Thursday 26 December 2013

Slumdog Millionaire.

Sushil Kumar fate changed in one night , from poor public servants to be a millionaire , thanks to the quiz Who Wants to be a Millionaire .
Kumar is the first person in India who has won the popular quiz and he is entitled to the prize worth 50 million rupees ( more than 1 million U.S. dollars ) . When the legendary film star Amibath Bachchan , the host of the quiz , submit a check prize , Kumar and his new wife he married four months late in happy tears .
" You have created history . Ability and passion you have made you go this far , "said Bachchan .
" We are very happy , but more than that , we still do not believe , " said Kumar .
Victory Kumar as the contents realize the movie ' Slumdog Millionaire ' where the protagonist named Jamal Malik won in the quiz Who Wants to be a Millionaire . British film director Danny Boyle finally won the Oscar for Best Film in 2008 .
Before becoming the new millionaire , Kumar only a civil servant in the city Motihari , Bihar state in east India . 26 -year-old man earning only 120 dollars (equivalent to USD 1.1 million ) per month . To add to earnings , Kumar worked as a private tutor .
Kumar was fond WWTBAM quiz , but how to be able to watch the event is not easy . As a child of farm workers , families can not afford to buy a television Kumar so that he had to watch it at a neighbor's house . When you watch the quiz , Kumar often answered correctly so that its neighbors encouraged him to try his fortune as a participant .
Kumar is also the village . His trip to Mumbai to live footage of the quiz was her first time traveling on a plane . He also claimed that Mumbai is a big city it 's first ever visit .
When the quiz is already a participant , not a target Kumar heroics . Could get a reward of 50 thousand dollars or 100 thousand dollars will suffice . That's why , when faced questions 13th , he already pocketed the prize of 200 thousand dollars thinking backwards . But fate outline Kumar kept going after thinking hard .
" When I saw that question , I do not know the answer . But I kept staring at this question for a long time and suddenly I knew that two of the four ( answer ) is wrong , "revealed Kumar .
With an aid that allows a participant to give two alternative answers , Kumar also successfully pass through it . Quiz organizers declined to reveal what the question and just gave instructions that the matter related to the history .

Kumar plans.

With a large gift bag a he had , what plans Kumar ? Not too fancy . Kumar plans to use the money for an exam preparation course civil servants so that he could get a good position and prestigious .
Kumar is also planning to make his wife bought a house , pay off his parents and four siblings to help capitalize a small business .
There's more , Kumar also not forget the origins and he plans to build a library in Motihari so as to enable the children to acquire knowledge that there had always been his yearning longing .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 26, 2013 at 13:10
Bambang Sunarno signature7MHPNPADAEFW.
Tag : Slumdog Millionaire.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:10

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