Thursday 26 December 2013

Did You Type of Food Efficacious for Men.

Body fit and healthy is everyone's dream . To make it happen , it takes a strong commitment , a healthy lifestyle and quality of nutrient intake derived from the food you eat .
Especially for men , it's good to know the kinds of highly nutritious food and nutritious for your body . Below , there are several types of eating that you normally consume , but others may have never known before . But there's nothing wrong , you try to eat them for health reasons :


Bulbs that this one has a very sweet taste than other vegetables . This dark red fruit contains a lot of sugar in the skin layer is rough . Why bit healthy ? As with spinach , beet rich in folate and betaine . Two types of these nutrients can reduce levels of homocysteine ​​in your blood vessels .
Homocysteine ​​is a compound in the blood can damage arteries and increase the risk of heart disease . The content of natural pigments - called betacyanins - in bits is a natural substance prevention of cancer .

Cabbage / Cauliflower.

Who does not know this vegetable . One cup of chopped cabbage contains 22 calories and a number of other important nutrients . Call it sulforaphane , a chemical compound that can increase the production of enzymes in the body that inhibit the cell damage caused by free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer . The experts at Stanford University stated , sulforaphane can increase the production of an enzyme inhibitor of cancer more effectively than any other chemical compounds contained in vegetables .


Guava or Guava is a tropical fruit that has a complex acid structure . The sweet taste of this fruit will taste when you bite the middle. Guava rich in lycopene , an antioxidant that can cope with prostate cancer . A cup of guava juice contains 688 milligrams of potassium , or 63 percent more than that found in bananas . Guava is also known as high-fiber foods . There are about 9 grams of fiber in a glass of guava .

Swiss Chard.

Half a cup of cooked Swiss chard contains 10 mg each of lutein and zeaxanthin . According to Harvard scientists , these two compounds - which are also known as carotenoids - may protect the retina of the eye from damage caused by aging . Two of these nutrients , which is actually a pigment , will accumulate in the retina , which is used to absorb various types of short- wave rays that could potentially damage the eyes . Therefore , the more lutein and zeaxanthin are consumed , the better protection of your eyes .


Cinnamon can help you control your blood pressure , which would affect the risk of heart disease . In fact , the U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) states , people with type 2 diabetes who consumed 1 gram of cinnamon a day for 6 weeks ( about 1/4 teaspoon a day ) significantly decreased blood sugar levels , triglycerides and LDL cholesterol . Cinnamon contains methylhydroxychalcone polymers , which can enhance the cell's ability to metabolize sugar 20 times .


Purslane or purslane ( Portulaca oleracea ) is a weed that grows in plantations chili . Weed is known as a nutritious crop in some countries such as China , Mexico and Greece . In Indonesia purslane is also known to have utility as a refreshing , tonic on the state of fatigue or replacement ginseng
According to experts at the University of Texas at San Antonio , the purslane contained omega- 3 is very good for heart health . The scientists also reported , purslane contains melatonin - an antioxidant can prevent cancer growth - 10 to 20 times more than other fruit or vegetable .

Pomegranate Juice.

Over the years the pomegranate juice is known as a popular beverage , especially in the Middle East region . Israeli scientists revealed that men who drank 2 ounces ( about 60 ml ) of pomegranate juice every day for a year experienced a decrease in systolic pressure of up to 21 percent . This habit also improves the circulatory system . Get used to drink 4 ounces of pomegranate juice because it can meet 50 percent of your body's requirement of vitamin C a day eraser .

Gojiberri or Wolfberry Fruit.

Because it tastes sweet , herbal bright red for a long time used as a nutritious herb that can be added to dishes of boiled meat , chicken or seafood .
Wolfberry fruits contain beta - carotene , vitamin C , vitamin B1 and B2 , beta - sitosterol ( an anti - inflammatory ) , linoneat acids , and other beneficial ingredients . Based on the theory of traditional Chinese wolfberry efficacious strengthen blood circulation , strengthens the kidneys and liver and provide moisture to the lungs . Wolfberry is often used to treat diseases " consumptive " which is characterized by thirst ( as in diabetes and tuberculosis ) , overcoming dizziness , blurred vision , lack of clear vision and a chronic cough .

Fruit Prem.

This fruit contains neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid , an antioxidant that is effective against " superoxide anion radical . " These types of free radicals can cause damage to cells , especially cancer-causing .

Pumpkin Seeds.

Pumpkin seeds may be the most nutritious part of the pumpkin . By eating pumpkin seeds , magnesium your body needs will be fulfilled . This is important because French scientists recently discovered men with high levels of magnesium in their blood have a tendency to experience a 40 percent lower risk of early death, than men with low levels of magnesium. Men should consume an average of 353 mg of this mineral every day , while the USDA recommends at least 420 mg .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: December 26, 2013 at 11:41
Tag ;  Did You Type of Food Efficacious for Men, Food Efficacious

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:41

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