Monday 15 February 2016

Primitive tribes Endangered.

Behind the modernization of existing urban community life which still remain adherent to run the customs inherited from his ancestors. Avoiding isolated life modern civilization and do not want to follow the development of the era. Sadness was unheard of, but it is possible for them life is much happier with the simplicity compared to urban communities that every day is always busy with work routines.

Colonization era of colonialism and greed of governments in exploiting the rich natural resources of their land area is one reason 18 primitive tribes in the world are threatened with extinction. Will the future we can still meet again with their next generation or they just stay memorable stories in the history books if the government did not immediately intervene to maintain and preserve their culture. The following 18 Ethnic Tribe World Endangered, including in Indonesia.

Mursi tribe in Ethiopia.

Mursi tribe in Ethiopia.
Mursi tribe in Ethiopia for more wide-mouth woman means more she became more beautiful. Beauty bizarre tradition is called Labret or Lip Plate. Labret, lip mounted earrings the size of a large plate indicating the symbol of maturity, usually mounted at the age of women has moved from 13 to 16 years. It is painful because of the bottom lip should be sliced ​​along the 2 to 3 cm and then put a round plate.

Two to three weeks later the plate is replaced with a larger size to more than 25 cm. There are traditional sanctions that should be accepted if the woman Mursi tribes reject this tradition. Because the installation of this signify Labret honor of women eligible for marriage.

The reclusive nation of Brazil.

The reclusive nation of Brazil.
The nation is famous as the most isolated nations on earth. Believed to be settled in the interior of the Amazon forest, the tribe is entirely made up of just one person. As his case mysterious Bigfoot, the tribe suddenly vanished when scientists discovered the existence of his barely. It is believed that this single human being is a human being from the tribe of his last survivors of the massacres committed by settlers.

He is often referred to as "Man of the Hole 'because of his habit of digging a large hole into his trap game. He is the only person in this world who still maintain the language and customs of his tribe. Make contact with him, it could be like finding a treasure trove of information, at least about how he survived for decades simply alone.

Ethnic Sentinel, which will Blooded Killing Tribe Foreign Migrants.

Ethnic Sentinel.
Sentinel tribe is a tribe that consisted of about 250 people who live in North Sentinel Island, between India and Thailand. Not much can be known because every time aware of the presence of foreigners they welcomed her with a rush of rain of arrows. Several meetings were conducted peacefully in the late 1960s. Anyone trying to land on the island of Sentinel today disaran right to make a will or a last request.

A team of National Geographic was forced to return after a major team members arrows stuck in his thigh, and two local guides were killed. Sentinel tribe also has a great reputation in the last face of natural disasters. His example when their ability to cope with his ferocious tsunami disaster in 2004, which brought mala disaster in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. On the territory of this island is a territory of India.

Samburu tribe.

Samburu tribe.
Comes from the Samburu tribe in northern Kenya. For hundreds of years they roam in search of water and grass as their food source. Samburu tribes included in the endangered because of drought. Permerintah setempatpun did not seem to care, because the government itself never burning homes and raping the girls Samburu. When pregnant, the rape of a child should be killed.

Peru primitive tribe.

Peru primitive tribe.
The indigenous peoples of Peru consists of a large number of different ethnic groups who have inhabited the Peruvian state before European explorers discovered this country. In August 2013 occurred when the furor primitive tribes of Peru for the first time it made contact with the outside civilization. Starting from a group of tourists who did a tour exploring the forest in Peru, accidentally they actually meet face to face with the primitive tribe.

From the beginning to the end of the meeting recorded clearly in the video. The primitive tribes tried to communicate with the tourists. But dikarena the primitive tribe that does not understand any Spanish language like any English, they end his leave "modern nations" are in a state of confusion.

Scientists have tried to find his sebetul existence of civilization primitive tribes have for years without getting the results. Being the tourists is actually to meet directly with the primitive tribe without the slightest effort.

Spare San.

Spare San.
Tribe threatened with extinction in the world is located in the San tribe of Africa. They have a dance and a distinct language. Lately, they are threatened with extinction due to eviction by reason of tourism interest.

Population Ruc Vietnam.

Population Ruc Vietnam.
Vietnam War would bring people into areas that before her isolated. After one of the largest bombing raid carried out by US forces, the North Vietnamese soldiers were surprised to see a group of tribes to emerge from the woods. The incident is the first contact with modern civilization Ruc tribe. Because after the war damage to the forest, Ruc tribe chose to live in modern Vietnam.

However, the values ​​of their culture for hundreds of years, clashed with the communist government of Vietnam. As a result of his tribe Ruc often involved in the dispute with the government of Vietnam. Ruc tribe utilizing intricate cave system throughout 17 separate areas. Lots of space - space that is still unexplored cave until today, where the location - the location is only known by penetua Ruc tribe.

The Last Man of the Native American.

 The Last Man of the Native American.
In 1911, the Native Americans of the last to feel disturbed by the settler, walked out of the woods in California, with the typical dress of her tribe she was arrested by the police were stunned to see it. His name was Ishi, and he was a member of the Yahi tribe. After being interrogated by the police, with the help of a translator from the local university, it is known that Ishi is the only survivor of an attack by settlers three years earlier.

After struggling to support themselves, he finally decided to call others to help her. Ishi means "man" in the language Yana. Anthropologist Alfred Kroeber give this name to that person because it is not polite to ask someone's name in Yahi culture. When asked his name, he said: "I do not have, because nobody gave me a name,"

Inland tribes of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.

Inland tribes of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.
For reasons of population control, the Brazilian government is trying to find out how much the number of people living in isolated areas in the Amazon jungle. They are using aircraft equipped with photographic equipment, hoping to count the number of people residing in the region.

This method often does not get the expected results, instead often produce many surprises. Brazil is home to the largest on the planet for the tribe -suku alienated. It is estimated that currently about 80 groups living in the Amazon one of which is already known is the Awa tribe who lived 450 people.

Due to the pressure on the exploitation of their lands, all tribes are very vulnerable to violent attacks and disease outbreaks such as flu and measles. In 2007, when shooting routine performed by the government, isolated tribes that attack fire arrows into the air, incorporating photographic equipment. And in 2011, the satellite captures a few spots in the corner of the Amazon forest is considered uninhabitable. It turned out that these spots are isolated tribes who settled in the Amazon jungle.

Nine Pintupi, Aboriginal Australia.

 Nine Pintupi, Aboriginal Australia.
Nine Pintupi Pintupi is a group of nine people who lived as hunters who live a traditional life squad in the Gibson Desert. They are also referred to as aborigines are missing and unidentified. The group is hailed as 'the last nomads' in the international press as they left their nomadic life in October 1984. They roam between Lake Mackay, near the border of Western Australia-Northern Territory, naked, armed with wooden spears 2 meters long, spear throwers, and boomerang carved.

Their food is dominated by a goanna and rabbits and shrubs native plants. The group is a family, consisting of two mothers (Nanyanu and Papalanyanu) and seven children. There are four male siblings (Warlimpirrnga, walala, Tamlik, and Yari Yari) and three sisters (Yardi, Yikultji and Tjakaraia).

The Jackson White.

The Jackson White.
During the 1700s, European settlers establish colonization of the east coast of North America. At this time, each tribe located between the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River has been entered into the register of the peoples known. All the tribes except one, namely the Jackson White. Perhaps the most puzzling questions about the mysterious clan Jackson Whites this is not who they are, but the origins of their legend.

In the 1790s, a rate previously unheard of Native Americans walked out of the woods just 56km from New York City. Somehow they've managed to avoid all contact with the settlers, although some of the greatest battles in the history of the United States; Seven Years' War and the Revolutionary War was fought not far from that location. They became known as The Jackson Whites, because they have light skin color as her skin color thing the Europeans.

Primitive Tribe Ethnic In Indonesia, which also Nearing Extinction.

Spare Mentawai in West Sumatra.

Spare Mentawai in West Sumatra.
Mentawai tribe is an ancient tribe who were in the Mentawai islands part of the territory of North and West Sumatra. Its origin is mysterious being debated among researchers. Some argue that these people originated from Polynesia nation some are convinced this tribe derived from Proto-Malay or Malay nation old.

Isolated place to make a different culture with its nearest tribes. Since the influx of outsiders and changing times Mentawai tribe have been in the last generation. Because many children Mentawai tribe who do not follow the traditional culture of his ancestors implanted.

Korowai of Papua.

Korowai of Papua.
In Papua there are also endangered tribe, the Korowai. They are famous for the tradition stayed in the tree house up to eight people. Korowai believe that living in a tree can avoid them from attack wizards ground. Noted that the current rate is only about 3 thousand people.

Their existence is threatened with extinction because of the bad habits that held the tribe. Like free sex and drinking alcohol. Penyakir transmission of HIV / Aids in Papua is getting out of control, it makes the survival of endangered indigenous Papuan tribes. Besides the rise in Papua hard minmuman made parts there are dying because of frequent drinking.

Spare Togutil in Inland North Halmahera.

Togutil tribe.
Togutil tribe also known by the name of the tribe inhabits forests Tobelo of Halmahera. Now the fate of those threatened with extinction as a result of mining akitivitas. Tribe togutil an ethnic community whose life shifts in the forest. They live in forests and forest Totodogu Lolobata.

If the mining companies continue to mine the tribe's forest region will be endangered because the area is their lifeblood. Halmahera eastern and central Halmahera is planned to be build ferronickel plant. But the plan threatens the existence of indigenous tribes in the area. Togutil rate of habitat destruction is a form of human rights violation.

Suku Anak Dalam (Jambi).

 Suku Anak Dalam (Jambi).
The existence of the jungle in jambi under threat from forest used to stay at the company even made the region. Even sometimes they just have to run away from the area they live a long time.

Their current whereabouts decreased especially since the area a forest area of ​​company expectations. since 2006, there are hundreds of people who previously head of the family had to leave their homeland due to the region that go into the company. People jungle is one of the isolated communities in the province of Jambi. They are divided into the various parts depending on the region, the local government decided to call the jungle as a child inside.

Forest Tribe in Batam.

Forest Tribe in Batam.
Forest tribe is one of the tribes in Batam. They are endangered because of lack of attention. In the 1970s, there are 70 families or 150 people who inhabit the island eccentric in Batam.kini number only 13 lives of eight families.

According to the son of an elder said, one of the causes of these tribes almost extinct because of tribal customs that moved out of the area and not come back again after the seacoast. Additionally habits forest tribe who likes to drink Toak causing them to fall ill and die. Forest tribes inhabited the islands eccentric since hundreds of years ago

Sakai people in Riau.

 Sakai people in Riau.
Sakai is an indigenous tribe in the province of Riau, they are known to live a nomadic or migratory move from one forest to another forest. In accordance with the meaning of the name, which means children sakai nation that lives around the river. Tribal livelihood is derived from the resources in the river fish. Many people who argue sakai rate of progress so far they underestimated even considered to be low.

Now the rate is very less population sakai even endangered. The cause is the land that they live in rich in oil and the forest was dense with millions of trees. Many people who then exploit it excessively. Sakai tribes now have no room to live. System policies applied by the State would make these isolated tribes from their ancestral lands.

Samin tribe in Bojonegoro.

Samin tribe in Bojonegoro.
Continues to Bojonegoro Samin tribe living area of ​​74 thousand hectares of forest area in the district of Bojonegoro Margomulyo. Until now samin rate in Bojonegoro are still there, but a lot has changed. Samin teachings spread by Samin Sorosentiko is the form of a refusal of the Dutch colonial culture that emerged in the 19th century Dutch colonial period in Indonesia. samin current existence of tribes that had been transformed with a total of up to 180 degrees, especially the younger generation.

Primitive tribes World Endangered.

Changing times samin rate affects the community traditions samin tribe, as has already been using motorcycles, tractors, and agricultural chemicals in the pupu. As well as the already familiar with many cultures from outside.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Publihed Date: 15 February 2016 at 12:34
Tag : Primitive tribes Endangered.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:23

You Need To Know.

This is a common condition that is often experienced by women, but rarely discussed.
Imagine, you're having a bad thing in the middle of a two week tour in Thailand. Suffering from canker sores in the vagina like a tsunami hit.

Every step was painful and difficult to resist the urge to not scratch the sex organs. Unrelenting, the desire to scratch it as unbearable.

Shame increasing, when in the course of the tour, the tour guide was a man with limited English skills and no pharmacies were seen during the trip.

This is the story of Debra (not her real name) illustrates an extreme experience to a doctor during consultation.

Reported by the Daily Mail, Debra suffering from thrush and bacterial vaginosis. This is a common condition that is often experienced by women, but unfortunately, the issue of women's health is rarely discussed.

Debra may sound like telling a serious health problem, but it is true, the problem in the vaginal area can make women suffer greatly.

Although most women will experience one or even many times a problem in vaginal thrush, is still cause discomfort if only temporarily.

Physical symptoms of this constant can be embarrassing and often debilitating.

And please note, about 75 percent of women will experience vaginal thrush in their life. This problem is caused by fungal (Candida albicans) that live in the vagina, often without causing symptoms.

When symptoms do occur, it feels like itching, even burning. Vaginal thrush and mostly occurred during the reproductive years of women.

However, these problems rarely occur before the first menstrual cycle and after menopause.

This problem could actually be treated, ie with anti-fungal cream or also by vaginal tablets, which is inserted into the vagina with a special applicator.

There is also a selection of oral tablet, which is more expensive and is not recommended for pregnant women. It is important for women who often experience vaginal thrush many times. Recurrent thrush is when a person is diagnosed with four or more episodes in a year.

This is because they might be suffering from an infection that is completely different, which requires a different treatment.

Despite these problems can effectively be treated with medicine, but about 5 percent of the symptoms may recur and difficult to heal.

How to cope?

Some women benefit from long-term treatment. The only treatment of recurrent thrush is supported by a large study, ie, with routinely undergo healing therapies.

Symptoms such as itching will be pressed with high doses of anti-fungal treatment followed by a maintenance dose of the drug. Usually it will be administered weekly or monthly, for six months to prevent recurrence.

However, if you do not want to undergo therapy, there are natural remedies like eating yogurt can soothe the itching but there is no strong evidence to support their use.

Some women are reluctant to use anti-fungal medication for a long time, for fear may provide some side effects, including abdominal pain.

Because you want to get better soon, many are turning to undergo alternative therapies to combat thrush.

Alternative treatments.

Although some women may feel comfortable when using yogurt, but remember, there is no strong evidence to support their use.

Some recommend as aci-gel formulations or vinegar to restore the normal pH of the vagina.

But contrary to popular belief, the vaginal pH of women with problems canker sores are usually normal.

Other natural treatments that can do that is to use tea tree oil and garlic. But using tea tree oil can cause nasty allergic reactions, while garlic can make the vagina was burning.

Other simple drug that is often used is an ice pack applied to the vagina for up to ten minutes. It can relieve itching.

As another alternative treatment, doctors usually recommend using cotton clothes and avoid feminine hygiene products, if possible.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Publihed Date: 15 February 2016 at 10:32
Tag : You Need To Know.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:32

Monday 8 February 2016

100 Years gifts.

The number 100 has a unique meaning if the number is juxtaposed with the word years. Like the 100 years that have meaning about life extraordinary achievement in human life, as well as on a theory in science. A theory is said to be "mature" if the age range has been proven and has wide applications.

2015 is a 100-year General Theory of Relativity which was pioneered by renowned scientist, Albert Einstein (1915). How can one make a theory to explain an unusual phenomenon we experience daily? How Einstein can know that the curved space-time due to the presence of objects that have a large mass?

Currently we can perhaps imagine the phenomenon of the curvature of space-time through visual images that are given in fiction films such as Star Trek, Star Wars, until Interstellar. Yes, in these films depicted how their planes can travel further by utilizing the curvature of spacetime. The question is, whether it exists or curvature only mathematical calculations Einstein?

Let us try to imagine and think! We are in a universe that contains a supermassive objects such as stars, black holes, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and others, how do we know if they warps space-time? Well, Einstein described the phenomenon in a mathematical formulation that became known as Einstein's equations, which are the main equations of general relativity.

Truth Theory of General Relativity was confirmed through a lot of astronomical observations, one of which is the phenomenon of gravitational lensing. This phenomenon can be strongly associated with the observed astronomical objects much for their curvature of space-time. The idea is basically that mass warps space-time.

The curvature of space-time tells how mass moves. Since light propagates in space-time, the light will follow the curvature of space-time itself. Just as the principle of the lens or mirror that focuses light, the masses also do so. This incident became known as gravitational lensing.

Keep in mind that long before Albert Einstein formulated the Theory of General Relativity, Sir Isaac Newton actually think about the influence of gravity (mass) of the behavior of light. In the publication "Opticks" in 1704, Newton said, "Do not Bodies act upon Light at a distance, and by Reviews their action bend its Rays; and is not this action (caeteris paribus) strongest at the least distance? "

In 1801, J. Soldner investigation in determining the angle position of the stars in the case of the deflection of light. From the results of the investigation to the region near the solar surface of the angles turn obtained using the formulation of 0.83 Newton-seconds of arc (1-degree-arc seconds = 3600).

It was only in 1911, with no associated with the work done by Soldner, Einstein obtain approximately the same results. Einstein equation lowering bending light path and get a turn angle of light that passes through an object with a mass at a certain distance and find the results of two times greater than previous results.

If we assume the mass of the sun as a lens, the angle beloknya amounted to 1.74 arc-seconds. In 1914, Einstein planning an observation during the solar eclipse in Russia, to clarify the results of the calculation of the value of the angle turn around the sun before. However, these plans have failed due to World War I. In 1919, Sir Arthur Eddington finally managed to confirm the results of the General Theory of Relativity is based on observations of a total solar eclipse in Principle Island Off West Coast, Africa.

Well, for friends who are curious about this matter can be repeated by observing the phenomenon of a total solar eclipse later date March 9, 2016 which can be seen from Indonesia. Essentially, the friends try to compare the position of the stars around the sun during an eclipse with the position in the sky approximately 6 months thereafter.

In 1937, Fritz Zwicky hypothesized that if there is a very massive object (in this case the size of a galaxy), the object should be a "natural telescope". Zwicky said that if the lens does exist in nature, meaning through a process of gravitational lenses it can be used to test the General Theory of Relativity, observe objects / distant galaxies, and determine the mass of the object that acts as a lens.

In 1979, the hypothesis proposed by Zwicky can be clarified by Walsh and Wayman through the invention of the first gravitational lens, the double quasar QSO J0957 + 561. Since then, research deflection of light by the gravitational lens continues to experience growth. Developments in technology and methods of observation, the better becomes the main supporting the discovery of many gravitational lenses today. Later, the gravitational lens is applied also to discover a new planet, knowing the structure of distant galaxies, and determines the distance.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: February 08 2016 at 12:34
Tag : 100 Years gifts.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:34

About rupiah.

Banknote Indonesia from time to time.
Rupiah is the official currency of Indonesia. This currency is printed and regulated use by Bank Indonesia with ISO code 4217 IDR. Informally, the Indonesian people also call this currency with the name "silver". One rupiah divided into 100 sen, although inflation has made it no longer used except in the listing on the books of banks.


Rupiah name is often associated with the Indian rupee currency, but actually by Adi Pratomo, one historian Indonesian currency, the rupiah is taken from the word rupia in the Mongolian language. Rupia own means silver. It is the same as the meaning of the rupee, but the rupiah itself is the original pronunciation of Indonesia due to the addition of the letter 'h' at the end of the word rupiah, very typical as the pronunciation of the people of Java. This is slightly different than many thought that the rupiah is one of the units derived from the Indian currency. Indian Rupee actually be said to be a derivative of the word rupiah itself, so the Indonesian rupiah has not the same level as the unit derived from the Indian currency.
In the early days of independence, Indonesia has not in rupiah but using the official currency, known as the ORI. ORI has a duration of circulation in Indonesia for four years, ORI has put into use since 1945-1949. However, the use of legally ORI started since the launch of the currency by the government as a currency of Indonesia on October 30, 1946. In the early days, ORI printed by Printing Canisius with a shape and a very simple design and use fine fiber seat. It can even be said to ORI at that time was the currency that is very simple, sober, and tend to be less qualified, especially when compared with other currencies circulating in Indonesia. In the early days of independence, ORI circulated widely in the community even though the money is just printed in Yogyakarta. ORI has printed at least five times within a period of four years, among others, the mold I on October 17, 1945, series II on January 1, 1947, series III issued on July 26, 1947. At that time, ORI is a currency that has a value that is very lower when compared with money-money issued by de Javasche Bank. Whereas ORI money was scarce money that should be of high value.
On 8 April 1947, the governor issued rupiah Money Sumatra province of Indonesia Sumatra (URIPS). Since 2 November 1949, four years after independence, the Indonesian rupiah as the currency set a new nationality. Riau Islands and West Irian rupiah have their own variations, but its use was abolished in 1964 in Riau and West Irian 1974. The Asian economic crisis of 1998 caused the rupiah fell as much as 35% and brought the downfall of the Soeharto government. Currency is the currency that may be exchanged for free, but traded with a penalty due to high inflation levels.

Units under rupiah.

Rupiah has units underneath. In the early days of independence, the rupiah value equated with Gulden Indies, so it is also used units smaller prevailing in the colonial period. Here are the units that had been used, but is no longer used due to a decrease in the value of the rupiah cause the unit was not of significant value.

Rupiah redenomination.

Bank Indonesia as the monetary authority in Indonesia planning policy for the reduction of the value of the rupiah currency denomination without reducing its value by eliminating the last 3 digits 0 (X000 be x). This policy plan raised by Bank Indonesia in early May 2010 and confirmed by the elected Governor of BI, Nasution on July 31, 2010. This redenomination policy was taken after the results of World Bank research says that the denomination of Indonesian Rupiah 100,000 is the second largest in the world after Vietnamese Dong (VND) 500,000. Redenomination process will withdraw from the original plan would be realized on August 14, 2014.

The new money emission in 2014.

The original plan of Bank Indonesia rupiah meredenominasikan hampered global economic conditions are not stable and discussion Act Redenominasi stalled due to the 2014 election agenda original target realization of redenomination on August 14, 2014 will change the face of the new money, the money of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI Money ).
As stipulated by Act No. 7 of 2011 concerning currency, the rupiah was placed as one of the symbols of state sovereignty must be respected and proud of all Indonesian citizens. Accordingly, Bank Indonesia will no longer be the sole institution authorized to print Rupiah. Later Bank Indonesia must always coordinate with the government, the ministry of finance in terms of a plan to print money, the issuance of money, up to the withdrawal and destruction of the old money.
Having no longer a single institution printer rupiah, Bank Indonesia phrase contained in any fractional amount will now be renamed the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, other changes will NKRI money is going to the signature of the Minister of Finance and Governor of Bank Indonesia and the new anti-counterfeiting security system on a banknote.


Rupiah is the official currency of Indonesia. Rupiah name is usually associated by many as the pronunciation of "rupee" Indian currency, but actually by Adi Pratomo, one of the researchers of history Indonesian currency, the rupiah is taken from the word rupia in the Mongolian language. Rupia own means silver. It is the same as the meaning of the rupee, but the rupiah itself is the original pronunciation of Indonesia due to the addition of the letter 'h' at the end of the word rupia, very typical as the pronunciation of the people of Java. This is slightly different than many thought that the rupiah is one of the units derived from the Indian currency. Indian Rupee actually be said to be a derivative of the word rupia itself, so the Indonesian rupiah has not the same level as the unit derived from the Indian currency.
In the early days of independence, Indonesia has not in rupiah but using the official currency, known as .. ORI ORI has a duration of circulation in Indonesia for four years, ORI has put into use since 1945-1949. However, the use of legally ORI started since the launch of the currency by the government as a currency of Indonesia on October 30, 1946. The ORI early printed by Printing Canisius with the shape and design very simple and using a safety delicate fibers. It can even be said to ORI at that time was the currency that is very simple, sober, and tend to be less qualified, especially when compared with other currencies circulating in Indonesia. In the early days of independence the ORI circulated widely in the community even though the money is just printed in Yogyakarta alone. ORI has printed at least five times within a period of four years, among others, the mold I on October 17, 1945, series II on January 1, 1947, series III issued on July 26, 1947. At that time, ORI is a currency that has a value that is very cheap when compared to the money-money issued by de Javasche Bank. Whereas ORI money was scarce money that should be of high value.
There are many real doubts about exactly how this currency started there and used as the official currency. In the aftermath of the inauguration of the rupiah is still one form of currency that could be used in Indonesia. This currency is a currency issued during the RIS known as currency RIS. This currency is entered in the history of the currency Rupiah Indonesia as a temporary replacement. After the RIS ended Indonesia's currency back into rupiah, but no definite sources that mention the exact time of the transition from RIS currency to the currency of rupiah. After the RIS the rupiah began to be used in general and start undergone many developments and improvements. Indonesia as the official currency, the rupiah was issued and controlled by Bank Indonesia. Moreover, since Bank Indonesia officially made the central bank and given full authority to regulate the country's banks on July 1, 1953. The amount was then given a code or symbols used on all denominations of banknotes and coins in the form of Rp and recognized by all parties.
Rupiah itself does not directly be spread evenly over the Earth Indonesia. Distribution of this currency is not so evenly distributed quickly. For example, the islands of Riau and Papua New in rupiah in 1964 and 1971. Since wearing rupiah as the official currency, the rupiah repeatedly experiencing turbulence. Devaluation and Pruning is always decorate the development of rupiah. The devaluation occurred in some periods for example on March 7, 1946, September 20, 1949, February 1952, September 1959, January 1963 and the end of 1964. Trimming the rupiah also occurred on the rupiah occurred on August 25, 1959 and March 29, 1983. change- changes in appearance, the value of the currency, shape, and even color coloring development of Indonesia's official currency. Starting from ORI shapes, drawings, prints, and the paper of poor quality until now bills already have a form and a luxurious appearance and tidy.
Rupiah has experienced a lot of times over the development of this nation. Rupiah is also developing follow future developments in Indonesia. He could not be considered as official currency when ORI became the currency that the government was inaugurated, he was replaced by currency RIS, but in fact the whole currency is actually a history of rupiah itself as an official currency of Indonesia. There have been many heroes, the area of ​​the archipelago, and the culture which is reflected in the currency. Already many series issued by the government to replace, repair, and enhance the pride of the country's currency. However, the rupiah is a mirror of the Indonesian nation. When you hear the word rupiah, the thing that immediately comes to mind is Indonesia, obviously because the Indonesian rupiah is yours alone and no other country has the rupiah. As one of the pride of the country, it should also be upheld rupiah. Rupiah are appropriately recognized, proud, and guarded by every citizen of Indonesia.

List named as the rupiah currency  :

Indian Rupee (रुपया)
Maldives Rufiyaa (Þ‹ިÞˆެÞ€ި ÞƒުÞŠިÞ”)
Rupee Mauritia (roupie)
Rupee Nepal (रूपैयाँ)
Pakistan Rupee (روپي)
Seychelles Rupee (roupi, roupie)
Sri Lanka Rupee (à®°ூபாய்)
Already not available.
Rupee Afghanistan
Rupee Bhutan
Rupee Burma
Indian Rupee Denmark
Rupee East Africa (British)
French Indian Rupee (roupie)
East African rupee (Germany) rupie
Gulf Rupee
Rupee Hyderabad
Rupia Italian Somaliland
Ripis Java
Roepiah Indies
Portuguese Indian rupia
rupiah Riau
Rupee Travancore
Rupiah Papua Barat
Rupee Zanzibar.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: February 08 2016 at 12:04
Tag : Rupiah.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:04

Sunday 7 February 2016

Snake wire.

 Snake wire.
Wire snake or serpent worms (Indotyphlops braminus) is one of the world's smallest snake. The names in the English language is the common blindsnake, Brahminy blindsnake, flowerpot snake, snake bootlace. In the Java language it is known as ulo duwel.


I. Braminus of Timor-Leste.

Snake wire minuscule stature, appear to sparkle like a small piece of black wire. The body length of up to 20 cm, but rarely longer than 15 cm. Instead mostly about 10 cm or less.
His body was black, black, brown, gray or bluish. Generally darker in the dorsal (back) and younger in the ventral side (belly). Its tail is very short and in the end there is a similar runcingan thorns. Sometimes both ends (heads and tails) younger or whitish color.
His eyes were hidden and only visible as dark spots vaguely behind her head scales. Therefore, in English known as a blind snake (snakes blind). The scales that cover the midsection arranged in 20 rows, very delicate and any similar form in the dorsal and ventral.

Habits and ecology.

This snake is very similar worm, both body size and behavior. Often found under furniture, behind potted plants and in the yard, under rocks and rotten wood, this snake immediately flounder like a worm when disturbed. But if one looks closely, seen this snake has shiny scales and skin was not slimy.
Snake wire fond of such places to hunt for prey in the form of eggs of ants, termites and various other small insects, caterpillars and earthworms. His mouth was so small, and just enough to swallow prey that is also very small. Therefore their thought-prejudice people that snakes wire including a kind of snake is very poisonous and can be fatal human beings are simply unfounded myths. These snakes are not even able to bite people.
These snakes are thought to breed in parthenogenesis, ie snake eggs to develop into individuals without fertilized by the male snake. This suspicion arises because all these snake specimens collected turned out to be identified with the female sex. Another kind of snake is also known to have the ability of parthenogenesis is a snake sack Papua (Acrochordus arafurae).
The habit of these snakes that live underground (fossorial), size is very small, and the ability partenogenesisnya, making it easy to wire snake is widespread; population can be achieved with only a single snake specimen carried in soil in potted plants.


The spread of this snake is very broad in Africa (Zanzibar, Tanzania, Mozambique, Somalia, Cameroon, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast). Madagascar, the Comoro islands, Mascarenes, Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Rodrigues.
Tropical Asia (Arabic, Persia, India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, southern China, southern Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula, and the islands in the Indian Ocean).
Pacific (Guam, Solomon, New Caledonia, Hawaii), Mexico, Guatemala and the West Indies.
In Indonesia snake wires spread across the archipelago.

The kind that are related.

There are some many other wire snake species from the genera Typhlops in western Indonesia, Cyclotyphlops in Acutotyphlops in Sulawesi and Papua. Close relatives snake wire, namely ramphotyphlops lineatus (Schlegel, 1839), has a body length of up to about 48 cm and spread from Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, Nias, Kalimantan, Java, West and Central.

In addition to body shape, behavior typhlopidae reptiles of the family is also briefly looked like an earthworm. Often hide under rocks, debris, and rotten wood, behind a potted plant or home furnishings. When you feel disturbed, Snake Wire will be squirming like a worm.

Food Wire Snake is eggs of small animals such as ant eggs, egg termites and other insect eggs. Excluding snakes are venomous or dangerous for humans. Even with a very small mouth, Snake Wire can not bite humans.

The population is not known for certain, but allegedly still very common (not rare) in various places. Therefore, these reptiles are not listed in the IUCN Red List (IUCN Redlist). Nor is listed in CITES Appendix. In Indonesia too Snake Wire excluding protected animals.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Publiushed Date: 07 February 2016 at 16:52
Tag : Snake wire.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:52

About Crabs.

The crab is a beast member crustaceans decapod of upabangsa (infraordo) brachyura, which is known to have a "tail" which is very short (Greek: brachy = short, ura = tail), or the stomach (abdomen) is completely hidden under the chest (thorax ). Crab's body is protected by a very hard shell, composed of chitin, and armed with a pair of tweezers. The crabs are another name for crab.
Crab found in all the oceans of the world. There is also a freshwater and terrestrial crabs, particularly in tropical regions. Crab is a crab that live in marine waters and rarely rises to the beach, while the crab is a crab inhabitants of freshwater (rivers and lakes).
Crabs vary in size from the pea crab, a width of only a few millimeters, up to the Japanese spider crab, with a leg span of up to 4 m.


True crabs have five pairs of legs; The first pair of legs is modified into a pair of claws and are not used to moving. In almost all kinds of crabs, except a few (eg, Raninoida), belly folded under the cephalothorax. Part crab mouth covered by maxilliped flat, and the front of the carapace does not form a long rostrum. Gills crabs are formed of flattened plates ( "phyllobranchiate"), similar to the gills of shrimp, but with a different structure.


Yuyu is a kind of freshwater crab. The word is taken from the Java language. This freshwater crabs there are many kinds, and is often found in rivers, lakes and paddy fields; included in the trenches and muddy soil in the vicinity. In zoology, the types of crab are usually classified into Parathelphusidae tribe or Gecarcinucidae, superfamilia Gecarcinucoidea. Yuyu not rarely seen outside of the water. Unlike the sea crabs that a pair of flat-shaped hind legs, crab legs all have a pointed tip. Shell crab backs generally brownish, blackish to dark purple; often have indentations like former hooves trampled. Edge of the shell sometimes there who have some small spines.

Animal pests.

Some types of crab is a pest to farmers because it makes nest holes in the rice fields and the edge of the irrigation channels, and the leaking of water needed to irrigate the fields. Certain types of rice seedlings were also damaged, as well as Parathelphusa convexa, Bogoriensis P., and P. tridentata. Type Terrathelphusa (Perbrinckia) kuhli recorded once damaging the young tobacco plants in total in Banyumas.


Yuyu many predators. Beavers, mice, lizards, and various species of water birds listed as natural enemies, which are crucial for controlling the crab population. In the area of ​​brackish water, frogs (Fejervarya cancrivora) and mangrove snake (Fordonia leucobalia) are known to prey on crab. Java Farmers often use animal meat as bait for rat poison fields.

Know Some crab species Toxic.

Talk about the crab, usually we will refer to the crabs that can be consumed, such as mud crab (Scylla spp.) Or crab (Portunus pelagicus). However, the real world is a lot of species of crab, both the crabs from the group brachyura or Anomura. Brachyura is a group of true crabs, have four pairs of legs motion fully developed, while Anomura is a group of crabs 'false', only has three pairs of legs fully developed motion - the fourth leg motion is very small or hardly visible.

Of all the species now known, in fact only a few that can be consumed. In fact, some species of crabs are known as the toxic species. Then, the question that then arises is, what is poisonous crab? Any toxic contained in the body of the crab? Furthermore, why the crabs become toxic? Let's look together the intricacies of toxins in crabs.

Toxins in the body of the crab.

Several types of known poisons contained in the body of the crab is domoic acid, Okadaic acid, Palytoxin, tetrodotoxin, saxitoxin, neosaxitoxin, surugatoxin, brevetoxin, nereistoxin, and gonyautoxin. Besides Palytoxin, all toxins are included in the group of neurotoxins, which is toxic to nerve cells in action, and usually interact with membrane proteins.

Domoic acid is a toxic acidic. The name 'domoic' comes from the word 'doumoi', the local term Japanese from red algae Chondria armata. According to Horner (published in 1996), these toxins are known to accumulate in tissues of crabs and shellfish.

Okadaic acid has a way of working that is similar to domoic acid. Okadaic term taken from the marine sponge Halichondria okadai. However, producing this toxin that is actually a group of dinoflagellate algae. Nevertheless, it turns out this toxin can also be contained in the body of the crab.

Palytoxin first known there are fish that consume zoanthids Palythoa, anemone-like organisms. Palitoksin works by forming a new membrane channels that exceed normal that ion transport becomes uncontrolled and cause malfunction of cells and tissues.

Tetrodotoxin (TTX) was first detected in fish Tetraodontidae tribe. This poison is also a neurotoxin with a mechanism of inhibition of sodium ion transport.

Saxitoxin (STX) is a nonprotein toxic compound, is insoluble in water and also have an inhibitory effect of sodium ion transport. This toxin has an effect equivalent to TTX. According to Groves et al (1980), STS and TTX produced by the dinoflagellate, though can also be found on a wide variety of marine life.

Other toxins such as Neosaxitoxin (neoSTX), brevetoxin, Surugatoxin, Nereistoxin, and Gonyautoxin also a neurotoxin that can be found in the crab's body although in very small amounts. These toxins are also found in the bodies of other animals such as clams and marine worms.

Why do the crab becomes toxic?

If we look at the classification of toxins, it can be concluded that while the actual producer of these toxins is not a species of crab. Some species produce toxins even algae. So, how can the crabs become toxic?

Toxic crabs can be divided into two groups, namely toxic permanent (permanent toxicity properties) and temporary. The crabs are generally a member of the tribe Xanthidae. Crabs are known to be toxic permanent is Lopozozymus Pictor, Demania spp., Zosimus aeneus, Platypodia granulosa and Atergatis floridus. Meanwhile, crabs that are toxic Temporary example is Atergatis integerrimus and Atergatis spp. (All species except Atergatis Atergatis floridus). This temporary category crab toxic level of toxicity depends on habitat.

Until now there are at least two things that are believed to be the cause of the crabs become toxic, namely  :

(1) contamination and accumulation of toxins from food consumption,
(2) the effect of habitat (especially the presence of bacteria, algae and toxin-producing organisms).

Some studies in two or three decades ago mentioned that the main food source of dinoflagellate species are poisonous crabs, shellfish (bivalves and gastropods), worms (Polychaeta) as well as some species of algae. The consumption pattern of this kind can cause crabs accumulate these toxins because there are toxins such as TTX, STX and Okadaic acid produced by the dinoflagellate known.

How toxins from food can accumulate and why it did not cause toxicity in these crabs. The mechanism of exocytosis and endocytosis allegedly became a way for toxic substances accumulate in the body of the crab. Submitted that the toxic compound most commonly found in the liver and gonads crab intestine. Description of research Negri and Llewllyn that some species of the tribe Xanthidae has a defense mechanism against toxins (STX, TTX and turunanna). This mechanism is to produce proteins haemolimph are pharmacologically the same as saxiphilin, are compounds that can bind to toxins.

Habitat also affect the level of toxicity crab, especially crabs that are toxic temporary. The existence of algae, bacteria and toxin-producing organisms in a habitat can play an important role as a cause of crabs (as well as other animals such as shellfish and fish) become toxic. Bacteria such as Pseudomonas sp., Alteromonas sp., Moraxella sp., And Acinetobacter sp. known also capable of producing STX and neoSTX autonomously. Another group of bacteria known to produce TTX Vibrionaceae. These bacteria can be associated with crab (eg symbiotic and living in the section below the crab carapace) and lead to increased toxicity of the crab.

Furthermore, harmful algal population explosion events (especially those that can produce toxins) in a crab habitat can also cause increased toxicity crab. Crabs Xanthidae tribes generally have behavioral 'lazy' to move so that the limited range area. If the habitat is undergoing toxin-producing algal bloom, nature 'lazy' This move will increase the chances of contamination and accumulation of toxic compounds in the body of the crab.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Publiushed Date: 07 February 2016 at 12:52
Tag : Crabs.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:52

About Cockroaches.

Cockroaches, cockroach, or coro are insects (class Insecta) of the order Blattodea which consists of approximately 3,500 species in 6 familia. Cockroach found in almost all parts of the world, except in the polar regions.
Among the most notable species are the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, which has a length of 3 cm, the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, with a length of ± 1½ cm, and the Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai, also with a length of about 1 ½ cm. Cockroaches are often regarded as pests in the building, although only a few of thousands of species of cockroaches that are included in this category.

Cockroach history.

According to historians animals, cockroaches have existed since 320 million years ago. They first present before the dinosaurs are believed appeared 250 million years ago. Unlike other animals, they are seen to have a form of evolution today.

Now cockroach meets all locations on Earth, even in Antarctica though! There are different kinds of cockroaches, there are at least 3500 types (according, other sources say even reach 5,000 species. They chose to live in damp places, such as garbage disposal, behind cabinets, even under the bed!

Its presence in the human community is not something to be expected. They are many, but not edible. If only edible, of course, hunger never existed in the world - anyway who also want to eat a cockroach. Instead, we hate it, avoid it, and some even fear him. I know people who macho, brave, wise, but afraid of cockroaches. Amusingly see their behavior when faced with a cockroach, haha.

Why Hated Cockroach.

Somehow, our perspective on the same cockroach: DISGUSTED! Perhaps because we know where they live. Or perhaps since birth we've had the same instinct to cockroaches: shocker! Going into this interesting research topic. Some babies can be sampled on this. But of course her parents would never permit because his parents knew it was disgusting cockroach. So, we will probably never know if these feelings of disgust towards cockroaches congenital or due to environmental influences.

Disgust, they should be cast! Murder cockroach is not only for reasons of disgust, but also for health reasons. Although there is no scientific proof that the body of a cockroach carrying infectious diseases to humans, but because of a cockroach likes to hang around in dirty (lots of germs) then automatic when he walked on top of the mattress we had dirt stuck to the top of the mattress pads. Still mending mattress, they can be washed. Instead of streets on our food, the food should be discarded.

Fact dirtiness cockroaches: cockroaches favorite food is garbage or leftover food, ie food-eating stale that is certainly a lot of bacteria and viruses. They taste their food with her legs. With legs that also they take a walk over your floor. Hiii, you can imagine how slovenly former step of the cockroach.

If you get a cockroach in your home, then you may not be quiet because it meant he had many friends. Cockroach always live in groups. When walking, they leave a trail that can be recognized by other cockroaches so that there will never be a cockroach is a stray. This ensures a cockroach to continue to live together, get a meal, and of course continue the descent.

The first miracle: geomagnetic.

But get rid of cockroaches is not easy thing. Menyambit with slippers clearly not the solution. At least he's only a short run - we not want to throw him out, but ended their lives! We often do is ferret cockroach so no one in sight. Once within the stampede, instantly trampled!

Cockroaches are very agile. It took some time before finally stamping on a cockroach were killed. In addition, imagine such a cockroach disgust trampled and remove fluid from the body making us often tread by not wholeheartedly - this contributes to why we often miss the mark stamping. However, the book thrown or hit with any wood, cockroach remains hard to kill. They were very agile, can be avoided with the right seemed to know where the attack is coming.

Agility cockroach became one subject of the research: why cockroaches can dodge attacks with ease. Cockroaches utilizing the earth's magnetic field (geomagnetic) to guide the movement as an online magazine Wired published science based on the report of the Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 212 Issue 21, November 1, 2009.

This study conducted a series of experiments to cockroaches in the electric field and radio waves. The researchers revealed that cockroaches can map the geomagnetic field as well as birds. This is not a cheesy science! Geomagnetic feel is already a surplus of insects, but this is not just a feeling, but look! And because they've inhabited this Earth 350 million years, this mapping system already spread all kinds of cockroaches! In other words, they are born already know what he looks like from the perspective of the Earth's geomagnetic field. Crazy!

Meaning: to kill him, for they are not agile. To make it agile, remove the geomagnetic field. To eliminate the geomagnetic field, destroy the Earth. Conclusion: to kill a cockroach, destroy the Earth.

The second miracle: blattabacterium.

Mapping the Earth's geomagnetic field is not the only advantages of a cockroach. A report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 106, No. 43, October 27, 2009, as reported in the online magazine Wired science says that there is a type of bacteria called blattabacterium capable of converting waste into nutrients needed to live cockroach. It makes cockroaches can survive from eating anything. Even crazier, was so efficient recycling system that bacteria do before, cockroaches do not need to pee!

The presence of these bacteria make a cockroach can live a simple, effective, and efficient. But on the other hand, cockroaches became very dependent on bacterial expected "perch" in the body of a cockroach 140 million years ago. If these bacteria die, the cockroach loses all capabilities associated with the body's metabolism. Cockroaches have lost the ability to metabolize itself.

Meaning: to kill a cockroach, please kill this blattabacterium. However, what poison that can effectively kill these bacteria? Scientists thought that these bacteria can mutate so resistant to the toxin given.

Facts to Know About the Cockroach.

Do not be afraid of cockroaches. If the fear of being increasingly attacked. Hard to put into practice? Heard it just has to make skin crawl, let alone confront directly.

Cockroaches including many of the most hated insects. Like in a dirty place so disgusting. Especially when it suddenly flat insects can fly up to you like a little monster, well, it's no wonder that so many phobia, especially women.

Some facts that you know why :

1. Cockroaches have a radar that could detect the fear experienced by
    people in sekitarnya.Kecoa have a nervous system and the system
    motor movement is astounding, and has a reaction speed
    very impressive, to escape from danger, including reaction
    attached to the object that has the fear him, as
    self-defense reaction of the cockroach.

2. Cockroaches located almost in all parts of the world, except in the polar

3. Among the most notable species are the American cockroach (Periplaneta
    americana), which has a length of 3 centimeters (cm), German cockroach
    (Blattella germanica), with a length of ± 1.5 cm, and the Asian cockroach
    (Blattella asahinai), with about 1.5 cm long also. However, the most
    substantial in size may Australian burrowing cockroach can grow
    up to 9 cm.

4. According to the study, the cockroach has been on earth since 300 million
    years ago or older than the dinosaurs.
    When the family of giant reptiles extinct dinosaurs about 65 million years ago,
    cockroach family to survive until now. Biologists even
    estimates, in case of an atomic catastrophe on earth, one of the creatures
    life will still exist is a cockroach.

5. Speed ​​cockroach ran only about 5 kilometers per hour. Which is very
    Awesome is the reaction speed senso-motor system in
    responding to stimuli from the outside.

6. In the long evolutionary history, developed two systems senso-
    independent motor. That means, they can function in unison,
    or also serve each other without depending on the system.

Senso-motoric system first located in the head, with two antennas that function as tuning vibration. The second part of the hind legs that extend into the abdomen, with fine hairs, also serves a similar antenna.
If the vibration of a tuning system in the hind legs or antennae on the head gets a sudden stimulus, the reaction occurs only within 15-20 milliseconds or faster than the blink of an eye, the cockroach is already reacting a defense to save himself.

7. Two senso-motoric system cockroach separate and independent so that if one
    sabotaged or shut down the system, the other system is still active and
    function. In fact, cockroaches were beheaded still react as quickly as
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 07 February 2016 at 11:31
Tag : Cockroaches.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:31