Friday 3 January 2014

Science unsolved.

Scientists science has a lot to do research on something that is still mysterious to be solved , and the one after that there are some things a mystery began to be solved in this world , although there are some mysteries that many unsolved to this day . Some mysteries are still unsolved science to date among which are ;

What happens when an earthquake occurs? 

Until now, humans still do not know what happened when the earthquake took place. Though earthquakes occurred in the bowels of the planet Earth, right under our own feet. Until now only experts could explain where the earthquake fault sourced and what is involved in the seismic event, or maybe just to predict how long aftershocks will last.
But until now they could not explain exactly what is happening in the earth when the earthquake took place. The nature and behavior of the power that makes the fragments continue to move up and then finally an earthquake happens is still a mystery.
"The problem is the seismic shift on one of the most basic thing of all about earth science. But it is still a mystery 30 years old, unsolved, "said Tom Heaton, a geophysicist from Caltech.

Who are you? 

Natural consciousness of human beings over the years, is still confusing for psychologists and cognitive scientists in the field. Part of the answer to the basic question above is answered with a simple no; something that triggers us to do something, already fused with human neural tissue.
Although we think that what we do is free will, but any work performed by humans are also influenced by unconscious processes and the environment.
How do we make a conscious decision that makes sense besides humans have a soul? It is still a mystery.

How life on earth could have happened? 

Humans have found preliminary evidence of the existence of life on earth from simple germs around 3 billion years ago. However, how the initial events of life then other creatures on earth, until now unknown.
"Many theories of the origin of life on offer, but it is very difficult to be accepted and prove." Said Diana Northup, Cave Biologist from the University of New Mexico.

How does the brain work? 

Until now, no one has been able to explain how the human brain works. With billions of neurons and each neuron has thousands of connections, the brain is very difficult to study.
"We all think that we can understand our brains, at least through our own experience. In fact, our subjective experience is minimal guidelines to determine how the brain works, "said Scott Huettel, an expert from the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University.
Until now researchers have not been able to determine how the neurons form functional networks when people are learning, remembering, or perform other activities, including when to see, hear, move, or while intoxicated by love.

Where other parts of the universe? 

Humans have many limitations when trying to examine the universe.
"It is also called the dark side of the universe," said Michael Turner, an expert on cosmology from the University of Chicago. According to him the greatest mysteries of the universe is dark matter and dark energy.
Although the researchers are trying hard to explore outer space to the furthest and deepest into the earth's crust, however, the new estimated 4 per cent of matter and energy are found. While 96 percent are still not known.

What causes gravity? 

Although gravity has been studied since the time of Newton, but this field is still very little known by man. Gravity can not be explained by standard physics mode. The gravity theorists believe may be related to small particles called gravitons are massless cause gravity.
"Gravity is totally different from other styles that can be described in the standard model," said Mark Jackson, a theoretical physicist from Fermilab in Illinois USA.
"When you do the calculation of gravitational interactions is small, then you will get a nonsensical answer. Mathematics simply can not work, "he said.

Is there really a Theory of Everything? 

The experts usually have a pretty good standard models to define everything in the universe down to the smallest particles, ranging from magnetism to the atoms that compose and how they can remain stable.
This standard model particles look into the points that are very small, some of which contain basic style. However, the weakness of the earlier standard model, is its failure to perform calculations on gravity and very high energy.
If there is a theory that can consistently include two of these things in the modeling, the universal theory of physics will actually be realized. Unfortunately, many researchers believe it will never be achieved.

Do aliens really exist? 

Is something that is logical to assume that when there is life other than on Earth. Therefore, the elements necessary for life are widely distributed in the universe.
In addition, solar systems similar to our solar system are also found in outer space.
"So at least, there is the possibility that there is another life there," said Jill Tarter, Director of the Center for SETI Research in California.

1. How the universe was created?
The theory of the big bang that started the universe since the existence 13.7 billion years ago was seen as a plausible theory, although it can not be directly tested.
In theory, everything begins with a space that is small and then expand and grow big because of the inflation process (pumping).
"Up to now we do not yet know what causes inflation, or even whether the theory is right or not," said Eric agol, an astrophysicist from the University of Washington.  Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 3, 2014 at 16:19
Tag ; Science unsolved.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:19


Of course we as users or online activists familiar with the hackers. What is a hacker ..? Hackers are people who study, analyze, modify, breaks into computers and computer networks, either for profit groups and individuals.

But did you know that it turns out in the world there are level-level hackers from hackers to hackers petty class snapper.


They are people without experience and knowledge who wants to be a Hacker (wanna-be hacker). They usually read or hear about Hacker & want to like it. Use of their computers mainly to play games, IRC, exchange prirate software, steal credit card. Usually hacking using software trojan, nuke & DoS. Usually brag via IRC channels etc.. Because many shortcomings to achieve elite, in their development will only be up to the level of developed or script kiddie kiddie alone.

Script Kiddie.

Such as developed kiddie, Script Kiddie usually perform these activities. As well Lamers, they only have technical knowledge of networking is very minimal. Usually not separated from the GUI. Hacking is done using horses to frighten and distress living most Internet users.

Developed Kiddie.

The term is mainly due to the young age group (ABG) and still in school. They read about the methods of hacking and how on various occasions. They tried various systems to ultimately succeed and proclaimed victory to another. Generally they are still using the Graph UserInterface (GUI) and just learn the basic of Unix, without being able to find new weaknesses holes in the operating system.

Semi Elite.

Hackers are usually younger than the Elite. They also have the ability and extensive knowledge of computers. They understand about the operating system (including holes). Usually equipped with a small number of programs sufficient to alter the program exploits. Many of the attacks carried out by hackers who published this caliber, unfortunately by the Elite they are often categorized Lamer.


Also known as 3l33t, 3l337, 31337 or a combination of it is the spearhead of the network security industry. They understand the operating system, able to configure and connect a global network. Capable of programming each day. A very natural grace, they are usually efficient and skilled, using knowledge to the right. They like stealth to enter the system without in the know, although they will not destroy the data. Because they always follow the rules.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 3, 2014 at 15:49
Tag ; Hackers.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:49

Need to Know About prostration.

Many of us Muslims who are less helpful and useful to know how to pray 5 times , but we sometimes prefer to leave prayer to the affairs of the world .
You Need to Know About prostration.
It turns out that the prayer greatly help improve the health of our body , one of the prayer movement that can help improve health is prostration .
The benefits of prostration ;

Blood flow to the Brain.

Lymph flow gets pumped neck and armpits . The position of the heart on the brain causes oxygen -rich blood can flow to the brain is maximal . Because it did prostration tuma'ninah with sufficient capacity so that blood to the brain . (Dr. Fidelma , neurologist of America )

Increasing intelligence .

If the brain get oxygen -rich blood supply , it can stimulate the cells. In other words , tuma'ninah and prostration which can continuously stimulate intelligence . (Prof. Sholeh , his research has mendpt recognition of Harvard Univesity , USA )

Keeping the organs of the body .

Train certain muscle strength , including the pectoral muscle , which occurs in the muscle contraction . Prostrate habit of restoring and maintaining the abdominal organs in place back / fixation .

Preventing radiation .

Radiation generated by electric technology can give side effects and harm body organs , especially the brain . Where the disease if left unchecked will cause muscle spasms , sore throat , tiredness , stress , migraine , until dementia at an early age . When prostration , excess positive ions that exist in our bodies will flow to the earth , because the earth is a place of negative ions . Then there was the process of neutralization of the electric and magnetic radiation .
Perfect prostration is to glue the 7 members of the body ( forehead , nose , both hands , both knees and both feet ) into the earth . (Dr. Muhammad Hamid Dhiyaa'uddin , lecturer and chairman of the department of radiation biology food on Radiation Technology Research Institute ) .
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 3, 2014 at 13:51
Tag : Need to Know About prostration.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:51

Incurable diseases.

No one in this world who want a disease , let alone the disease clearly no antidote. But all the diseases resulting from unhealthy lifestyle and may also be hereditary and genetic factors .
Some diseases that until now there is still no cure .


Ebola is a virus of the family Filoviridae which causes severe fever and bleeding . This virus attacks the primates , such as gorillas , chimpanzees , and humans . The risk of death from Ebola virus in humans even reach 50-90 percent .
The name of this virus is actually derived from the Ebola River in the north of the Congo , Africa , the first time in 1976 . Ebola Marburg virus is closely related to that found in 1967 that cause epidemic human disease. There is also the Ebola Reston virus that attacks monkeys in Virginia , but not so fatal effect on humans .


Polomyelitis polio or paralysis that is affecting children . Polio is an acute disease due to a viral infection that attacks the nervous system . Symptoms of polio usually begins with fever , headache , nausea , weakness , muscle pain , shortness of breath , and usually followed by paralysis of certain body parts . Most polio cases found in children under the age of five .
Although there are symptoms mentioned , 90 percent of patients often do not experience any signs when stricken with polio . Until now , there is no cure of polio . But beginning in 1960 , there began to injected vaccines in children . Unfortunately there are still cases of polio were attacked , for example in India .


Lupus is an immune system disorder that causes excessive inflammation in certain body parts . There are three types of lupus , which is discoid , systemic , and drug-induced .
Discoid lupus affects the skin and does not involve internal organs . Usually this type of lupus symptoms are rashes on the skin with a greyish brown side which appears on the neck , face , and scalp . Approximately 10 percent of patients with discoid could evolve into a kind of systemic disease . Systemic lupus most commonly found in humans . This disease affects nearly every organ of the body , especially the skin , kidneys , joints , heart , gastrointestinal tract , brain , organ membranes , joints , and body cavities .


Flu or influenza is an acute viral infection of the upper or lower respiratory tract . Symptoms can include fever , chills , muscle aches , accompanied by pain in the head and chest .
Flu can be caused by several strains of the virus , namely types A , B , and C. A virus causes flu epidemic , B spread the disease in a more narrow scale , while C does not affect humans . However, in some cases , the virus evolved and become a new type and nearly indestructible human immune system . For example, bird flu or swine flu that has killed humans in a short time .

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

His name is quite difficult to pronounce and deadly nature . The disease attacks the nervous system in one in one million people in the world . However, in certain populations , the risk of disease is higher , for example, Libyan Jews .
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease usually affects adults aged 40-70 years , although young people also may develop this disease. Symptoms usually affect people 's behavior . Within a few months , followed by dementia come to attack blurred vision and difficulty moving .
The disease was first discovered in 1920 and is similar to kuru or behavioral disorders that attack humans and scrapie goat . Three diseases are equally made ​​in the brain tissue has a hole so transmissible spongiform encephalopathies given the designation .


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes insulin response was not working properly so the difficulty maintaining blood sugar levels . There are two types of diabetes , type 1 and type 2 . Type 1 is caused by the excess on one's immune system and destroys the cells that produced insulin . This type of diabetes usually found in children .
While Type 2 usually affects adults aged 40 years and over . The cause is a gene and obesity lead to impaired insulin response . This type of diabetes patients are advised keeping blood sugar levels and if necessary conduct regular insulin injections .


AIDS could be considered the opposite of lupus disease . For if lupus is caused by excess immune system , AIDS makes the body's immune system weakens .
At the beginning of the HIV virus attacks and destroys the immune system . Patients then undergo various infections and diseases that ultimately lead to death .
The name is derived from AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome , a disease caused by the HIV virus ( human immunodeficiency virus ) . First discovered in 1980 in Africa . The distribution is presumably due to international travel , intercourse , and through injecting drugs .


Asthma is a chronic disorder of the lungs that obstruct the flow of oxygen and causing the patient difficulty breathing , coughing , shortness , and lead to death . Some of the causes of asthma are usually dust , animal fur particular , pollen , pollution , smoke , temperature , medication , and exercise .
Although asthma can strike anyone , most sufferers are children aged 10 years and under . Boys are more commonly affected than females asthma . While in adults , the risk of asthma men and women equally. Another commonality of asthma in children and adults is no medicine that cures the disease .


Cancer is caused by cell growth which can not be controlled in the body . The most frequent cancers in men are prostate , lung , and colon . While in women , there are breast cancer , lung , and colon that haunt them .
Advances in technology to date has successfully led researchers to understand what is really happening with the cancer cells and how a person develops cancer . But unfortunately , the new prevention , diagnosis , and treatment can be done . For drugs , has not been found most efficacious method to fight this disease .


Colds are viral infection of the upper respiratory tract . Sometimes also spread to the lower structure and cause eye infection or middle ear .
Colds usually begins with a fever . Indeed, as long as there are medications to relieve symptoms of fever and nasal congestion experienced by patients . But to truly recover from colds , there is no medicine that did it . The proof , a person can be exposed to colds many times . Heal was due to antibodies in the man himself who managed to beat the common cold virus infection .
Flu is different from a cold though both attacks the respiratory tract . The difference is, there are more than 200 viruses that cause colds while there are a few that trigger the flu . That is the reason why there is a vaccine for influenza but no to cold . Symptoms are often the same , but a lot of people are pretty hard to tell the difference . Thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 3, 2014 at 13:16
Tag : Incurable diseases.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:16

Drug renal failure.

If you are a man who suffered kidney problems such as kidney failure malfunction of the kidneys so it can not get rid of toxins in the body we suggest you start taking care kidney capsule green world that has proven its value . Kidney care capsule for man is made ​​by the kidney drug GMP standards and obtain U.S. FDA certification , BPOM , HACCP .

Drug renal failure.

Structure of the Human Kidney.Drug kidney failure kidney care for renal medicine man was created specifically to help men kidney problems. (Chronic kidney disease, CKD ) Kidney failure is the process of kidney damage with a span of more than 3 months . CKD can lead to simtoma a glomerular filtration rate below 60 mL/men/1.73 m2 , or above that value , but is accompanied by abnormal urinary sediment . The presence of kidney stones can also be an indication of CKD in patients with congenital disorders such as hyperoxaluria and cystinuria .
The symptoms of worsening kidney function are unspecific , and might include feeling generally unwell and experiencing reduced appetite .
Often , chronic kidney disease is diagnosed as a result of screening of people known to be at risk of kidney problems , such as those with high blood pressure or diabetes and those who have a blood relative with chronic kidney disease . Chronic kidney disease may also be identified when it leads to one of the recognized complications, such as cardiovascular disease, anemia or pericarditis .
Before you stake the lives of late so we suggest you get the message and the consumption of drugs renal failure kidney care for man .
Healing with kidney disease kidney failure kidney care medicine capsule for man
Drug kidney failure - as the name suggests is a special medicine kidney care of international standard has been marketed in 20 countries for the treatment of chronic renal failure . Kidney failure kidney care drug made ​​from a blend of herbal ingredients of high-quality options such as Ginseng , Oyster , Cinnamon , Fruit of Chinese Wolfberry , Chinese Yam .

Benefits of raw materials kidney care for man.

Ginseng , ginseng dragon can enhance and accelerate the increase in HB antibody ( red granules ) so for patients with impaired renal function who have reached the stage of dialysis , with this consume will reduce the intensity of dialysis.
Oyster , a type of shellfish containing Taurine is a non essential amino acid , prevent kidney failure , and it is very good for the kidneys .
Cinnamon ( cinnamon ) , cinnamon with an appropriate dose for renal function and better digestion .
Fruit of Chinese Wolfberry and Chinese Yam , very good to improve and strengthen kidney function .
Green global world is a big company that has branches in various countries is specially engaged in the field of herbal supplements for the health of modern society with the syntax of the U.S. . You no longer have to doubt the quality of the drug to kidney failure kidney for man because the world had better admit asia , europe , america and asia . For maximum efficacy efektfi and to deal with complaints of malfunctioning of ginjalkonsumsi Kidney Care Capsule ( For Man ) 1-3 times a day , 4 capsules every 1 time of consumption .
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 3, 2014 at 12:30
Tag : Drug renal failure.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:30

Efforts to Prevent Kidney Stones.

Those who have felt the pain of kidney stones, would definitely advise you to avoid it.
Structure of the Human Kidney.It's known, if it happened to be a bad position, kidney stones can create tremendous suffering affected.
People are more often hear mention of kidney stones, stone formation, although it could happen in a variety of other body drains.
It can be formed in the ureter tract, kidneys and bladder.
Pregnant women who suffer from stones, can feel pain at all in the roast and can spread to the pubic area.
While the stones that form in the bladder and urethra are in front will inhibit urinary tract.
When the stone was located in the upper part of the urinary bladder, the pain may spread to the pubic area.
But because the stone is free, not bound network, this stone can move anywhere to follow the position of the body.
That is why a person with impaired kidney stone yesterday so difficult urination, the next day was able to laugh with relief.
Apparently the kidney stone has been turned away and no longer cover the drain holes urinary tract.
Yet there are also those who feel the kidneys rocky but not hurt anything. This occurs when the result of the formation of these stones are in the kidney and continue to survive in the kidney.
In such conditions, the symptoms experienced were sore at the waist when the patient's body was not in good condition.
The pain will only appear if a stone dropped into the upper urinary tract, because it inhibits urine trip.
The existence of barriers to make the body react: muscles moving the urinary tract, and was later the patient felt pain.
Although sometimes sick and sometimes not, disorder remains classified as a stone of health problems that can harm the body.
In a national symposium on kidney disease, a stone in the ureter and renal tract referred to as the second most common cause of kidney failure that triggers the disease.
These stones are formed from the reaction of calcium with a chemical compound known as oxalates. In the normal amount of body does need calcium and oxalate.
But if the amount is excessive, both are excreted through the kidneys. High concentrations of both substances in the kidneys to form a hard crystalline insoluble.
Trigger levels of calcium and oxalate is in excess of which comes from food.
Foods that affect the formation of kidney stones that are high levels of animal protein, carbohydrates and various other intake that contains a lot of calcium, but contains little fiber.
Not surprisingly, various studies show, the public middle and upper socioeconomic classes, found more patients with kidney stones.
In South Africa for example, the incidence of kidney stones in the black African population is lower than the white population.
In research it is known socioeconomic class black population did in fact lower than the white population that has advanced economies.
In Indonesia alone, as revealed in a symposium kidneys, the incidence of kidney stones is quite high.
At least when seen from the data section urology hospitals, where the urinary tract stone disease is a kidney stone cases are most commonly found.
Diseases upper urinary tract stones, which channels the ureter and kidney, were more common in the more advanced societies, while in the less developed is more going on stones in the bladder.
Because belonging to endanger the health , then efforts to prevent , avoid and to overcome kidney stones always pursued by the experts . Efforts to prevent the simplest is to set the type of food consumed , drinking lots of water and exercise regularly .
While when it happens , the stone can be removed in various ways ranging from medication to surgery .
In the prevention phase , water helps so there are no saturation of the rock -forming elements in the urine . While bowel that contains oxalic acid should be avoided .
Sports need to move your body on a regular basis , making it difficult for the deposition of rock -forming elements and facilitate drainage of urine , a trained muscles will help the process .
Prevention introduced a more sophisticated Dr . Ammon Peck of the University of Florida . A few years before introducing preventive medicine kidney stones , Peck and his colleagues found people who are free from kidney stones appeared to have a certain bacteria in the digestive tract .
Bacteria called Peck as this Oxalobacter life of oxalate . The bacteria that absorbs oxalate in the gut before the products of digestion are absorbed blood and circulated throughout the body .
As mentioned in The Economist , Peck later discovered a gene that triggers Oxsalobacter absorb oxalic acid bacteria .
These genes are then used as a marker to test whether a person suffering from disorders Oxsalobacter stones have bacteria or not. If not, these bacteria can be incorporated in order to multiply in the digestive
sufferers .
Other efforts are being researched Peck is doing genetic engineering . Peck hopes that he could develop a gene in kidney cells in the laboratory , then put it back into the kidney .
If this is successful, then the levels of oxalate in the kidneys can be set to remain normal .
But researchers in Germany have a more accurate method. Prof. Dr. Tadashi Hatano, urologists from the University of the Ryukyus, said sleeping position has an important role against the formation of kidney stones. 
As disclosed in the Medical Tribune News Service, based on his research, Hatano encourage people to get more sleep on your back to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Together with other scientists, Hatano create a device that can record the movement of the human body during sleep.
The tool is then used to monitor 57 patients who had a history of kidney stones and 214 volunteers who had never been exposed to kidney stones.
This study is based on the hypothesis that suspected kidney stone formation occurs when people are sleeping, because at that time the highest urine concentration of water while the kidney was minimal movement.
The results of patients that had a history of kidney stones - turns mostly sleep on his stomach or stomach .
While those who slept on her back or on her back, the kidney stone cases are not as much as sleeping on his stomach.
While the difference in outcome between those who sleep on the left or right side was not significant.
Hatano concluded that supine sleeping more can help prevent the formation of kidney stones compared to those who sleep on his stomach.
But since this is still a research, it will continue to review more about these findings. But if you want to try to please and not hurt.
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 3, 2014 at 11:40
Tag ;  kidney stones 

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:40

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Tokyo Very Quiet.

Harajuku atmosphere on this night , December 31, 2013 , looks quiet and deserted .

Here's a view of New Year's Eve in the area of ​​Harajuku , one of Tokyo's crowded center . Usually at night , the crowd and the queue of vehicles will decorate every corner of Harajuku , especially on Saturdays , Sundays , or any other holiday . Harajuku is often filled by the youth of Japan, as well as foreign tourists , well just eye wash or shop in the boutiques / stores spread across the region . However, a different atmosphere seen at night , almost all shops / boutiques have closed since 6pm. Along the way only seen a few tourists and the store clerk who wants to return to his home . There does not appear crowds of people, convoys of vehicles , and the frenzied sound of trumpets are gearing up to welcome the new year .

Harajuku atmosphere on this night , December 31, 2013 , looks quiet and deserted .
Atmosphere of the turn of the year in Japan is different from what is happening in America , the West , and also Indonesia. Fireworks , rumbling sound of a trumpet , and a crowd of people is a common atmosphere of the turn of the year in some parts of the world . During the Japanese are known to follow the culture and traditions of the West , although they are not a Christian . Christmas celebration , Helloween , Thanksgiving , St. Patrick's day , each year is done by most of the Japanese people , especially the young people . However special new year , the Japanese do not celebrate like what is done by the West .
According to my observations , the absence of a tradition of celebrating the new year in Japan because it is contrary to the Japanese culture , especially the teachings of Shinto . Based on the information I received from my friends that the Japanese people , and also some posts I read , on New Year's Eve , Shinto teaches that Japanese people praying at the temple , including for the health and safety throughout the year , as well as other prayers . Culture and doctrine that makes the Japanese people do not follow the tradition of New Year celebrations like in western countries , because it does not fit with the culture and heritage of their ancestors . So I personally conclude , although the Japanese are often influenced by the culture and traditions of the West , but they still give priority to indigenous culture and traditions of his people.
Thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: January 1st, 2014 at 19:03
Tag ;  Harajuku , Tokyo Very Quiet.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:03