Wednesday 25 December 2013

Mummy preservatives.

 Pharaoh Mummy

Pharaoh Mummy Preservative Materials Derived From Archipelago
Based on the findings of camphor or camphor as a preservative on the mummy of Pharaoh, King of Ancient Egypt, Prof.Mohammad Yamin estimates that camphor has been trading since 6000 last year. There are three main areas producing camphor, Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula and Borneo (Kalimantan).
Areas in Sumatra are often mentioned in various written sources - the oldest manuscript notes written by Ptolemy, a philosopher of Alexandria in the first century AD - is Barus, an ancient city on the west coast of Sumatra, which lies between Sibolga and Singkel, which is now entering North Sumatra.
 In addition camphor, produce valuable goods of the archipelago are found in the Middle East region is cloves. When excavating the site of a merchant house dating from 1700 BC (3700 years ago) in terga, Middle Euphrates, Iraq, archaeologists Dr.Giorgio Buccellati awe and disbelief as the vision itself, when it finds a container of objects such as cloves
"The remains of plants that we call it a glance cloves cloves are not as real, and the same impression was also expressed by Prof.Kathleen Galvin, a paleobotany (plants Antiquities) us when it was. But, what if the results of the test object was actually cloves? Why is it amazing? This happens because the earth is only one place where clubs can grow at that time, namely the Maluku islands, a small island located in the archipelago. "Said Dr.Giorgio Buccellati in E-mail Robert Dick-Read on 11 April 2002 . Posted in Robert Dick-Read, Maritime Explorers, translator Edrijani Azwaldi, (Bandung: Mizan, 2008), page 38.
When in the Middle East found items from the archipelago, was discovered on the island of Timor objects from the Middle East. British archaeologist, Dr.Julian Reade discovered the fossilized remains of sheep in the former settlement sites around the year 1500 BC, within a few hundred miles south Maluku Islands.
Then the question arises: Why do these objects can be located on the island of Timor (archipelago) and in the Middle East at that time? Exchanging places, one with the other.
 Robert Dick-Read Moh.Yamin describe hypothesis: "There is a possibility of seaborne trade is then passed through the land, between the Mediterranean and the Archipelago are already well-established for thousands of years. This happens, much of the flow of events between the Indus and the Babylonian, Egyptian goods are definitely reaching the Middle Euphrates since 1700 BC, and probably much earlier. "
Robert Dick-Read reject the theory that the Persians, Arabs, and India is an ancient traders at that time, even up to the first century AD Roman period. According to the Persians and Arabs still on the beaches with their small boats, as well as no Indian ships ever send goods across the ocean towards the open sea voyage to the Red Sea in the Roman. Robert added, they are not sailors from China, because the Chinese New sailed to Southeast Asia around the 7th century. Citing hypothesis "Polynesian" Hornell, Robert Dick-Read referring to them as mysterious Austronesian sailors.
According to the University of Oxford geneticist Stephen Oppenheimer, is the origin of Austronesian sailors of the Archipelago. Robert on his latest research, eventually called the only sailor of the archipelago are able to sail in the ocean, Air-ships with their strong outrigger, because it is made from tamarind and teak wood, which is known to cancel his old theory Theory Out of Taiwan hypothesis.
This opinion is also recognized by the University of Indonesia archaeologist, Prof.Agus Aris Munandar through research site Pasemah, Bada Valley, and Goa Made. Based on the chronology accurately, bronze masks which are found in Goa Made was created in 3000 BC (5000 years ago), the older of the Dong-son bronze culture in Vietnam.
Archaeological findings have solved the hypothesis of Austronesian peoples who sailed with the Middle East region. They identified regions derived from two items, namely Java and Sumatra. Based on this fact, it may be concluded that: Without sailors archipelago, no mummy of Pharaoh and the Egyptian pyramids. Why is that? Because the body of Pharaoh, King of Ancient Egypt, may remain durable thanks preservatives that have to come from the archipelago, such as camphor. Then what's the point without mummy Egyptian pyramids of the kings of ancient Egypt?
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 25, 2013 at 09:41
Tag  ; Mummy, Pharaoh Mummy, Materials, Archipelago

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:41

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