Thursday 8 May 2014

What is it with ink .

Ink has a large impact on our daily lives , it is very true . Consciously or not , we must always use ink .
In fact , there are three basic types of ink materials are often used . There is pigment ink , dye ink and ink chemical precipitation . Let 's check them out .

1 . Pigment Ink .

Let 's start from pigment ink or pigment inks . Pigments are used as raw materials in the form of a dry powder of solid ink that is mixed into a kind of liquid water .
This was done so that the scars pigment black , white or other colors .
Pigments that are not always soluble in water such as sugar or salt , but still mixed into a colloidal solution, meaning that if we stir the solution, it will be mixed ink, and when allowed to stand in the long term it will settle .
Type of pigment inks are inks that are resistant long timeand not easily fade . It is suitable for printing on a smooth surface like a sheet of paper or a sticker .
Although the price is more expensive and not as bright color dye ink , quite worth it if you want to print the result image or your paper assignments durable .
Pigment ink is very easy to find because today is the ink of this kind are most widely used by people .
Pigme also began to be applied to the ink pen that is not easy to fade and color ink on paper does not quickly turn into golden brown .

2 . Dye Ink .

If you want to print out cheaper and brighter , dye ink is the answer .
Therefore , this type of ink is more easily soluble in water . Unfortunately, when applied , rapid dye ink spilling everywhere .
In addition , this ink takes longer to dry and the results will be ugly if hitting the water droplets .
But dye ink have very bright colors . The color is brighter because of various optical compound added .
However , the optical compound has a low resistance to light or UV light , because the dye-based inks are usually spread thinner than pigment ink on the surface .
These inks fade quickly when exposed to sunlight . So , not suitable for dye ink printing for outdoor banners .
Dye ink widely used for indoor purposes, such as in printing the image on the mug. Although famous for its shortcomings , some brands of printing machines actually have increased resistance dye ink products that can rival the quality pigment ink . Cool !

3 . Chemical Precipitation Ink .

There is also an ink or chemical precipitation often known as iron gall ink .
Purple - colored ink black or brown - black was made ​​from iron salts and tannic acids derived from vegetable sources . Through the fermentation process , tannic acid are released , then produced a dark or black color .
The ink that is used for writing and drawing standards in Europe in the 5th century to the 20th .
In the process, the ink is now used as a fill fountain pen . This type of ink is considered more durable and not easily penetrate if written on paper .
Not only that , this type of ink was believed to be more environmentally friendly , because the materials are natural and made ​​even posted under the fermentation process .
So far there are other colors beingnot on this type of ink color other than black . Basically , writing , drawing or print anything could use any ink .
Customize it to your needs , the origin of the trace in prints with inks not in your heart .   So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno
DatePublished : May 08, 2014 at 13:44
tag ; What is it with ink .

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:44

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Operations Trends Selfie Trigger.

Who would now never selfie. Self-portrait for this generation, it has become imperative.
Children, adolescents and state leaders also avid selfie. Of course in order to sip response, which will be uploaded any photos to be perfect. It is indirectly trigger high fevers rise of plastic surgery.
Based on research Academy Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery American (AAFPRS), fever selfie it encourages people to perform high interest plastic surgery because they want to look perfect in every photograph.
If it can be likened, plastic surgery is a photoshop in the real world, any physical deficiency can alter.
The survey involved 2,700 plastic surgeons who are members AAFPRS. The study said one in three plastic surgeons discovered that patients who want to change the face tends to increase.
The patient looks reasonable to improve performance in social media. Throughout 2013, a sharp nose demand rose 10 percent, while it rose 7 percent of hair transplants and eyelid makeovers demand increased 6 percent.
"Social media like Instagram, iPhone application form Snapchat and solely featuring pictures," said President of the AAFPRS Edward Farrior.
That prompted more attention to the patient's physical appearance in detail.
They often complain about the appearance more myself than before, because the photo posted is the first impression that is seen by the people.
Typically, those posts aim to find a friend or spouse. "Our patients want the image displayed is the best display them," he added.
As many as 58 percent of surgeons surveyed stated that during 2013, the majority of patients is dominated by the age of 30 years and under.
As many as 81 percent of patients are women. On average the patients want to look younger than actual age, while men complained of is the problem of baldness and facial wrinkles.
Besides selfie, bullying becoming one of the drivers at the teens plastic surgery.
A similar study was also conducted last year for the video chat software such as Skype, FaceTime and other similar programs.
As a result, these programs encourage people to do plastic surgery because they want to look beautiful or handsome in front of the opponent's chat.
The question now; What if there is someone who has done the crime then do the plastic surgery to change his face??????
Please in the study itself.  So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno
DatePublished : May 07, 2014 at 21:25
tag ; Operations Trends Selfie Trigger.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:25

Asia Select Face.

Plastic surgery is more style Ginseng Common.

Faces before and after plastic surgery

Ages never translate beauty in the exposure and the same picture.
Each continent also has a different standard of beauty. If society exalts Asia very beautiful face, more Americans adore proportional body.
However, plastic surgery equally be the right answer for beauty and elegance.
Along with advances in technology, plastic surgery is no longer an unattainable thing. Not only for reviews of media and used as ingredients in many public talks, plastic surgery has also become a cheap commodity.
Now the cost of plastic surgery is no longer drain the bag and savings, and even plastic surgery procedures became more practical and safer and produce maximum results.
Since 2011, makeovers skin and hair types of plastic surgery is still the most popular, especially in Asia.
But there is no other country in the continent's oldest is more synonymous with plastic surgery than South Korea. City of Seoul, the capital city of the State Ginseng has emerged as a haven of beauty and elegance, because plastic surgery clinics mushrooming in these tourist destinations.
In the survey, Trend Monitor reported that plastic surgery becomes something very unusual in South Korea.
Therefore, do not be surprised if the growth of plastic surgery in the country is growing by leaps and bounds.
On average one in five South Korean women had undergone plastic surgery.
"Most of them perform dilation eyelid surgery and nose beheading," said Trend Monitor.
In contrast to the European and American people who prefer breasts or buttocks surgery, while the Asian population is more interested in becoming the ideal reconstruct their faces.
If the perpetrators of plastic surgery in Europe and in America choose to hide "secrets" of their perfection, not so with the womenfolk Asia, particularly South Korea.
Later, the artists and the South Korean movie player even with voluntary indulgence in the "kitchen" of their beauty. They talk about plastic surgery in the presence of the media, and even some of them did not hesitate to bring old pictures that show the difference before and after plastic surgery.
Interestingly, exposure to the public is actually inspired South Korea to undergo cosmetic surgery.
"I never said that I was born a beautiful woman," said Yu-mi, Miss Korea 2012. Yu-mi who has been named the most beautiful woman in the entire South Korea's claim to have undergone plastic surgery several times.
In various interviews with the media, he actually called on the people not be afraid to undergo plastic surgery in order to be beautiful.
In South Korea, surgery and skin bleaching widening eyelids became the most popular.
"Downsizing jaw, nose and beheading eyelid surgery is still a trend in South Korea," reports Business Insider.
Because the ideal of South Korean women about beauty is almost the same, do not be surprised if they had plastic surgery, which is then transformed as the same figure with their friends.
So far, Kim Tae-hee is still the benchmark most of the South Korean women about beauty, because it was a lot of popping figure Kim in the country.
Of that, Kim did not get annoyed, because he himself was a product of a successful plastic surgery.
"In South Korea, plastic surgery clinic into a normal conversation between women," writes Business Insider.
That's why the conversation about social gathering or branded handbags and salons are no longer heard in the women's forum.
South Korean womanhood more than happy to talk about skin bleaching procedure or surgery beheading nose and jaw downsizing.
"The women are more often asked about the chin or nose and eyes rather than bags, shoes and other clothing," said a plastic surgeon.
In the era of instant, as now, the community is likely to become cult appearances, so plastic surgery was very sold well.
In the United States, in addition to breast surgery, withdrawal neck skin to be one kind of the most popular plastic surgery.
U.S. womenfolk neck became increasingly aware that one of the most honest part of the body to preach age.
FoxNews reported that the withdrawal procedure neck skin increased rapidly in 2013. During the period of one year, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) have noted that more than 55,000 neck operation. The average patient can expect to get a job or hang on to the position now to make over the face.
So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno
DatePublished : May 07, 2014 at 17:12
tag ; Asia Select Face.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:12

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Most Hold in Any Weather .

Used Grass Regarding the 2014 World Cup Stadium .

Bermuda grass type most widely used in a number of stadiums for the 2014 World Cup .
Grass types are considered most suitable to Brazilian hot weather .
Tropical countries like Brazil will be very hot in the dry season , even in Rio de Janeiro , the temperature can reach 40 degrees Celsius when the peak of the dry season .
With such conditions , it takes a stadium grass resistant to hot weather .
That is the reason a number of stadiums in Brazil using bermuda grass types . Grass species was considered the strongest among the various types and suitable for superheated weather .
Besides these types can adapt well in any weather , whether dry , moist or wet .
There are four types of Bermuda grass used in the 2014 World Cup venue , the celebration of Bermuda , Tifway 419 bermuda, bermuda tifgrande reygrass and bermuda tifgrand . Each type of grass that has the advantage .
For example , bermuda celebration that is used in the Arena Amazonia . The advantages of the grass is the most rapid recovery from damage when compared with the other variants .
Excellence that is the most important grass can grow well even without sufficient sunlight rays .
So it is perfect for game night. Making it one of the best types of bermuda grass.
" Grass is a celebration type of grass that is very good . Though without sufficient sunlight rays and is used in many games , the grass is still able to maintain its quality , " said Alexandre Vieira dos Santos , one of the owners of the company in charge of the stadium turf , Greenleaf Gramados .
The Bermuda Tifway 415 has its own uniqueness . This grass is super hot weather resistant . No one if the Arena Pernambuco choosing the type of grass , because Recife very hot in June-July .
In contrast again with bermuda grass tifgrand . The grass was a little darker than the other grasses . Therefore the grass requires little nitrogen and water supply . By doing so , maintenance is much easier than other types of grass .
The last type of grass is bermuda tifgrande reygrass used . This grass is known to be more subtle than other grasses and is highly resistant to the activities carried out in the field longer .
Thus , the type of grass that is suitable for many in the stadium that held the match .
However , extra care should be done carefully. Brazil as the host of the 2014 World Cup would have learned a lot from Amazonia Arena Stadium which was severely damaged because most fertilizers .
At that time the hot weather in the area of ​​Manaus , the officer gave fertilizers as much as possible in the hope the grass will grow quickly.
The result on the contrary , the grass becomes damaged . Proper handling of the types and different types of grass into the solution to obtain good quality turf.
So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author : Sunarno .
name : Bambang Sunarno
DatePublished : May 06, 2014 at 17:52
tag ; Most Hold in Any Weather .


Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:52

Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Have you set your holiday destination ?
If not , spend the New Year at the same time at the beach can be a very attractive option .
Indonesia has thousands of beautiful and exotic beaches. Acitivitas choice was also very diverse. Start of extreme sports such as surfing , banana boat and fish fliying , until snorkelng to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world .
For those who just want to relax and enjoy the sun , countless white sand beaches with warm and beautiful . Type the beach as it was the most friendly for families and children .

SENGGIGI Beach , Lombok Island , Indonesia .

Senggigi Beach is located on the west coast of the island of Lombok , Indonesia .
Senggigi beach has a stretch of beach with white sand . The pounding of the waves were calm , fun to snorkel while enjoying the beauty of the coral reefs .

Kuta Beach and Sanur Beach , Bali , Indonesia .

Two beaches are located on the island of Bali is very familiar to domestic and foreign tourists . The tourists can sunbathe enjoying the tropical sun , surf , relax in the ranks of cafes and restaurants or shopping .

G - LAND Plengkung Beach , Banyuwangi , East Java , Indonesia is .

Plengkung Beach is known as one of the best surfing beaches in the World .
Big waves and surrounded by virgin tropical rainforest .

Beach Raja Ampat , West Papua , Papua , Indonesia .

Lately the name of Raja Ampat increasingly popular as a tourist destination from around the world . The location is surrounded by the blue sea coral islands plus looks amazing . The spectacular scenery combined with strong currents and fierce waves that presents a challenge for a world class surfer .

THOUSAND ISLANDS , Jakarta , Indonesia .

Located just 45 minutes from Jakarta , Thousand Islands is one way for the tourists to enjoy the beach and sea life .
Activities that can be done such as , diving , fishing or sunbathing on the beach . Not only so tourist destinations , beaches in the Thousand Islands is a marine life conservation.   So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno
DatePublished : May 06, 2014 at 16:20
tag ; Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:20

In order for Peak Season Stay Fun.

Meticulously Weekend Plan Year .

Without the feel , the end of 2014 is in sight . It's time to prepare special time for a vacation and spend the New Year in a special way .
End of the year is a favorite moment for some people to vacation . Nuance is more fun than the mid -year school holidays .
Moreover , we can all celebrate Christmas and New Year with a big family .
Not surprisingly , at that time there was a surge of visitors in a variety of favorite vacation spots , such as Bali and Lombok . In the peak season like that , usually soaring price of accommodation too .
"Therefore , you should really be prepared for holiday , start setting goals , itinerary until the budget , suggestions Executive Secretary Indonesia Tour and Travel Association ( Asita ) East Java .
Who do not want to be bothered , usually selecting a travel bureau . Such type of holiday preparations usually require more mature in terms of budget and time , but the increasing number of tour and travel agents also make it easier for people to choose a travel agency that suits your needs and budget .
But for those who do not like to go on tour no problem . Although somewhat complicated , everything is more flexible .
First , discuss what kind of vacation spot that you want to enjoy with family and friends , whether the beach , mountains or even shopping .
Second , plan accommodation that suits your budget . Almost every vacation destination has categorized accommodation low cost , mid-range and splurge ( luxury ) .
Without the help of a travel agency , we have to be smart to read the situation and seize the moment .
Accommodation , for example , can be ordered from the far - away days . Although the peak season , book a hotel room a few weeks before D-Day still cheaper , as well as for air tickets .
" Currently , the promo price offers from airlines increasingly popular , it even applies to international and domestic routes and it can be used , " the secretary said .
"Travelers from Indonesia also has a longer period of time in planning a
vacation , " he continued .
Purchase order tickets and travel package will always rise since the beginning of the holiday and peaked at the beginning of the end of the holidays .
For the country, Bali and Yogyakarta remains a favorite destination .
" When abroad, travelers still opt to go to Singapore , Malaysia , China and Thailand . There is also the latest trends , namely a vacation to South Korea . Request was also very high , " he explained .
In addition , the budget should develop plans in detail and tailored to the needs of the tourist attractions .
To find out the requirements , we can check the sites are scattered traveling on the internet, for example , Lonely Planet and Trip Advisor . Separate well as budget accommodation to budget for shopping .
Actor and presenter Ramon Tungka including one traveling fans . His favorite spot is the beautiful beaches in Indonesia .
" I can not shut up to the beach . Many activities that can be done there , such as snorkeling , diving , swimming or playing games. If you want to relax a little bit , I usually bring a book , " he said .
Because of the frequency to the beach , the man who started his career as an MTV VJ's got some tips for holiday more lively . Foremost, wear shirts and pants that the material is easy to dry , do not forget to bring slippers , suglasses and the camera under water . Bring also supplies mineral water to prevent dehydration .
" It is advisable to wear sunblock to protect the skin , " he said .
Ramon counted stubborn , he often ignores sunblock , skin consequently often suffer sunburn or sunburn .
Then, if the end of this year he's on vacation to the beach ?
" No. This year there . I just wanted to go home the people I love, " he said with a small snickered.  So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno
DatePublished : May 06, 2014 at 14:30
tag ; In order for Peak Season Stay Fun.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:30

Monday 5 May 2014

Recife city government objections.

Fan Fest tug presence in Recife may arise also because of the place .
The port city with a population of two million people do not have much alternative location . Therefore, although FIFA has chosen Cais da Afandega , Recife city government objected .
Usually big event held in Recife Marko Zero . For tourists the World Cup , the most appropriate location for hanging .
It was located in the old port of Recife in the former period of Portuguese occupation in the 16th century . Right beside the river upstream Capibaribe , one of the major rivers that cut through Recife .
Marko Zero characterized by broad and airy public spaces . This location is very pretty with a number of old buildings in the vicinity , but not wide enough Marko Zero to hold Fan Fest .
Moreover, the free public viewing locations are usually equipped with a wide screen . Marko Zero will not be enough to accommodate thousands of fans .
" I can not imagine if the Fan Fest here , will be very limited , " said Reginaldo Talis , a resident of Recife .
On the other hand , the decision of FIFA chose Cais de Alfandega also questionable , because the location is even narrower than in Marko Zero .
The area was immediately flanked by the River Beberibe and shopping center , measuring just wide four-lane road .
Although elongated , location tolerable risk , because it is too close to the shopping center so it is not too safe in case of commotion .
If you want a more spacious , the city government can slide it to the edge of the city , especially the west side of the city of Recife including the empty area that has not been built .
The problem is , the area just outside Recife problems with safety , especially in the region stood slum ( favela ) .
"The issue of security , in the city center there was never a problem . Lot of big events held and there are no problems , it is problematic to be in the suburbs . Lot of crime going on there , " said Reginaldo . Thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
author :
name : Bambang Sunarno
DatePublished : May 05, 2014 at 17:57
tag ; Narrow Central City, Uptown Not Safe.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:57