Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Did Your Order of March.

Warrant of March or the Decree of March 11 was shortened to Supersemar warrant signed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno on March 11, 1966.

Warrant of March or the Decree of March 11 was shortened to Supersemar warrant signed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno on March 11, 1966.

One version Supersemar (Center for History and Tradition TNI).

One version Supersemar (Center for History and Tradition TNI).

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President Supersemar version.

President Supersemar version.

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This letter contains commands that instruct Suharto, as the Operation Commander of Security and Order (Commander) to take all necessary action to address the poor security situation at the time.
Warrant of March this is the version that is released from the Army Headquarters (AD) were also recorded in the history books. Most of the Indonesian historians say that there are various versions of the manuscript Supersemar that was traced Supersemar issued by President Sukarno in Bogor Palace.

Supersemar discharge. 

According to the official version, initially Supersemar discharge occurs when, on March 11, 1966, President Sukarno convened the Cabinet inauguration enhanced Dwikora known as the "cabinet of 100 ministers". At the time the trial began, Brigadier General Sabur as commander of the presidential guard 'Tjakrabirawa reported that many "wild forces" or "unknown forces" which was later known Army Strategic Reserve Command is under the leadership of Major General Kemal Idris, who served detain people who are in the Cabinet allegedly involved in the G-30-S of which is the Deputy Prime Minister I Soebandrio.
Based on these reports, the President and Vice-Prime Minister I Soebandrio and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh III Chaerul went to Bogor by helicopter that had been prepared. While the trial was finally closed by the Deputy Prime Minister II Dr.J. Leimena were then followed to Bogor.
This situation reported to Major General Suharto (who later became President of replacing Sukarno), which at that time as Commander of the Army Lieutenant General Ahmad Yani replace fallen due to the G-30-S/PKI events. Major General (Maj. Gen.) Suharto when it did not attend the cabinet meeting because of illness. (Some people assessing the absence of Soeharto cabinet meeting scenario is considered as Suharto to wait situation. Because regarded as a gaffe).
Major General Suharto sent three senior officers (AD) to Bogor to meet President Soekarno at the Bogor Palace Brigadier General M. Jusuf, Brigadier General Brigadier General Amirmachmud and Basuki Rahmat. On arrival at the Bogor Palace, at night, there was a conversation between three senior officers of AD with President Sukarno of the situation and the third officer stated that Major General Suharto was able to control the situation and restore security when given a letter of assignment or a power of attorney authorizing him to take action. According to Gen. (ret) M Jusuf, talks with President Soekarno until 20.30 at night.
President Sukarno agreed to it and made an order known as the Order of March is popularly known as Supersemar addressed to Major General Suharto as commander of the Army to take the necessary measures to restore security and order.
Supersemar letter arrived in Jakarta on March 12, 1966 at 01:00 local time brought by the Secretary of the Army Headquarters Brig Boediono. It is based on the narrative Sudharmono, at which time he received a call from Major General Sutjipto, Chairman of the G-5 KOTI, March 11, 1966 at around 10 pm. Sutjipto requested that the concept of the dissolution of the PKI prepared and should be completed that night. The request was on the orders of the Commander held by Major General Suharto. Even Sudharmono Moerdiono was arguing with the legal basis of the text until it arrives Supersemar.

Some controversy about Supersemar. 

 Supersemar Version AD

 Supersemar Version AD

Other Versions Supersemar

Other Versions Supersemar

According to one of the three high-ranking army who eventually received the letter, when they read the letter again on the way back to Jakarta, one of the senior officers who then read it commented "Why is khan transfer of power". It is not clear then the original manuscript Supersemar because a few years later the original manuscript of this letter were missing and no obvious loss of this letter by whom and where the offender's history of events as "the birth of Supersemar" is already dead. Later, the family M. Jusuf said that there was a script Supersemar M. Jusuf personal documents are stored in a bank.
According to the testimony of one of the presidential guard at the Bogor Palace, First Lieutenant (First Lieutenant) Sukardjo Wilardjito, when a confession written in various media after the 1998 Reform which also marks the end of the New Order and the rule of President Soeharto. He stated that senior officers were present to the Bogor Palace on the evening of March 11, 1966 at 01:00 local time dawn not three but four officers that his next officer Brigadier-General (Brig) M. Panggabean. Even at the time, Brigadier General M. Jusuf Supersemar event brought folder bearing the Army Headquarters pink and M. Pangabean and Brig Gen. Basuki Rahmat pointing a gun towards President Sukarno and insisted that President Sukarno signed the letter which he said that the Decree of March is not clear what's inside. Sukardjo First Lieutenant who was in charge of guarding the president, also reply to put the gun in the direction of the generals, but President Sukarno ordered Soekardjo to lower the gun and sheathed it. According to him, the President then signed the paper, and after the signing, President Sukarno told that the situation has been stabilized, the mandate should be immediately returned. The meeting broke up and when the fourth high-ranking officer was returning to Jakarta. President Sukarno told Soekardjo that he must get out of the palace. "I have to get out of the castle, and you have to be careful," he mimicked the message of President Sukarno. Not long after (about 30 minutes ago) Bogor Palace was already occupied and Special Forces troops from the army, First Lieutenant Sukardjo and colleagues subsequently stripped of his bodyguards were arrested and detained in a Military Detention and dismissed from military service. Some have doubted the testimony Soekardjo Wilardjito it, even one of the perpetrators of history Supersemar Gen. (Ret.) Joseph M., and Gen. (ret) M Panggabean denied the incident.
According to testimony A.M. Hanafi in his book "AM Hanafi Sues Suharto coup", a former Indonesian ambassador to Cuba unconstitutionally dismissed by Suharto. He denied the testimony of Lieutenant Sukardjo Wilardjito who said that the presence of Gen. M. Panggabean to Bogor Palace with three other generals (Amirmachmud, M. Jusuf and Basuki Rahmat) on March 11, 1966 morning who guns against President Sukarno. According to him, at that time, President Soekarno stay at the State Palace, Jakarta, for the purposes of a cabinet meeting in the morning. Similarly, all the ministers or most of the ministers have been staying in the palace to avoid the next day when the new comes, the demonstrations that have been huddled in Jakarta. AM Hanafi Alone present at the hearing with the Deputy Prime Minister (Deputy Premier) Chaerul Saleh. According to the writings in the book, the three generals that this is what they had to go to the Bogor Palace, to meet President Soekarno who went there first. And he thinks they departed from the previous palace, from palace to call for independence Amir Machmud Commissioner Soemirat, personal bodyguard of President Soekarno in Bogor, asked for permission to come to Bogor. And all of that there are witnesses-witnesses. The third general seems to have brought the text, which is called now Supersemar. It was there Bung Karno, but not mugged, because they come in fine. But outside the palace is surrounded demonstrations and tanks in the streets outside the palace. Given such circumstances, it seems Bung Karno signed the letter. So AM Hanafi stated, the knowledge of him, because he was not present at the Bogor Presidential Palace but were in along with other ministers. So that comes to nothing Bogor Palace General Panggabean. Mr Panggabean, who at that time served as Minister of Defense, was not present.
About typist Supersemar.
Who actually typed the letter, is still not clear. There are some people who claim to type that letter, among others, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Army Ebram Ali, at that time as staff Assistant I Cakrabirawa Intelligence.
Testimony submitted to the foreign historian, Ben Anderson, by a soldier who had served in Bogor Palace. The Army argues that Supersemar letter typed on letterhead Headquarters of the Army, not on presidential letterhead paper. This is the reason why, according to Ben Supersemar lost or intentionally omitted.
Various attempt was made to National Archives to obtain clarity regarding this letter. In fact, the National Archives has repeatedly asked Gen. (Ret.) M. Jusuf, who was the last witness until his death 8 September 2004, to be willing to explain what really happened, but always failed. It also had to ask for help Muladi the then Secretary of State, Jusuf Kalla, and M. Saelan, even asking the House to summon M. Jusuf. Until now, the National Archives of the effort never materialized. Another key witness, is a former president Suharto. But with the death of former President Suharto on January 27, 2008, made history Supersemar increasingly difficult to uncover.
With the Supersemar confusion, historians and Indonesian law says that the events G-30-S/PKI and Supersemar is one of the Indonesian history that is still dark.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 20:19
Tag : Did Your Order of March.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 20:19

Animal Deadly.

If you are an activist who likes adventure and out of the dense rainforest topis, the Malaria mosquito is an animal that is in fear and on the alert. But still there are 8 other animal that is not less dangerous and scary that could arrive - arrived attend ruin your adventure activities.
Virologist at the same time emcee 'Bite Me' on National Geographic, Dr. Mike Leahy reveal 8 animals that could endanger your adventure activities even ruin your life after that, reported by CNNGo.

Loa worm - loa. 

Loa worm - loa.

An insect in Africa could bite you and leave the worms bacteria that will be in the human eyeball. Although the action sounds creepy, these animals are not classified as dangerous. Loa - not potentially kill loa and the effect will not be to make you blind.
Worm is in the eye can be removed without damaging the existing system in patients eyeballs. But it is better if you do not get bitten loa - loa. So, if you are planning a vacation to the interior of Africa, used clothing covered. Do not forget to always use lotion and mosquito repellents.

Assassin Beetle. 

Assassin Beetle.

Assassin bug or beetle killer will come to the adventurers who were sleeping. Shaped like a black beetle. They came to humans by detecting carbon dioxide released by the body. This insect bite without being detected, there was no pain.
He will spread the parasite through your lips and eyelids. Afterwards, there are parasites that enter the bloodstream and damage the human muscular system. This insect-borne diseases are called chagas and can kill slowly. Most died of heart failure. These animals are in Central America and South America.

Flies Botflies.

Flies Botflies.

Botflies is deceitful harmful insects. He does not come to you and leave the larvae, but he pressed on the larvae of other insects that you might consider harmless. If the insects that have been 'equipped' perch larvae in your body, ready - ready to run to the doctor.
The larvae enter into the pores - pores and slowly destroy the meat. Although not lethal, the effect is very painful. Most doctors immediately amputate parts that have been tampered with larvae. This insect is in South America and how best to avoid wearing clothes botflies is closed.

Jellyfish - irukandji jellyfish.

Jellyfish - irukandji jellyfish.

Careful - careful if swimming on the east coast of Australia such as Queensland, as there are jellyfish - jellyfish dangerous. Jellyfish - The jellyfish are small and tend to be transparent so hard to see while swimming. You may not feel the pinch because it does not hurt.
But the danger is pain that will be suffered after being stung. Jellyfish - Jellyfish is capable of causing unbearable pain shortly after being stung. Most of the victims were rushed to the hospital shortly after contact with irukandji stings.

Banana Spider. 

Banana Spider.

Profit - big profits and this hairy deserve to be feared. Animals that live in Brazil has another name banana spider or profit - profit bananas. Dangerous, of course, bite.
This animal bites can cause death due to a dangerous poison. Once bitten, the wound will be even bigger and worse as the onset of pus and destruction of muscular system in the body. Rarely does a doctor or hospital that is able to restore the shape of the part that has been bitten profit - profit is.



Animals such as leeches is quite dangerous and deadly. Bloodworm is red leeches that live in the clear river in the interior of Africa and South America. This beast will automatically go to warm-blooded creatures like humans when they swim in the waters there.
Without realizing it, it will leech into the skin and spread into the body. Most people die from these leeches are bred in the body and damage organs in it. There are more than 200 million people are already affected by bloodworm and most of them ended tragically.

Sand flies. 

Sand flies.

Sand flies are in some places and result in several diseases. In New Zealand, the sand flies will cause painful itching. In South America, the sand flies can make your nose and eyes ravaged by bacteria carried by them.
Similarly, the Indian tribes lived in the area, sand flies have the same effect, even deadly. This flies really small, it could pass without difficulty netting and he was not noisy. It is most likely done to avoid this insect is enclosed sleeping with clothes and avoid sleeping in the sand.

Candiru fish. 

Candiru fish.

This is why Amazon is very exotic, too dangerous. In the waters of the Amazon, Brazil, lived a deadly fish will suck your blood. He will enter the body of people who bathe, urinate or do other activities in the Amazon River.
The animal was attracted to urine and will go through the release of urine. Before sucking blood depleted in the human body, this fish is very small and that's what makes this fish could enter freely. Once inside, he would be the equivalent of growing blood is aspirated. Most people affected could not be saved because of this very malignant eating fish meat in the human body.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 18:41
Tag : Animal deadly.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 18:41

Do You Know About Rabies.

Rabies germs

Rabies is a deadly virus that is spread through the saliva of infected animals and get into the bloodstream of patients. Rabies can be transmitted through animal bites to humans. In Indonesia, the animals may transmit the rabies virus is a wild dog.
Once the symptoms of rabies have started to appear on a person, usually fatal disease tends to lead. Therefore, it is important for every person who has the possibility of interaction with wild dogs to get rabies vaccine.

Rabies symptoms often appear until the disease reaches the final stage, the symptoms include: 

1. Fever

2. Headache

3. Fear

4. Discomfiture

5. Difficulty in swallowing

6. Drooling

7. Fear of water (hydrophobia)

8. Haluinasi

9. Insomnia

10. Partially paralyzed limbs

If there is such an animal as a result of a bat bite or wild dogs, immediately do the examination to the doctor to get an injection of rabies prevention. In fact, if there is no bite, but there are contacts in close proximity to these particular animals, still doing checks for security.

Diseased canine rabies.

Not only through the bite of an infected animal, rabies can also spread through open wounds accidentally licked by animal carriers of the rabies virus.

Beware of these animals  ; 

1. Pets and farm animals such as cats, cows, dogs, goats, horses, rabbits, and ferrets.
2. Wild animals such as bats, otters, coyotes, raccoons, monkeys, raccoons, skunks, and woodchucks.
Transmission of rabies more likely to occur in people who frequently travel to the interior of Africa and Southeast Asia and has a job that requires direct contact with wild animals. The presence of open wounds on the head and neck is also very dangerous because it helps the virus reaches the brain more quickly. Handling rabies mostly just involves a series of injections to ensure the virus can not thrive.

Diseased dog rabies is very fierce.

A rabies injections  ; 

1. Rabies immune globulin, an injection with a rapid effect, prevent the virus infecting the body and given near the area where an animal bite occurs.
2. The series of rabies injections to help the body recognize and fight the rabies virus administered through the arm. A total of 5 injections in two weeks.
Measures for the prevention of rabies is very possible to do.
Some precautions include   ;

1. Give vaccines in pets regularly.
2. Frequently putting pets in the house and do not let pets out of the house without supervision.
3. Do not approach a wild animal even if the animal is tame.
4. Cover the ceiling with holes or other places that may be a way in to bat.
5. Surely it yourself get a rabies vaccine if traveling to areas where the spread of these viruses may occur.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 17:58
Tag : Do You Know About Rabies.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 17:58

Knowing about Leprosy .

1 ) For Leprosy Disease ( Leprosy ) .

Leprosy Disease ( Leprosy ) .

The disease is caused by the leprosy bacillus. Leprosy sufferers in Indonesia (Leprosy ) aplenty . According to the investigation , there are approximately one million entirely. Which is usually attacked the skin, nerves and mucous membrane. Unless the tool can also be attacked .

2 ) Symptoms of Leprosy ( Leprosy ) .

Symptoms of Leprosy ( Leprosy ) .
Symptoms of leprosy skin is variegated color according to the level of the disease. That look is the color patches on the skin and not feel a bit of white or bumps on the skin that is slightly red, there may be on the face, hands, body, and others.
If the nerves are affected , then the patient will lose the sense of pain , heat , and cold from the respective sections . This phenomenon is also bad consequences , because people easily get hurt without being perceived . If the wound is not felt by the patient is not treated properly , the disease can be severe . Knuckles may become swollen , red color , the segment will eventually date / off without the slightest pain . Incubation period is not clearly known . Maybe a few months to several years , some say , may also be more than 10 years . Basically the symptoms of Leprosy ( leprosy ) can be divided into two groups , namely ; closed leprosy ( tuberculoid leprosy ) and open leprosy ( lepromatous leprosy )

a) Leprosy closed ( tuberculoid leprosy ) .

Called closed , since most parts of the body that does not contain the disease leprosy bacillus ( Lepra ) . So generally this type is not contagious . School children suffering from leprosy ( leprosy ) is allowed in the school , provided by the right doctor can be stated , that after three checks , leprosy bacilli could not be found ( Leprosy ) . Similarly, the people who work in the office / factory .

Symptoms of leprosy ( leprosy ) tuberculoid divided into three levels .

i ) First Level .

In the color patches of skin appear slightly white and does not feel pain when pricked with a needle or do not feel hot , when in touch with hot water . The white patches can be confused with tinea versicolor ( Panau ) . The difference is when phlegm ( Panau ) scraped , aka skin peeling and feeling disturbed at all tigak ( still there ) . Place white patches can be everywhere presence , there are large , there is a slightly reddish edges .

ii ) Second Level .

The white patches are not noticeably increased and the nerve is interrupted , for example, the arm nerves . Then the patient may feel tingling or missing skin or perhaps feeling paralyzed .

iii ) Third Level .

Is a symptom of the First and Second level coupled with loose / residence hand knuckles .

3) Open leprosy ( leprosy lempromatosa ) .

In this disease , there are bumps on the skin color slightly reddish symmetris . In general, the bumps can be found leprosy bacillus ( Lepra ) . Because this is the disease called leprosy ( leprosy ) is open , so is a contagious disease . People suffering from this disease should be isolated . Children who suffer from this disease , of course, forbidden to go to school .

This class is divided into three levels :

i ) First Level .

Symmetris lumps on the face , ears , etc.

ii ) The second level .

First level of symptoms coupled with disruption of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth , pharynx , palate eyelids . Hair eyebrows and eyelids hair loss.

iii ) Third Level : face like a lion ( Leo facies ) .

In addition to these two large groups , there are two smaller groups , namely : leprosy indifferent form . In this group there are only white patches on the skin only , and does not feel flat . The fourth class is a mixed form between tuberculoid leprosy and lepromatous leprosy . Of these four groups , the most numerous are the first group ( tubercoloid ) . For students . These symptoms are not all important . The thing to remember is to distinguish what is tinea versicolor ( Panau ) and which leprosy . In addition , of course, modes of transmission and means of prevention .

4 ) Mode of transmission of leprosy ( leprosy ) .

Mode of transmission of leprosy is through the skin ; may directly may indirectly , but usually a close and long association ( langdurig innings contact ) eg with beds , baby / small child kept in a sling . Usually there is a person who lives under the minimum requirements , such as poor housing , house many occupants , the low value of food every day , and others . Sometimes there are things that deviate from this , which is in between a healthy family and a good standard of living anyway , there is a person with leprosy ( leprosy ) . Where in the failure by leprosy bacillus ( Lepra ) it can not be known , but there must be a definite source.

5 ) How to shun leprosy ( leprosy ) ?

Maintain cleanliness in general : a bath with soap at least twice a day ( cleanliness of the body ) , keep the clothes , keep the house and the yard , stay away from the source of infection , adequate housing . Unless the value of the food which is also called as it turns out , that the people who every day get a high-value foods , leprosy, there is arguably no .

Supplement ;

The notion that leprosy ( leprosy ) is incurable one . This drug has long been used and is still used occasionally now also tends cahulmogra oil . Now many new drugs are efficacious , such as : Promin , diazone , DDS , dapsone , TBS , aceprosal .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 16:55
Tag : Knowing about Leprosy.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 16:55

Did You Know About Steroids.

Steroids are organic compounds are not hydrolyzed fatty sterols can decrease the resultant reaction of terpene or squalene . Steroids are a group of compounds that are essential to the basic structure sterana saturated (English : saturated tetracyclic hydrocarbon : 1.2 - cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene ) with 17 carbon atoms and 4 rings . Compounds which include derivatives of steroids , such as cholesterol , ergosterol , progesterone , and estrogen . In general, functions as a steroid hormone . Steroids have a basic structure consisting of 17 carbon atoms that make up the three cyclohexane rings and one cyclopentane ring . The different types of steroids are one with the other steroids lies in the functional groups bound by a fourth ring and oxidation stages of each ring .
Fat sterols is a special form of steroid of the formula derived from kolestana wake equipped hydroxyl group at C - 3 atom , are found in plants , animals and function . All steroids are made in cells with sterol fatty raw materials , in the form of lanosterol in animals or function , or a sikloartenol in plants . Both types of fat in the upper is made of sterol cyclization squalena of triterpena . Cholesterol is a sterol other types of fat are common .
Some anabolic steroids are , among others, testosterone , metandienon , nandrolone decanoate , 4 - androstena - 3 17 - dione . Anabolic steroids can lead to a number of harmful side effects , such as lowering the ratio of high density lipoprotein , which is useful for the heart , lowers low-density lipoprotein ratio , stimulation of prostate tumor , coagulation abnormalities and liver disorders , baldness , hair thickening , acne and the onset of breast growth in men . In physiology , anabolic steroids can make a person aggressive .

Biosynthesis .

Steroids are one form of triterpena modified , so that is a constituent unit of isoprene , namely IPP and DMAPP . IPP and DMAPP dibiosintesis by the body of Acetyl Coenzyme A , a C - 2 results in the release of CO2 by the pyruvate metabolism pathway , via the mevalonic acid or phosphate deoksisilulosa
Unit - The unit of IPP and DMAPP lengthen react to form C - 15 chain , called farnesil . Two FPP ( Farnesil Pyrophosphate ) tails join to form squalene . Squalene epoxide oxidized form , allows the cyclization to form lanosterol

Understanding of Risk And Its use STEROIDS .

Irrational use of steroids is very dangerous to health . Be wary of the negative impact of substance dependence in the long-term influence behind everything good in the short term .

1 . Just what is a steroid and what its usefulness ?

Natural steroid hormone produced by the body into a corticosteroid , a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex of the adrenal glands . This hormone when the body's response to stress and the body has wound healing properties and anti - inflammatory . Steroids are organic compounds of fatty sterols are not hydrolyzed . Steroids are compounds that are important to the basic structure sterana saturated (saturated tetracyclic hydrocarbon ) with 17 carbon atoms and 4 rings . Some anabolic steroids are , among others, testosterone , metandienon , nandronol decanoate , and others . Artificial steroids ( manufacturer's results ) is often used by people who like to exercise load ( weight training ) to increase muscle mass quickly , without the need to practice for a long time and great effort . Doctors sometimes prescribe steroids for the treatment of various disorders and diseases .

2 . Is it safe to use steroids in accordance with the rules or should it be avoided ?

Secure all prescribed by a doctor , the dose measured , and is used only for medical purposes . Steroids should be avoided if it is not in accordance with the purposes of health , or simply to get great muscle mass quickly without practicing in earnest.

3 . What are the reasons someone is using steroids ?

Usually because of misinformation . People choose to use steroids to try or ahead of the competition , or just gain muscle shape their dream in an instant , without thinking much about the risks .

4 . What was true impact to build muscle fast ?

In a short time , steroids increase muscle mass quickly .
The result will be maximal if coupled with exercise muscle hypertrophy incredible force .

5 . What are the negative effects of long-term and short-term steroid users ?

Short term and long term will give a different effect , but remains equally harmful to the body . For example, if people use anabolic steroids .

6 . Are there differences in muscular exercise results with steroids help muscles are visible / if held ?

In the visible / held directly indistinguishable . We need to see is from the genetic history of the person, whether it is possible to have a large genetic muscular or not in their family . If the majority does, that person may be using steroids .

7 . What is easy to get steroids ? Where we usually can find?

Easy to come by , and some people sell artificial steroids freely traded .
For point of sale , can not be definitely stated .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 15:58
Tag : Did You Know About Steroids.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 15:58

The emergence of Arca Ox.

Cow sculpture.

The last few days of Kediri and the surrounding community shocked by the appearance of the statue statues similar to the legend Kelud , Ox Suro .
Although still unclear, some sources say Suro cow statue statues were found on the slopes of Mount Gedang , south of Mount Kelud .
For information , Mount Gedang is one of a series of small mountains that surround Kelud . The emergence of Ox statue sculpture at Mount Gedang Suro instantly create communities around Kelud recall legend Kelud formation .
That said , Kelud is a place where Ox Suro and Mahesha Suro , two kings are not from the human race , buried alive . They almost won the contest into a life companion Jenggala Princess , Goddess Kilisuci .
Feeling can not accept if Ox Suro or Mahesha Suro who will marry her , Goddess Kilisuci making plans to harm them . The Princess ordered the two to compete at the top of the deepest wells dug Kelud . Who is the most successful dig in the future will be his best man .
When it is working hard to dig wells in depths far , Goddess Kilisuci under the approval of his father King Kediri, then ordered the Kediri soldiers to bury them both alive . Feeling betrayed , Ox Suro finally issued his oath .

Suro Ox statue in Kediri .

Suro ox vowed to come back in the form of Kediri and surrounding areas of disaster every 20 years . Although only a legend , this Suro Ox namunsumpah ringing clear in the hearts of the people of Kediri , especially when studied , indeed Kelud erupts once in a cycle of 20 years .
Post- eruption Kelud last February 13, 2014 , the appearance of the statue of the cow statue Suro busy talking the last few days , increasingly fueled speculation the truth of the legend Ox Suro .
For the record , Kelud eruption occurred a few days ago just a day before the celebration of Valentine's Day , a day when many couples celebrate their love and affection . Kelud eruption is true emotion and anger Ox Suro has been betrayed by her love goddess Kilisuci ?

Suro Ox statue at Mount Gedang .

Furor emergence legend Ox statue sculpture Suro and Mahesha Suro on the slopes of Mount Gedang , Kediri continued controversy.
There really believe this , but not a few who still doubt the truth of this news .
Those who believe this tend to associate it with the legends associated with Kelud.
Moreover, recently Kelud in Kediri , East Java erupted . That said , at the time Kelud erupted last February , face-shaped cloud formations appear Ox Suro .
Legend Ox Mahesha Suro Suro and never did assume slip away Kediri and surrounding communities .
In the legend is told , because the sting of betrayal Kilisuci Goddess , daughter of Prabu Brawijaya , the king of Kediri then, Ox Suro finally took the oath to come back again once every 20 years in the form of disaster in Kediri and surrounding areas . In fact , the eruption cycle Kelud always happen in a span of 20 years .
Sightings Photos Ox Suro When Kelud erupts , February 13, 2014 and
In the legend surrounding Kelud another , as stated in the Book of Divination Jayabaya , believed that every time Kelud erupted then it is a sign of the birth of a great future leaders in the archipelago country .

Kelud eruption

For the record , Kelud eruption coincided with the birth of Hayam Wuruk known as the king of Majapahit most successful in his time , and coincided with the birth of Sukarno , the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, which has laid the foundations of the development of the Indonesian state .
Well , back to the matter of the appearance of the statue cow statue on the slopes of Mount Gedang Suro . As we know , Mount Gedang located in the south of Mount Kelud . According to information from the local community , Kelud eruption did not disrupt the activities of people in Mount Gedang . Abu Kelud not even get to the slopes of Mount Gedang .
Therefore , Suro cow statue sculpture found in Mount Gedang totally covered dust Kelud . This further reinforces the citizens that the statue of the cow statue Suro really present itself and not bothered by the " anger " itself .

Suro Ox statue in Kediri

Suro Ox statue sculpture on the slopes of Mount Kelud , Kediri
Unfortunately , until now , the truth that there is news about the appearance of the statue cow statue Mahesha Suro Suro and is not guaranteed . The information is still a rumor circulating and difficult to believe .
However , despite however , the issue of the emergence of this Suro cow statue sculpture to be appreciated as an effort to perpetuate the legend hidden Kelud , at least , with this issue , the public can again pay more attention to the natural surroundings at the same time respect the local wisdom there .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 14:56
Tag : The emergence of Arca Ox Statue Suro.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 14:56

Do You Know About Aspirin.


Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin ) is a drug derived from salicylate compounds are often used as an analgesic ( pain killers or minor aches ) , antipyretic ( against fever ) , and anti - inflammatory ( inflammation ) . Aspirin also has an anticoagulant effect and can be used in low doses in a long time to prevent heart attacks . The use of aspirin as a drug popularity began in 1918 when the flu pandemic in various regions of the world .
The beginning of the use of aspirin as a medication that was initiated by Hippocrates using willow plant extracts to cure various diseases . Then the compound was developed by Bayer company into acetylsalicylic acid compounds known today .
Aspirin was the first drug marketed in tablet form . Previously , the drug trade in powder form ( powder ) . In welcoming the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany , a replica of a giant aspirin tablets on display in Berlin as part of the exhibition is open Deutschland , Land der Ideen ( " Germany , the land of ideas " ) .

Beginnings .

History of discovery .

Natural compounds from plants used as medicine has been around since the beginning of human civilization . Began in ancient Egypt , the nation has used a compound derived from willow leaves to suppress pain . In the same era , the Sumerians also been using similar compounds to treat various types of diseases . It is recorded in the carvings on the rocks in the area. It was only in the year 400 BC, Hippocrates philosophy used as a medicinal plant which then spread far and wide.

Modern times .

Reverend Edward Stone of Chipping Norton , England , was the first to publish the medical use of aspirin . In 1763 , he had managed to take medication against various diseases using the compounds . In 1826 , the Italian researchers , Brugnatelli and Fontana , carried out tests on the use of a compound from the leaves of the willow as a medical agent . Two years later , in 1828 , a German pharmacist , Buchner , managed to isolate the compound and named salicin derived from the Latin willow , Salix ie . This compound has antipyretic activity that can cure fever . Research on these compounds continued until in 1830 when a French scientist named Leroux successfully crystallized salicin . This study was followed by a German pharmacist named Merck in 1833 . As a result of his research , he managed to get a crystalline compound salicin in very pristine condition .
Salicylic acid compound itself was discovered in 1839 by Raffaele Piria with the empirical formula C7H6O3 .

Bayer .

Bayer Brazilians is the first company to successfully creating a compound aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid ) . The idea to modify the salicylic acid compound is motivated by the many negative effects of these compounds . In 1945 , Arthur Eichengrun from Bayer company suggested the idea to add the acetyl group of compound salicylic acid to reduce the negative effects while improving the efficiency and tolerance . In 1897 , Felix Hoffmann managed to continue the idea and created the compound acetylsalicylic acid which was then commonly known as aspirin .

Aspirin is an acronym for :

A : Cluster acetyl
spir : the name of the flower in Latin
Spiraea : extra syllables that are often used
in: for the substance at that time .
Aspirin is a synthetic substance first in the world and the leading cause of industrial development farmateutikal . Bayer aspirin as a trademark registered on March 6, 1899 . Felix Hoffmann is not the first person who tried to create the aspirin compounds . Previously in 1853 , a French scientist named Frederick Gerhardt has been trying to create a new compound from a combination of acetyl chloride and sodium salicylate . Aspirin is sold as a medicine in 1899 after Felix Hoffmann successfully modified Salicylic acid, a compound found in willow bark.
Bayer lost the trademark rights after allied forces seize and sell assets outside the company after the First World War . In the United States ( U.S. ) , the right to use the name of aspirin has been purchased by the U.S. through the Sterling Drug Inc., In 1918 . Although the patent period has not expired , Bayer did not successfully deter rival of impersonation and using the name of the chemical formula of aspirin. As a result , Sterling failed to block the " aspirin " of the use of a generic word . In other countries such as Canada , " Aspirin " is still considered a protected trademark .

Aspirin working .

According to the study of John Vane , aspirin inhibits the formation of a hormone in the body known as prostaglandins . Cyclooxygenase , an enzyme involved in the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxane , not halted when aspirin turned - clicking the acetyl enzyme .
Prostaglandins are hormones produced in the body and has various effects on the body including the delivery of pain stimuli to the brain and make modulat hypothalamic thermostat . Thromboxane also responsible lawyer agregatan platelets . Heart attacks are caused by blood clots and pain stimuli to the brain . Thus , reduction of blood clots and pain stimuli is due to the consumption of aspirin at a lower rate is considered both in terms of treatment .
However , the effect is slow blood clot causing excessive bleeding can occur . Therefore , those who are about to undergo surgery or have bleeding problems are not allowed to take aspirin .

Facts about Aspirin.

The main ingredient of aspirin were found in extracts of plants such as willow bark , has been used for centuries as a pain reliever . In the late 1800s , a chemist synthesizes a form of a compound called acetylsalicylic acid . This compound contained in aspirin . In addition to pain relief , aspirin can also have a number of other effects on the body . Here are five facts about aspirin , as quoted by Live Science , Tuesday, June 25, 2013 .

Reduce the risk of heart attack.

Eating a low dose of aspirin every day can reduce the risk of heart attack . Aspirin prevents the clumping of cells in the blood . The American Heart Association ( AHA ) to recommend low-dose aspirin every day , especially for people at high risk of heart attack and those who survived a heart attack . But this should be consulted with a doctor beforehand . Because aspirin has side effects that can increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding

Increase the risk of tinnitus .

Aspirin can increase the risk of tinnitus , or buzzing in the ears . This risk occurs in someone who take aspirin in high doses ( 8-12 tablets a day ) . Universityas California , USA , estimates that salicylic acid , which is a breakdown product of the main ingredient in aspirin , can damage the inner ear .

Reducing the risk of cancer .

Research has found a link between taking aspirin on a regular basis and reduce the risk of cancer , especially colon cancer . One study published in 2011 found that , taking two aspirin tablets per day can lower the rate of colon cancer by 63 percent among people who are at high risk for colon cancer . Another study published last year found that , taking aspirin every day can reduce the risk of death from cancer .

Increase the risk of Reye's syndrome .

Children who take aspirin might have a higher risk of Reye's syndrome . This syndrome is a rare condition characterized by sudden brain damage and heart problems . Symptoms may include prolonged vomiting , confusion , and seizures . This condition occurs in children who were given aspirin when recovering from the flu or chicken pox . According to the Mayo Clinic , although aspirin is safe to use for children 2 years of age , but aspirin should not be given to children who are recovering from the flu or chicken pox .

Cause problems in pregnancy .

Aspirin and non - steroidal anti - inflammatory ( NAIDS ) is not recommended for pregnant women , especially in the last three months , because aspirin affects blood clotting . This can increase the risk of bleeding in the mother or fetus . In addition , aspirin consumption during pregnancy can also affect the ability of blood vessels in the heart to close the baby .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno. sunarnobambang86@gmail.com
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 4, 2014 at 14:13
Tag : Do You Know About Aspirin.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno
www.Primo.com Updated at: 14:13