Incubation period lasts approximately 40 days. Male birds incubate at night, but a tail or some of the females took over most of the tasks during the day. Most of the number of eggs that did not hatch. If eggs or young birds in danger, then the males or females, or both, perform motion distract the opponent, the way deceive by pretending to be injured and, as was the case in other birds, the situation arises when the eggs will hatch. Chicks can follow their parents as soon as their feathers dry, and after one month could run fast offset adult birds.
Ostrich can often be seen in small groups, a male followed a female and a child. The group consists of 5-15 tail is reasonable, although there is also a type of camel that just looks at the group of 50 animals or more. In some areas, accompanied camel herd mammals such as zebras. It may be, that as in other cases about the cooperation between birds and mammals, birds Camels are better able to track the danger with his eyesight, while mammals can smell before the danger of wild animals can be captured by the eye. Such cooperation is reciprocal between the two types of animals.
Ostrich is the largest living bird and can not fly. Ostrich has big wings but are used to attract the opposite sex and egg warm. As well as birds ratit, camel already accustomed to life in the soil and can run well. Legs very long and strong, and with a long neck that can determine altitude reaches 2:50 am, with a weight of 135 kg. The males are black with white wings and tail. That female brown gray and smaller. Head and neck most of the almost totally sulah (bald) and covered with soft fur that is very rare and brush-like bristles. Her legs are almost sulah, the skin on the neck and legs gray or reddish, depending on the sub-species. Her eyelashes grow well. Ostrich (today) only has two toes on each leg-which was once the third and fourth fingers. The third one is the biggest. This is an adjustment to the ability to run and can be compared with the shrinkage that occurs in the foot horse that became a powerful toes. With a long neck and a sharp eye, a camel can reach distant areas with a vision, and long legs can be used to achieve a running speed of about 65 miles per hour.Respiratory system
Birds have a breathing apparatus that is pulmonary. The size is small relative to the size of the pulmonary body. The lungs of birds was formed for the primary bronchi, secondary bronchi and vessels brokiolus. Primary bronchi associated with mesobronkus which is the largest bronchioles. Mesobronkus branched into two sets of anterior and posterior secondary bronchi called ventrobronkus and dorsobronkus. Ventrobronkus and dorsobronkus connected by parabronkus. The lungs of birds have less / more than 10000 pieces. Parabronkus with a diameter of less / more 0.5 mm. A pair of lungs in birds stuck to the inside of the chest wall. Having avian lung expansion called air pockets are filled sac pneumatikus collarbone area upper chest, lower chest, abdomen, bone area of the humerus, and the neck area.Bird Respirator consists of:
v Nostrilsv Cracks in the pharynx pharynx, trachea associated with.
v Trachea a pipe with a ring-shaped thickening of the cartilage that is composed
along the trachea.
v Siring (instrument sound), located at the bottom of the trachea. In syrinx muscles are sternotrakealis that connects the sternum and the trachea, and serves to make noise. Moreover, it can also siringialis muscles that connect the syrinx with the inner wall of the trachea. In the syrinx cavity are easy vibrating membrane. Membrane vibration depends on the size of the room sound siring regulated by muscle and muscle sternotrakealis siringialis.
v Bifurcation of the trachea, the trachea branches into two bronchi right and left.
v bronchus ( trachea branches ) , located between the syrinx and the lungs .
v The lungs with wrapping membrane lungs called the pleura.
Digestive System.
Digestive organs in birds divided on the digestive tract and digestive glands. Food birds vary seeds, small animals, and fruits.Digestive tract in birds consists of:
ü Part: a modification of the tooth,ü The oral cavity: upper jaw consists of a coupling between the cavity
mouth and horn,
ü The pharynx: a short channel,
ü esophagus: the birds are widening in this section called the cache,
serves as a food storage area that can be filled quickly.
ü The stomach consists of:
1. Proventriculus (glandular stomach): a lot of digestive enzymes,
thin muscle wall.
2. Ventricle (gastric chewers / gizzard): thick-walled muscle. - In
grain-eating birds are gravel and sand are ingested together
vang useful food to aid digestion and is referred to as "
hen's teeth ",
ü intestine: consists of the small intestine and leads to thicker cloaca.
Small intestine in birds consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Digestive gland of birds include: liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. In pigeons there is no gall bladder.
Reproductive System.
An animal bird group ovipar. Though the birds have no external genitalia, fertilization occurs in the body remains. This is done by attaching each cloaca.a. Male Genitalia system.
Amounted to a pair of testes, oval or round, smooth surface portion, the ventral lobe is located next to the most cranial part of the penis. In the breeding season increased its size. Here are made and stored spermatozoa.
Reproductive tract:
Mesonefrus forming afferent tubular ducts and epididymis. Wolf curled duct and ductus deferens to form. In small birds, ductus deferens very long distal portion forming a spindle called glomere. Glomere near the posterior part of the afferent ducts dilated to form ampulla duct which empties into the cloaca as the ejaculatory duct. Efferent duct of the epididymis is associated with a small then headed duktud deferens. Ductus deferens has nothing to do with the ureter when entering the cloaca.
b. Female Genitalia system.
- Ovary.
In addition to the eagle, which is developing ovarian aves only the left, and is located in the dorsal part of the abdominal cavity.
Reproductive tract:
Oviduct which develops only on the left, are long, coiled, attached to the body wall by mesosilfing and is divided into several parts; infundibulum anterior part is that has an open section that leads into the coelomic cavity as the ostium surrounded by fimbre-fimbre. In the posterior is the magnum which will secrete albumin, further isthmus that secretes the egg membrane inside and out. The uterus or shell gland to produce lime shell.
Excretion system.
Tool in the form of a pair of birds renal excretion metanerfous. The kidneys are connected by the ureter to the cloaca because the birds do not have a urinary bladder. Kidney tubes more birds than in mammals because the metabolic rate of birds is very high. Each 1 ml cubic renal cortical tissue of birds containing 100 to 500 kidney tubes forming a small loop of Henle. The water stored in the body through reabsorption ditubulus. In the cloaca water reabsorption occurs also increase the amount of water in the body. Trash discarded as uric acid nitrogen released through the cloaca as white crystals mixed with feces.Special on sea birds, such as gulls, in addition to excrete uric acid as well as salts. This is because seabirds drink salt water and eating fish that contains salt. Sea birds have salt excretion glands above the eyes. Kerongga nasal saline solution then flows out through the outer nares and finally the salt out through the end of the half.
Nervous System.
Nervous system in birds is similar to the nervous system in humans and mammals. All nerve activity regulated by the central nervous system. Central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. Bird brain also consists of four parts, the cerebrum, midbrain, cerebellum and advanced marrow. In addition to the big brain cerebellum in birds can also grow well. Big bird brain different than a large brain in humans.The surface of the cerebrum in birds are not many times, so the number of neurons grown bird Padda form two bubbles. This development is related to the function of vision.
The cerebellum in birds have folds that increase the surface so it can accommodate a considerable number of neurons. Development of the cerebellum is useful for setting the balance of the bird in flight time.
Motion Systems.
The bones of birds are as follows:
Ø Birds have a beak that is lighter than the jaw and teeth on the mammals.Ø Bird has a sternum (breastbone) is flat and broad, useful as a broad flight muscle attachment.
Ø The bones of birds are hollow and lightweight. The bones are very strong because it has a cross structure.
Ø The wings are composed of bones that are less than the bones of the human hand. This serves to reduce the weight, especially when the bird flies.
Ø spine combine to provide a solid frame shape, especially when flapping wings while flying.
Ø Birds also have bones that are appropriate for typical fly. Future members changed into wings. Bone and chest enlarged and flattened as a place of attachment of the muscles and wings. This allows the bird to fly.
a) The function of the Framework;
Following order functions in birds:
Ø Skull: Protecting the brain and the contents of the head
Ø Neck Bone: To connect to the cranium.
Ø Bone arms: To move the wings.
Ø Bone cubits: wing bone that connects the arm bone.
Ø lever Bone: Bone wing that connects the arm bone.
Ø Korakoid: Liaison sternum.
Ø ribs: The bones that protect the stomach contents.
Ø Pelvis: Connecting tail bones.
Ø coccyx: Bone liaison with the cloaca.
Ø Dry Bones: Connecting kebetis femur.
Ø femur: For joints.
Circulatory system
Bird blood circulation composed by the heart as the center of circulation, and blood vessels. Blood on bird composed by oval and nucleated erythrocytes. Heart-shaped cone bird and wrapped the pericardium membrane. The heart is composed of two thin-walled foyer and two billik whose walls are thicker.
Blood vessels are divided into arteries and veins. Arteries were left out of the cubicle there were three pieces, namely two anonymous arteries branching again into the arteries that provide blood gets head, flight muscles, and members of the front, and an aorta that is the remainder of the arch that leads to the right aortikus (arch aortikus the reduce towards the left). Artery is then wrapped around the bronchi and veer towards the right of the tail into the dorsal aorta (arteries backs). Arteries coming out of the right ventricle only one, namely the pulmonary artery (pulmonary artery), which then branched to the left lung and right. Veins or venous distinguished by:
1. Veins upper body (superior vena cava); vein carries blood from the head, the front member, and a member of the pectoral muscles to the heart.
2. Veins of the lower body (inferior vena cava); carries blood from the lower body to the heart.
3. Veins coming from the lungs (pulmonary) right and left lungs and carries blood to the left atrium of the heart.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 29, 2014 at 20:43

Tag ; About Ostrich, ostrich
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