought puter can lay and incubate their eggs . Puter eggs will hatch after two weeks of the child until the age of one month turtledove is taken care of by puter
incubation. Puter generally easy to mate and lay eggs quickly . Approximately a week after mating , puter start laying . In the breeding period puter will receive a turtledove child placed in the nest . This bird will take care of the child as her own turtledove .
Approximately a week after incubating the egg, puter started producing milk cache. This cache will be produced milk to children aged less than ten days . At the time of producing milk puter cache , it's time to start parenting turtledove . Thus , the child will get milk turtledove cache of puter . Milk is important for kids cache young turtledove .
If the puter too early to lay their eggs hatch before the child is expected turtledove ready to move, the eggs should be turned off by the way put in boiling water for 1 minute + _ . After that , the eggs are returned to the nest puter . Puter will continue to lay eggs that will not hatch . Can also eggs
puter replaced with artificial eggs , for example, from stone . In this way , the milk produced cache will not be given to their own children.
b . Given the quality of feed and drinking
Before laying puter fed millet , rice , and BirdMature capsule . The first two ingredients are mixed at a ratio of 2:1. While BirdMature given in drinking water . With food like this , it is expected puter can spawn properly . To enhance reproduction , multivitamins like BirdVit still need to be given .
After incubating the eggs and ready entrusted turtledove child, feed a little altered . Replaced with the feed of laying hens feed to DOC , while the grain does not need to be given ( .3 parts millet : 1 part feed DOC ) . With food like this , the development of the child's body fosterage turtledove is expected to be getting better .
2 . Move a child to nest puter turtledove
Son of turtledoves puter can be moved to the nest after approximately ten days old. At this age , children turtledove movement is not so active . All the needs of life are still dependent on its mother . . Fur coat he was still a needle that has not inflate perfectly . Therefore , in addition to eating , this chick still need the warmth of the body of its mother . Two of life 's needs will be met by the puter .
Before the child was moved to the nest turtledove puter , puter eggs in it should be taken . Do not forget , before being transferred , fitted toe rings turtledove child . Once in the nest puter , the child will be maintained by the puter turtledove as their own . When its crop is empty and squeak ( sounds turtledove starving children ) , puter will soon feed . Part puter will be opened and half of children brought to the turtledove . At the same time , re- puter rriemuntahkan food that is in the cache to the oral cavity . Furthermore , half of the turtledove child will get into the oral cavity puter to take food .
Approximated month old since hatching from eggs or three weeks after nurtured puter , children begin to learn to feed themselves turtledove . The young birds begin pecking grain feed , but it is still hard to swallow . Over time grain seeds can be swallowed easily . When he was able to feed themselves , children can be separated from the turtledove puter .
D. Turtledove is Caring Parent Has Taken His son
Turtledove parent whose child has been entrusted to the puter should be given extra care . The day after her son was taken , both parent turtledove , both male and female , were given the green beans as many as ten points each tail . Previously , green beans cooked boiled set'engah . This green bean granules put in the mouth of turtledoves until swallowed. Giving green beans done every day for a week .
In addition to green beans , stem turtledove also given BirdVit and BirdMineral . Give drink BirdVit put into it and the feed / grain given BirdMineral . BirdVit can be given three times a week while BirdMineral once a week . BirdMineral is mineral birds .
Extra care is given to maintain the condition of the parent turtledove to stay fit . Without treatment the condition of the parent is feared to worsen because of the frequency of reproductive shortened . Without human intervention , turtledove only spawn one or two times a year . In captivity , turtledove can spawn 6-10 times a year . The increase in production is certainly adversely affect the health of the mother .
vii . Weaning puppies turtledove
Children aged turtledove about a week
Having nurtured puter for about 1.5 months , children have been able to feed themselves turtledove . At this age , children can be weaned turtledove . Furthermore , children are not dependent on the turtledove foster parent to meet their needs .
A. Cage for Weaning
To wean a child turtledoves , needed a cage with a length of about 60 cm , height 40 cm , width 40 cm and ( in principle, the larger the size of the cage , the better ) . Cage of this size can be used to accommodate about 10 pups turtledove . In the cage of this weaning , the child turtledove will train the muscles of the body , especially the flight muscles . Inside the cage anyway , the children begin to learn voiced turtledoves .
Weaning cage needs to be equipped with perches , feeders and drinking water , a container of dirt , as well as electric -powered lights around 10 watts . Electric light mounted against the roof of the cage . These lights bcrfungsi as warmers at night or when the cold air . Therefore , the lamp is turned on only at night or when the cold air . Electric light is not needed anymore when the child was four months old turtledoves or more .
B. Weaning Cage Placement
Weaning cage roof is put in place so it does not get wet when it rains . Each cage following day turtledove children in it should be dried in the sun at least two hours. Drying should be done in the morning , at around 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. .
During cage drying , cleaning is also done to the feed and drinking water as well as dirt receptacle . Feed the rest of the day yesterday should be discarded and replaced with new feed , as well as drinking water .
At night or when the air temperature is cold , the lights turned on in the cage . Lights turn will make the air inside the cage becomes warm . Warm air is needed by children turtledove remember the feathers have not yet fully grown and able to deal with the climate
extreme . The heat from the lights will help children deal with the frigid night air turtledove and bad weather .
C. Children are weaned to feed
Turtledove newly weaned child fed millet . Agat sized grains such as rice and black rice need not be given . Milet given must be completely clean and pithy .
To ensure cleanliness , before given , millet washed with clean water , then dried in the sun . Washing can also be used to select millet really pithy . Milet pithy submerged in water , while empty will float . Milet floating is what must be discarded .
If the puppies are weaned turtledove more than two , the size of the feed must be rather large , more than 7 cm . With a rather large feed , chicks turtledove will not scramble the place while eating . Feed given once daily , in the morning . Feeding is done in conjunction with the provision of drinking water . It is better if the drinking water is provided in the form of water that has been cooked ( boiled until boiling , then cooled ) .
viii . Selecting Turtledove Puppies sapling
Selection of children turtledove turtledoves can be done when the child is placed in a cage began weaning . At weaning cage , child physical form hisa observed turtledove and his voice could be heard . Selection is intended to look for children who berfisik turtledove normal good and sounds good .
A. Selection of Physical Quality
Actually, the emphasis of a turtledove is the sound quality . Nevertheless , normal physical shape is also noteworthy. Sometimes a turtledove children congenital physical disabilities . Physical disabilities can be known only by observation glance or in a way that more closely .
Eyes squint and clubfoot is a congenital defect that can be identified quickly . Physical disabilities who require a more careful observation of the sternum is bent. Curved breastbone can only be known by the street feeling chest turtledove . Rerasa normaI sternum straight when touched .
Children who suffer from disabilities such as birds that should be incorporated in the same cage , however the buyer also pay attention to physical appearance . Birds that defects will not be purchased unless a special voice .
Children with disabilities turtledove also need to be heard . his voice . Anyone know of some physically disabled children turtledove nothing special voice . To that end , after the selection of physical qualities should be followed by a selection of sound quality .
B. Selection Sound Quality
Selection of quality sound hard to do when a child can only be issued turtledove " sound of water " ( child's voice ) . The sound of water is difficult to benchmark estimates of sound as an adult . Therefore, do not select a turtledove children who are still in this phase .
Eventually the sound of water becomes increasingly apparent with age turtledove . At the age of three months , the child's voice is clear and the turtledove is getting stabilized ( no change ) . Turtledove child voice said to be stable if for at least five times , the voice issued does not change . Thus , its sound will remain the same until today . In this age of sound quality selection can easily be done .
Selection of sound quality criteria demanded breeder knows a good voice . Therefore , there is no harm if the breeders often come to the contest turtledove . In turtledove contest , farmers can directly hear and know the voice quality turtledoves . Furthermore , the sound can be compared with the contest results turtledove voice .
Tips and other info :
1 . If a male for breeding doves nor seduce females gacor gig though generally look healthy or not too mature female bird sex despite the age of 7 months ; bird egg or egg - not the content and therefore could not hatch , we need to ensure that the males can produce sperm which " contains " and female reproductive health is really the maximum . If we doubt how, just make sure we are using the Bird Mature ( click on it) .
During conditions of reproductive organs under normal circumstances , Bird has been shown to improve perfection Mature reproduction breeding birds . Not only walnuts , but all kinds of birds .
2 . If the birds breeding puppies from us easily die, or legs often clubfoot, mushy , because the immune system is generally weak , we need to ensure that indukannya eating Bird Minerals ( click on it) .
Bird Minerals are not only good for breeding puppies but also because Bird feathers Mineral make strong , smooth , shiny or ngurak alias after molting moult ; birds are not exposed to rickets ( soft bones , twisted and abnormal ) ; paralysa free ( lame ) ; freely perosis ( heel swelling ) ; make healthy chicks hatched ; birds do not undergo Achilles tendon ( tendon ) ; bird is inseparable joint , not divorced ( luxatio ) ; half did not miss , no shortage of blood so pale and weak ; birds in captivity may soon spawn , containing eggs , high productivity , high hatchability ; embryo mortality is low.
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 31, 2014 at 14:19
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 31, 2014 at 14:19

Tag ; Bird turtledove, turtledoves
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