Saturday, 1 March 2014

Archaeologists found rare evidence.

Written By on Saturday , March 1, 2014 | 22:31

Archaeologists find rare evidence that suggests the existence of human life on the River Thames , England , in the year 9,000 BC.

Archaeologists find rare evidence that suggests the existence of human life on the River Thames , England , in the year 9,000 BC.
This evidence is found in excavations that are intended for the construction of Crossrail railway network project .
The diggers found a place-making equipment from the Mesolithic era which consists of 150 pieces of flint in a quarry in Woolwich .
Archaeologists say human prehistory in London using this site to prepare for the rocks of the river which was later made into stone tools .
In addition to the equipment of the Mesolithic era , gold coins were also found at the excavation site on Liverpool Road .
Archaeologists say that the gold coin from the 16th century is generally used as sequins or pendant , similar to those worn by wealthy nobles and royal family members .
They are confused about how valuable and expensive items like this could be in the area at that time , including areas lacking .
Still on the Road Liverpool , they also found a road that was made in Roman times - complete with complete with human remains found in the road foundation .
In the next year , archaeologists will begin digging around 3,000 skull from the cemetery area in the 17th century Bedlam , near Liverpool Street .
Previously , archaeologists also found objects estimated 2,000 years old in the middle of London .
' What is very important '
Archaeologists hope that when they start to move large -scale excavation of the skeleton , they also will find more relics of the Roman road , along with the foundations of Roman buildings standing next to him .
Based on the discovery of the historic equipment, head archaeologist of Crossrail, Jay Carver , said : " It is a unique and interesting can reveal evidence of humans living back in the UK and particularly the Thames Valley after a prolonged hiatus during the Ice Age.
" This is one of the few archaeological sites that affirm human life in the Thames Valley at this time .
" Concentration pieces of rock shows that this is a very important location for the source of raw materials for making tools used by early residents of London who live and hunt on the islands at the mouth of the Thames . "
Beginning in 2018, Crossrail will connect areas such as Maidenhead, Berkshire , in the west to Shenfield , Essex , and Abbey Wood in the east of London .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 22:31
Tag : Archaeologists found rare evidence.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 22:31

Bung Karno wife.

Written By on Thursday, March 1st, 2014 | 22:16.

Ir. Soekarno

Not many people know , the name of the wife 9 Ir . Sukarno .
Ir . Sukarno , Indonesia 's first president renowned as a charismatic man nan flamboyant , so it is not surprising that he has nine wives , ranging from kostnya mother while still in school until high school when he was 65 years old . Ninth Bung Karno wife who accompanied him in the ups and downs of life is ;

1 . Oetari Tjokroaminoto.

Daughter of national hero SI leader , HOS Tjokroaminoto who is also a teacher 's Sukarno , Sukarno married when he was 16 years old while Sukarno was only 20 years old . His second marriage lasted only whole corn , because Oetari still childish while Ir . Sukarno had plunged into the movement.

2 . Inggit Garnasih.

The second woman to be wife is Inggit Garnasih Soekarno , in 1921 when Soekarno boarding in Bandung , Sukarno was 20 years while the 31 -year -old Inggit . At that time Inggit already has a husband , namely , Haji Sanusi but since the beginning of Sukarno had admired Inggit mature and beautiful , and finally in 1923 Sukarno could seize Inggit love and marry . 20 years the ship sailed without a childless marriage , divorce Sukarno in 1943 for refusing to co-wife Inggit .

3 . Fatmawati.

Dumped in Bengkulu , Sukarno met with the music director, three hearts , our first First Lady , Fatmawati or Fatima . Relationship with Fatmawati marriage with Inggit should end , Inggit who refuse polygamy chose to return to Bandung . Dated June 1, 1943 , Sukarno, who was then 41 years old Fatmawati newly married 20 -year -old . The pair was endowed 5 children , one of whom was Megawati Sukarnoputri we know as the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia .

4 . Hartini.

In 1953 , 8 years after the independence of Indonesia , Sukarno Hartini woo a widow with five . There are two versions of the beginning of their love story , there is mention they met at Prambanan temple there is also a mention of them met for the first time at the official residence of the Mayor of Salatiga . Hartini still existed as Soekarno 's wife until his death the Son of the Dawn . Hartinilah lap , Sukarno last breath .

5 . Kartini Manoppo.

Manoppo Kartini married in 1959 , Kartini was a woman of Bolang Mongondow a former Garuda Indonesia flight attendants , first Bung Karno know Kartini Basuki Abdullah Manoppo of painting . When looking at the painting , Bung Karno was fascinated and from there on started the relationship between them , initially Bung Karno ask for chorus Kartini fly every time the president visits abroad. Finally at the end of 1959 the couple were married , and in 1967 the two have a son named Totok Suryawan Sukarno .

6 . Ratna Sari Dewi.

Women from Japan whose real name is Naoko Nemoto was 19 years old when the groom by Sukarno . When married with Sukarno in 1962 , changed its name Naoko Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno . From this marriage he had a child named Kartika Sari Dewi Sukarno . After Sukarno fell from his throne , Ratna Sari Dewi settled in various countries such as Switzerland , France and the United States . There was some controversy caused by Ratna Sari Dewi as a fight with Minnie Osmena granddaughter of former Philippine President Sergio Osmena but the direct impact on Indonesian society is launching in the Japanese photography book featuring photos Ratna Sari Dewi half naked and tattoos on his body . It is considered by many Indonesian people as harassment against Sukarno name and legacy .

7 . Haryati.

Haryati is a palace dancer who was only 23 years old when the groom to be the wife of Sukarno , Sukarno himself as 62 years old at the time. Sukarno and Haryati love story was brief , 3 years of age without producing a child of their marriage , divorce Soekarno reasoned Haryati because there is no compatibility between the two.

8 . Yurike Sanger.

The first meeting with Yurike Bung Karno , who was still in junior high school when Yurike follow Barisan Unity in Diversity . Along with meeting intensintas both, the seeds of love began to grow , ranging from sitting next to each other to deliver Yurike go off home . Once a relationship for some time , in 1964 , Bung Karno was to be a wife to marry Yurike , a teenager who just turned 2 in high school classes became wife of a president . But their relationship is not always clear skies in shaded , faded Sukarno , a year after the 1968 peak impeachment Bung Karno , the uncertain financial situation , Bung Karno ask Yurike to file for divorce , because Yurike itself is still young and Bung Karno considered better as it than they were together .

9 . Heldy Djafar.

Heldy Djafar , girl from Kutai , East Kalimantan marriage to Bung Karno when he was 18 years old , the age when it's time Bung Karno already stepping 65 years. The two were married in 1966 when Soekarno power has begun to sink , it turns out his second marriage only lasted for 2 years , Sukarno was exiled in Wisma Yaso , so that communication between the two was more inhibited and existing relationships are increasingly stretched . Finally, in mid- 1968 Heldy remarried to a man named Gusti Suriansyah Noor .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 22:16
Tag : Bung Karno wife.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 22:16

Japanese war crimes (Documentation).

Written By on Saturday , March 1, 2014 | 21:41

1 . Comfort Women.

Comfort women ( Comfort Women )

Comfort women is the Japanese term comfort women against the Japanese imperial army war future Asia Pacific , other foreign terms are Comfort Women . In fact Comfort women is not a prostitute but a brutal sexual slavery , planned , as well as the international community regarded as a war crime . An estimated 200 to 400 thousand Asian women aged 13 to 25 years old are forced into sexual slavery the Japanese army .

* Why Comfort women created ?

- Perform invasive of another country which resulted in the battle to make mental fatigue Japanese soldiers . These conditions resulted in the Japanese army 's brutal conduct sexual outlet by means of mass rape that resulted in the spread of venereal disease which affects the Japanese army . This is certainly weaken the strength of the Japanese imperial army . This situation gave rise to the idea to recruit local women , the health select and insert them into Ianjo - Ianjo as Japanese military brothels .

* How are they recruited ?

- They were recruited by means smooth as promised free school , work as a performer, domestic workers , restaurant waiters and rude manner accompanied with violence terrorizing , kidnapping and even raped in front of family .

* Who do they recruit ?

- Military Japan , Japanese civilians , local officials a case of regents , district , village heads and RT

* Where did comfort women ?

- They are from South Korea , North Korea , China , Philippines , Taiwan , East Timor , Malaysia , and Indonesia . A small portion of them from the Netherlands and Japan. They were taken to the battlefield area to serve the sexual needs of Japanese civilian and military both at the forefront of the battle and in the area behind the battle lines .

* Who is the Indonesian comfort women ?

- Most of the women who came from the island of Java, which is used as comfort women as Mardiyem , Sumirah , Emah Kastimah , Sri Sukanti , only a small part of Indonesian comfort women could be identified . There are still many Indonesian comfort women living and deceased who have tracked his existence .

* How are they treated ?

- They are raped and tortured mercilessly . Forced to service the sexual needs of Japanese soldiers as much as 10 to 20 people day and night and left to starve . Later in the forced abortion when pregnant . Many women died in Ianjo due to illness , suicide or tortured to death .

* When and where ?

- Ianjo world's first built in Shanghai , China in 1932. Ianjo development in China serve as a model for development Ianjo - Ianjo throughout the Asia Pacific region including Indonesia since the Japanese occupation in 1942-1945 has been built Ianjo in various areas such as Kalimantan , Sulawesi , Maluku , Java , Nusa Tenggara , Sumatra , Papua .

* What happens after the war ?

- After the war the Asia Pacific after surviving comfort women suffered embarrassment to return home . They chose to live in another place and lock dark past in silence and solitude . Living in economic poverty and excluded communities . Physical suffering , bear the shame and feelings of worthlessness until the end of his life .

* Who is responsible for the planned system of slavery ?

- Emperor Hirohito is a blessing giver comfort women system was implemented in all of Asia Pacific . The executor is the field of military officials who gave the command of the war . So today's parties are held accountable for crimes against humanity is the Japanese government .

* How does the attitude of the Japanese government today ?

- The Japanese government today does not admit to being involved in sexual slavery in wartime Asia Pacific . The Japanese government argues comfort women maintained and operated by the private sector . The Japanese government officially refused to apologize to the comfort women . Nevertheless July 1995 Prime Minister Murayama Tomiichi never imply personal apology , but does not represent the country of Japan . Yohei Kono 1993 represent the Japanese cabinet secretary gave a statement to the victim empathy comfort women . But in March 2007 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe issued a controversial statement to refute the involvement of the Japanese military sexual slavery system in practice .

* How can the Indonesian government political stance ?

- The Indonesian government considers comfort women issue has been completed , and even strengthen bilateral and economic ties with Japan's post- war Asia Pacific . However, until now many non- governmental organizations continue to fight for the comfort women and continue to lobby the international level to pressure the Japanese government to resolve the case of sexual slavery . Later research efforts are still ongoing to clarify the history opaque Indonesian comfort women , a race against time because the victims are elderly .

* What is the attitude of Indonesian society ?

- Many people are degrading , and to free the victims from social interaction . Comfort women is considered a case of " accidents " war by using the term " Japanese diet " . Labeling the victims as prostitutes commercial . Many parties also opportunists masquerading as comfort women and defend the interests of the project on behalf of humanity , yet they are corrupt brokers who should receive the funds directly benefit the victims .

* Is AWF ?

- July 1995 Asian Women 's Fund ( AWF ) was established by the Japanese private sector organizations . The organization accused of being " an agent briber " to drown out the protests of the international community and does not represent the Japanese government official . In the Soeharto era of 1997 the Minister of Social inten Suweno receive compensation fund for victims of 380 million yen is paid over 10 years . However, many victims never receive compensation declare it.

* What is required of the victims ?

- 1 . The Japanese government today should formally acknowledge and apologize that the deliberate sexual slavery by the Japanese state during the Asia Pacific War 1931-1945 .
2 . The victims were given compensation as a victim of war for the lives that have been destroyed by the Japanese military .
3 . Demanding inclusion of the dark history of comfort women in the school curriculum in Japan so that Japanese young people know the truth of the history of Japan .

* What is the attitude of the international community ?

- In 1992 , for the first time Kim Hak Soon South Korean casualties opening voice over Japanese military atrocities against himself to the public . After that the comfort women issue uncovered and one by one the victims of various countries spoke up . Then in 2000 the Tokyo Tribunal has held that demands accountability Emperor Hirohito and Japan's top military sexual slavery during the war of the Asia Pacific . 2001 issued a final decision in the Tribunal of The Hague . After the international pressure on the Japanese government continues Forum . October 2007 the U.S. Congress passed a resolution is not binding on the government to press Japan fulfill the political responsibility for these problems . Still to this day the Japanese government has yet to recognize what has been done to hundreds of thousands of women in Asia and the Netherlands during the Asia Pacific War .

This situation gave rise to the idea to recruit local women, and incorporate them into Ianjo - Ianjo as Japanese military brothels.

2. Romusha


" The others died HUNGER or beheaded , or death from being hit or buried alive or nailed to the ground AND LEFT TO DIE "

Romusha is calling for the Indonesian people forcibly employed during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia from 1942 to 1945 . Most romusha are farmers , and since October 1943 the Japanese oblige farmers became romusha . They were sent to work in various places in Indonesia and Southeast Asia . The number of people who become romusha not known for sure - estimates have varied from 4 to 10 million .

3. Nanjing Massacre (Dec. 1937 - February 1938).

Mass murder Nanjing ( Rape of Nanjing / Nanjing Massacre ) conducted by the Japanese military in Nanjing , it started after China fell to the Japanese and ended around the end of 1938. More than 300,000 of thousands of Chinese were killed , raped , tortured .
Japan is constantly reject this genocide , and try to change history by claiming Japan is a unifying Asia .

 More than 300,000 of thousands of Chinese were killed , raped , tortured .

A Chinese folk killed by bayonet.

A Chinese folk killed by bayonet.

The corpses of victims of the massacre in Gulou.
The prisoners of war , amounting to approximately 57,000 people incarcerated in Mount Mufu , approximately 10,000 soldiers and the rest civilians . They were all taken to CaoXieXia and killed all ( 57,000 people ) .
In November 1894 , Japan killed 30,000 people in China's cities Luushun
A Chinese folk would be beheaded with a katana , a Japanese soldier appears smiling .
 Japanese soldier appears smiling .

AFTER beheaded an American pilot imperial Japan announced the surrender to the Americans .

The bodies of babies killed , beheaded , chopped .

The bodies of babies killed , beheaded , chopped .

The heads beheading victims .

The heads beheading victims .
In the city the terrain , there is the history of the nation's five brothers org Indonesian-Chinese against Japanese atrocities during World War II , the five men were eventually captured and beheaded , their heads hung in the center of town , to honor the services of 5 people , then founded a temple called " Pekong Five " ( street Sutomo , Medan ) .

A woman was raped and killed

A woman was raped and killed , women are raped her belly cut open so that all the organs out , their breasts cut off .
Citation testimony of someone who survived :
" On December 16th , I went to the streets , smoke and fire flames had not yet been extinguished . The number of the dead bodies of my countrymen was terrifyingly large , especially there were many corpses of women ... Eight of ten of them had being their abdomens cut open , intestines squeezed out . laid There were several mothers died together with their fetuses covered by blood ... the breasts of these female bodies were either cut off or bayoneted into a mixture of flesh and blood ... "

 women are raped her belly cut open so that all the organs out , their breasts cut off .

4. Kill the competition.

Japanese military commanders killed use competition to improve the morale of the soldiers

Japanese military commanders killed use competition to improve the morale of the soldiers , they invite the authors to publish the winner in news papers.
One killed in Zijin competition published in newspapers around the world .
Lt. two ( Second Lieutenant ) Mukai and Noda killing 105 and 106 people of China , which is more severe than those in the previous competition was Captain Tanaka Gunkhici , killing 300 Chinese people with his own hands . ( Some Japanese newspapers carried this as a competition )

5. UNIT 731 : 

Experimental biology and chemistry to humans ( Prisoners of War )
UNIT 731 is a Japanese chemical and biological experiments secret , prisoners of war used in this experiment .

The experiments include:

- Hang the man up and down to see how long it will last before choking to death .
- Inject air into the arteries of people to see how long it occurred embolism .
- Injecting horse urine into human kidney.
- Do not provide food to the prisoners to see how long they will survive until death .
- Putting humans in high -pressure chambers to see how long it will survive until death .
- Putting humans in extreme temperatures to see how temperature can damage the human body and see how long they will survive man to death .
- Using a prisoner of war as an experiment examining the relationship between temperature , combustion , and survival .
- Putting humans in centrifuges to see how long it will survive until death .
- Inject animal blood into humans to study its effect .
- Using high x-ray radiation to the prisoners to study its effect .
- Placing man in the room to study the effects of toxic gases .
- Injecting sea water to see if it can replace the salt levels in the human body .

 Captain Tanaka Gunkhic

Injecting horse urine into human kidney.

Do not provide food to the prisoners to see how long they will survive until death .

doctor vivisecting a pregnant girl who had his baby after being rapet.

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 21:41
Tag ; Japanese war crimes (Documentation), ianfu, romusha, kill, head.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:41

Did You Know About Tropical Cyclone.

Tropical Cyclone

In meteorology, tropical cyclones (or hurricanes, typhoons, tropical storms, typhoons, or hurricanes depending on area and power) is a type of low pressure system that generally forms in the tropics. While the like can be destructive wind high, tropical cyclones are an important part of the atmospheric circulation system, which transfers heat from the equator toward higher latitudes.
Regional growth of tropical cyclones is the world's most fertile waters of the Indian Ocean and western Australia. As explained Bureau of Meteorology of Australia, cyclone growth in the region reached an average of 10 times per year. Tropical cyclones besides destroying the area impassable, also causing flooding. Australia has developed an early warning to reduce the level of risk the threat of tropical cyclones since the 1960s.

Clumps of coal machinery. 

tropical cyclone is an area of ​​activity

Based on the structure, a tropical cyclone is an area of ​​activity of the giant clouds, wind, and thunderstorms that range. The primary energy source of a tropical cyclone is the release of heat of condensation / condensation of the water vapor condenses on the altitude. Therefore, a tropical cyclone can be interpreted as a giant vertical-fired engine.
The elements of a tropical cyclone include the existing weather conditions, warm tropical oceans, moisture (moisture), and high winds are relatively light. If the right conditions persist long enough, they can be interlocked to produce fierce winds, incredible waves, torrential rains, and floods alongside this phenomenon.
Use of this condensation as a primary driving force is furak distinguishes tropical cyclones from other meteorological phenomena. Cyclone middle latitudes, for example, describe their energy mostly from the rise and fall of temperature in the atmosphere that has been there. In order to continue to push the coals engine, a tropical cyclone must remain over warm water, which presents the atmospheric moisture needed. Evaporation of moisture is driven by high winds and reduced atmospheric pressure present in the storm, resulting in protracted cycle. As a result, when a tropical cyclone passes over land, power will be depleted rapidly.

Classification and terminology. 

Tropical cyclones are classified into three main groups: tropical depressions, tropical storms, and a third group whose name depends on the region.
A tropical depression is a system of clouds and thunderstorms with circulation and maximum sustained surface winds of less than 17 meters terarasi per second (33 knots, 38 m / h, or 62 km / h). He does not have eyes, and not typical of the spiral shape of the storms stronger. He is already a low-pressure system, however, so called "depression".
The tropical storm is a system of strong thunderstorms with circulation and maximum sustained surface wind ter-Arasi between 17 and 33 meters per second (34-63 knots, 39-73 m / h, or 62-117 km / h). At this time, started to built up its own form of cyclones, although his eyes do not usually appear.
The term used to describe tropical cyclones with maximum sustained winds exceed 33 meters per second (63 knots, 73 m / h, or 117 km / h) varies depending on the region of origin, for example as follows:
Hurricanes in the North Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean east international dateline, and the South Pacific Ocean east of 160 ° BT
Typhoon in the Southwest Pacific Ocean west line dating
Severe tropical cyclones in the Southwest Pacific Ocean west of 160 ° East or Northeast Indian Ocean east 90 ° East
Severe cyclones in the North Indian Ocean
Tropical cyclones in the Southwest Indian Ocean
Elsewhere in the world, hurricanes have been known as Bagyo in the Philippines, Chubasco in Mexico, and Taino in Haiti.
The central part of the tropical cyclone is called eye is a circle of diameter between 10 to 100 kilometers, the most frequently reported to be around 40 meters. This section wind speed is lower even air-bright sky. Eyes surrounded by walls as high as 16 kilometers dense clouds with great wind and rain.


The word hurricane is derived from the Chinese phrase Tai Feng or in Japanese "Fuun dai" (揰风) which means "big wind". Indonesian spelling also proposed relationship with the Persian word, Ű·ÙˆÙŰ§Ù† storm, related to the Greek word, Typhon.
The word hurricane is derived from the name of the indigenous Amerindian Caribbean storm god, Huracan.
The word comes from the Greek word cyclone Kyklos = "circle", "wheel."

Coastal flooding. 

As the flooding associated with tropical storms (also called cyclones or typhoons sea). Catastrophic flooding of flood water is getting worse due to frequent rain storms triggered by strong winds along the coast. Salt water flooded the land due to one or a blend of the impact of tidal waves, hurricanes, or tsunamis (tidal waves). Just like a river overflowing flood, heavy rain that fell in a broad geographic area will result in severe flooding in coastal valleys approaching the mouth of the river.

Incidence of tropical cyclones or hurricanes. 

The signs of the birth of a tropical storm can be predicted. The existence and movement can be observed with the technology. Only sometimes, the signs of the storm can be observed, felt and compared.
Hurricane Fiona: February 6, 2003 Date of tropical cyclones Fiona were in 300 miles off the southern coast of Java. Estimated wind speed at the center of the storm 104 miles per hour and storm tail reaches 84 miles per hour.
Cyclone Ivy dated February 27, 2004, with the formation of a low pressure center which converge and rotate. This occurs in the Pacific Ocean in the southeast of Papua and in the Indian Ocean near Australia. Cyclones in the Pacific Ocean was named Tropical Cyclone Ivy and in the West Australian named Tropical Cyclone Monty. Effect of Cyclone Ivy when it is more dominant, it draws the clouds that exist in Indonesia towards the cyclone center (southeast of Papua). As a result most of Indonesia likely to clear up cloudy moment after rain-hit days. Only the region of Papua strong chance of heavy rain as it is closer to the center of the cyclone Ivy.
Fay tropical cyclones in the Timor Sea dated March 17, 2004 at 9:30 am local time, moving to the southwest at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour motion. Such publications are continuously updated and proclaimed Indonesia and Australia meteorological agency as an early warning to the population. Daily COMPASS on the same day warned of a wave of 1.5 to 2.5 meters in the Indian Ocean which is dangerous for fishing vessels, barges and ferries.
The threat of a storm that struck Yogyakarta recently. These storms threaten coastal areas south of Yogyakarta, between February 9 to February 11, 2005. Administration provides 5 units and command posts alarms in anticipation of the storm that ultimately did not come this. Indonesian tropical cyclones in the South, has always appeared every year in January-March. The reason is the high sea surface temperatures in the northeast of Australia. Indonesian territory not traversed the center of a tropical storm, only affected by the storm's tail. Impact in the form of strong winds, heavy rain, and high sea waves. Preceded the appearance of the center of low pressure cyclone in northwestern Australia and moving toward the southwest. Effects commonly accepted southern coast of Indonesia is usually the effect of the tail of the cyclone, not as a result of tropical storm center.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 20:19
Tag : Did You Know About Tropical Cyclone.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 20:19

Crazy and stupid performed.

Perhaps this is the most insane and most stupid performed by humans. A young couple doing extreme things by piercing their feet and hands using sharp metal pointy and then connect it to the rope to hang them on a tree.
The scenario is the girl poked her knees with a hook made ​​of iron stenlis then connect the hook with a rope , to hang him on a tree with a head-down position .
The guy was doing the same thing , but he thrust the iron on both elbows are also to hang on a tree . After that they perform certain rituals .
From the sources that I can do that all they intended to perform the ritual worship of the devil. It can be viewed with a symbol that he described on their bodies. In the male chest in write symbol number "666" and the star symbol on her stomach.
The number 666 in Latin can be interpreted as DIC LVX = " dicit lux " - the sound of light . Understandably devil in Latin is often given the name as Lucifer ( Lux Ferre ) or light bearer . In terms of astrology is also called as Morning Star or Venus or sixth largest planet in our solar system .
666 = DCLXVI in Roman figures or in other words the meaning of the number 666 they will have to represent all numbers are in Roman numbers (D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1) .
All that is bad and evil is said to have a connection with the number 666 as roulette, when all the numbers on the roulette table will add up to 666. Committed adultery was a mortal sin and therefore the number 666 in Greek Idioms present XES (sex reversed) or Χ Ξ Σ (Xi Chi Sigma) for in Greek or Hebrew alphabet Idioms they were also identical with the figures. So also with the name of the Kaiser Nero in Hebrew Idioms can be written with the number 666 (Neron Kesar). Deadly poison is poison poison hexachloride = 666 taken from the chemical formula C6H6Cl6.
This is why the number 666 is always identified with Satanism or things that smell devil worship.

Perhaps this is the most insane and most stupid performed by humans.

Pasangan muda melakukan hal-hal ekstrim dengan cara menusuk kaki dan tangan mereka menggunakan runcing logam tajam

Pasangan muda melakukan hal-hal ekstrim dengan cara menusuk kaki dan tangan mereka menggunakan runcing logam tajam dan kemudian menghubungkannya dengan tali untuk menggantung mereka di pohon.

The young man lowers his lover of trees.

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 16:06
Tag : Crazy and stupid performed.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:06

Symbols diabolism.

Scarab Symbol.

Scarab Symbol.

Scarab symbol is taken from the Latin Scarabaeus SACER believe is one of the world satanic symbol. 
He is one member of a family pet beetle. The ancient Egyptians believed this type of beetle type as something sacred, purified and used as a symbol, a sign, or a talisman.
Scarab used in rituals to invoke the things misled and dirty. While other, more appropriate name for this beetle is a "Dung" (Dirt).
Perhaps because of his hobby that likes to dig holes in the dirt pile. In addition to spawning, also for storage of food.
In the tropics, it is not strange that the dung beetle toying find clumps of dirt at the apple with her. Indeed disgusting, but it's also why the witches prefer to use beetle in conjurations.

Hexagram Symbol.

Hexagram Symbol.

Hexagram called because of the shape of a hexagon. Hexagram often used in ritual ceremonies in the world of the occult mystical black. This symbol should be available when the call demons repeatedly during the ritual takes place. The word 'Hex' is derived from the emblem.
There is an important note regarding Hexagram Symbol famous magician ever used Cellini. In the past, he and his student, Cenci, trying to challenge the demons from within a circle that has been described above ground at the Coliseum (big stadium), the Roman town.
Most of the devil is going to show up when invited, but it is precisely the presence of destructive ritual. But Cellini sure, as long as he and his students are in the circle will be safe from the vicious attack. At that time Cenci claimed to have seen the figure of five great demons trying hard to penetrate the circle Hexagram.
In the spiritual Chinese, the I Ching, Hexagam also be used with a combination of straight lines and the dashed lines are related to energy "Yin" and "Yang". Hexagram, basically showed absolutely no understanding that can make hair stand on end.

Pentagram Symbol.

Pentagram Symbol.
This symbol is often used by female witches in performing practice. Pentagram associated with Lucifer and female witches believe that Lucifer means "son of the morning".
There is some truth in the description of demons described as an 'angel lights' and is one of the most beautiful creatures ever created. Therefore, a sense of pride and arrogance has mastered himself Lucifer. Due to the nature also makes it sunk in error.
If the pentagram is rotated in reverse, so the shape is sort of a "horned". Or if observed carefully. The star symbol in the cycle all seemed to form a devil's face.
And until recently used as a Pentagram symbol used throughout the Church of Satan in the world.

Unicorn Horn Symbol. 

Unicorn Horn Symbol.

If money is a problem , this symbol is believed to offer some solutions are mystical . First used Druid priests in Scotland and Ireland .
Usually, Unicorn horn is used in rituals to ask for financial assistance to the devil. Another name for this symbol is "Italian horn", "fairy wand" or "stick Leprechaun".
In Indian mythology, the symbol of horns often mentioned. It looks like the epitome of male genitalia. When observed closely, on some clothing, such symbols appear around the neck of the wearer.
While in Europe, the unicorn symbol considered issues related to sexuality and sex is a symbol of strength. Unicorn Legend stories contained in the Christian, Islamic, Chinese, and Indian.

Seeing Eye Symbol. 

Seeing Eye Symbol.
Horus is a god associated with the sun. He was the son of Isis and Osiris. Eye of Horus is a mystical symbol of the dark forces which means 'all-knowing' and 'Seer'.
Usually he painted in hieroglips (ancient Egyptian writing) on ​​the walls of the king's Piramid.Osiris is at once the judge's death. He is also the husband and brother of Isis. He is also a senior figure of the highest god in ancient Egyptian belief.
Typically, Osiris is often depicted as a male figure with a beard adorning his chin and wrapped like a mummy. Perched on her head a crown known as the 'Crown Atef'.
Even if he had died in battle, but yet he can be revived by his son, Horus. Isis is the goddess of fertility and mother of Horus. In addition to Egypt, he is also known as one of the gods in Greek legends and the Roman Empire.

Crescent Symbol. 

Crescent Symbol.

Completing the discussion of the Eye of Horus , the crescent moon is used as a symbol of Isis . Other identity is Diana , the Queen of Heaven . Ancient books tell the story comes from the descendants of Noah 's grandson named Cush . He married an evil woman named Semiramis who later became queen of Babylon .
In the mystical world astray, there are several forms of this evil women, among them: Venus, Ashtoreth, Diana, Isis.
Satanic symbols often associated with sexual problems are not uncommon. Under the stars and the moon, this ritual involves followers enjoy sex with each other in the name of Satan.

Ankh Symbol. 

Ankh Symbol.

At first glance this symbol similar to the teachings of the Christian cross. But no. This image had nothing to do with the cross. Ankh is one of the world's most powerful symbol of power mystic black. If traced its history, Ankh comes from the mystique of ancient Egypt.
At that time the ankh used in ceremonial worship of RA, the sun god of ancient Egypt which is believed to be another manifestation of the devil. Ra is also regarded as the creator of the universe and is worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. Circle above the head is a picture of the sun.
Ankh is a symbol of reincarnation. But the concept is different from the understanding Buddhism and Hinduism. In the teachings of the ancient Egyptians, the ankh meaningful life as immortality.
The main requirement for the use of this symbol , the people of ancient Egypt are required to present the sanctity of the virgin in a ritual feast that is creepy .
That symbol - symbol in the world who believed a satanic symbols or symbols which connect with the worship of the devil .
Of some satanic symbol above is the most striking symbol of hexagons that can be found in the flag of Israel and also the inspiration for the symbol of the secret society of the Illuminati.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 15:43
Tag ; Symbols diabolism.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:43

Satanic sect.

Satanism can be briefly defined as devil worship and make it as God.

Satanism can be briefly defined as devil worship and make it as God.
This movement has gone astray implement the teachings of the things that religion is considered sinful. Satanism also receive a demon, the symbol of evil, as a leader and mentor.
The Satanist , namely the followers of the teachings of satanism , already exist and carry out their activities at every stage and in every civilization's history, from ancient Egypt to ancient Greece, as well as from the Middle Ages to the present day.
Among the 14th century and into the 16th, the magicians and people who reject religion are equally satanic. After the 1880s, in France, Britain, Germany, and also in various other countries in Europe and America, Satanism is set in the assembly and spread among people searching for faith and other religions. Devil worship has continued since the 19th century, initially as traditional Satanism, and the cult that is smaller fractions.
The ceremony is performed by a cruel sorcerer and godless people , children and adults sacrifice to the devil, Black Mass and other ceremonies traditional Satanism has been passed secretly from generation to generation. Coat of traditional Satanism is the most important ancient Roman god Baphomet. At that time, became a symbol of the Baphomet is satanic. Historians trace the origins of this goat-headed figure has found some important clues about the activities of Satanist.
Coat Satanist second most important is the pentagram, which is a five-pointed star inside a circle. Interestingly, there are two other secret societies in addition to the Satanist who uses Baphomet and the pentagram as a symbol. The first is the association of the Knights of Jerusalem Monastery ( Knight Templars ), the association accused by the Catholic Church as devil worshipers, and was dissolved in 1311.
Other associations are associations that Mason has been many years since secrecy raises curiosity and a strange ceremony. Many historians, who have investigated the matter, believe that there is a relationship between Convent of the Knights of Jerusalem with the bevy of Mason.
According to them, the two groups were each resume to each other. After the Knights of Jerusalem Monastery was banned by the church, the society continue to exist in secret and eventually turned into a Mason understood. Freemasonry is definite about this association is very confidential, have organizational structure, with members in all corners of the world.
Description provided by experts such as Leo Taxil, who had been a Mason, but has been out of the society, said that the Masons and Baphomet have great respect resembling solemnize The worship of Satan. Another fact that raises the suspicion is that many followers of Satanism who later became members of Masonic organizations.
Now, the Satanist has left the ceremony and the secret headquarters, to go out into the streets. The Satanist active in each country to spread his message with persistent in books, periodicals, and especially on the Internet in their efforts to attract members.
No matter in which country they are located, the Satanist display the same image. How to dress, worship ordinances, similarity letters they left before committing suicide and other characteristics indicate that Satanism is not filled with the usual movement of the unemployed, but rather an organization that deliberately leaning on the premise.

Satanism and Materialism.

Basically Satanism flow is divided into two kinds, namely theistic and atheistic. Flow theistic or commonly referred to as Traditional Satanism is a form of belief which assumes that Satan as god.
While the flow is a flow atheistic belief that does not consider the existence of God or gods to be worshiped, but they use " Satan " as a symbol of the human being, as a symbol of worldliness and greed, or in other words they can be said to worship themselves. One stream is the famous atheistic Satanism Church of Satan
(the Church of Satan), founded by Anton Szandor LaVey (Anton LaVey), because his name is called by the stream flow LaVeyan.
A feature of the present Satanist is that they all atheists ( not acknowledge God ). They also once the materialists, meaning that they only believe in the existence of a mere object. They deny the existence of God and all supernatural beings. Therefore, the Satanist does not believe in the devil as a real creature.
Although referred to as devil worshipers, they do not acknowledge the existence of demons. To the Satanist, Satan is just a symbol that expressed their hostility to religion and hardness of their hearts.
In an article titled " Introduction to Satanism " which published the Church of Satan, stated that the actual Satanist is Atheism.
Satanism is a religion that does not know God and adopts nothing to fear but as a result of our actions. The Satanist does not believe in the existence of God,
angels, heaven or hell, the devil, demons, evil spirits, good spirits, fairies, supernatural beings or evil.
Satanism is Atheism, Otodeis : we worship ourselves. Satanism is a materialist, Satanism is the opposite of religion. ( Vexen Crabtree, " A Description of Satanism " )
In short, this is the result of philosophy and godless materialism that has spread since the 19th century. Like this philosophy, Satanism rely on scientific theories are considered : Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
Film Music and Satanism. Satanism appears in many ways, one of which is a film and music. Many films that tell a story and the story of the power of Satanism idioms dark ( dark forces ).
Popular films such as Friday The 13th , The Crow , Devils Advocate , Interview With The Vampire , even the series 'The X - Files' contains a storyline where the devil , Satanism or black magic becomes an important part of the movie .
It is said that in 1968 , Anton Szandor La Vey had been a technical advisor as well Rosemarys Baby movie actor , movie Omen has been popularized in 1976 called Satanism .

In music there are a lot of examples of music that contains satanism, example; 

 1 . Songs of Ozzy Osbourne " The wine is good but whiskey faster , kill left alone, the only way out "
2 . Songs of David Bowie ( Rolling Stone ) said Rock Music will always be a demon .
3 . Song of Stairway to Heaven if in turn it upside down will bring up the poem devil worship .
4 . Songs of Metallica in The Prince sang Bida from the bottom , I want to sell my soul . Satan Take my soul .
5 . Pink Floyd Lucifer Sam wrote a song with the lyrics : Lucifer Sam always sitting by your side .. always close to you .
6 . In 1992, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers receipt of utter grace the MTV Awards . First of all we want to thank Satan .
7 . Marilyn Manson , one GS race on August 1996 issue of Spin magazine . I hope to be remembered as someone who put an end to the history of Christianity , Manson did not hesitate to rip the Gospel and shouting insults against Jesus Christ.

Bands are popular among adherents of Satanism ;

Among the many metal bands today , there are some bands that are bands satanic heresy . These bands sold his soul to the devil for the sake of his desire to gain fame . Black Metal band that wing is the most metal flow has Metal Band - Satanist .

1 . Acheron .

The band, which was established in 1998 , and was formed by the Rev. Vincent Crowley in Tampa , Florida . Were later joined by Peter H. Gilmore , Master of the Church of Satan .
And for the first time, the band released an album entitled " Messe Noir " in 1988. The album was created specifically as a limited edition ( 7 - inch ) which is also the dimension record an album which has never existed before . To make this album truly satanic viscous to flow , Acheron make this album be copied only to 666 copies .
Then in 1991 , the band stunned the world by publishing their second album , entitled Rites of the Black Mass (1991 ) . On the album , all the songs contain passages that exist in the black gospel ( Satanic Bible ) and used Gothic-style intro and guitar solos that make the songs seem out of the world " Darkness " . Their songs are also based on the philosophy of " Satanist " .

Albums include ;

Messe Noir (1988 ) , Rites of the Black Mass (1991 ) , Alla Xul (1992 ) , Satanic Victory (1992 ) , Lex Talionis (1992 ) , Anti - God , Anti - Christ (1996 ) , Those Who Have Risen (1997 ) , Necromanteion Communion (1998 ) , Compendium Diablerie : The Demo Days (2001 ) .

2 . AngelCorpse .

Is a band that was formed in 1995 by Pete Helmkamp and former band known as the Order of Chaos . AngelCorpse came from Kansas City , but they moved to Tampa Florida ( which are adherents of Satanism area ) in the United States . Their music -themed Anti - Christ and war .
In 1995 and 2007 the band toured Europe in support of the band-band existing satanism . Another thing that this band is associated with Pete Helmkamp , band , wrote a book entitled ' The Conqueror Manifesto . '
According to him , the things which holds that " In the spirit of Crowley 's " and the notion of the " Antichrist " is a truth . Pete wrote in his book is man's attempt to get up to the Quest of the Plateau of Invincibility and attain Godhood (Homodeus).

Albums include ;

Goats to Azazael Demo (1995 ), Hammer of Gods (1996 ), Nuclear Hell (1997 ), Wolflust Single (1997 ) , Exterminate (1998 ) , Winds of Desecration (1999 ) , The Inexorable (1999 ) , Iron , Blood and Blasphemy ( 2000) , Death Dragons of the Apocalypse (2002 ) , of Lucifer and Lightning (2007 ) .

3 . Cradle Of Filth .

Bands from England formed in 1992 , with lead singer Dani Filth . The band is a very close relation to Magic , Mythology , and the things that smelled of manure . In addition to singing the music of Black Metal , stream flow also plays Dark Metal and Death Metal , Metal Vampyric , Satan Metal and Symphonic Black Metal .
This flow has changed a lot since the beginning formed . At first feel of Death Metal is so visible , but in time turned into the Black , and the last nuance Ghotic highly visible on the song " Nymphetamine " . Great achievements have ever achieved by this band is a band that is best known in the UK after Iron Maiden .

album ;

The Principle of Evil Made Flesh (1994 ) , Dusk ... and Her Embrace (1996 ) , Cruelty and the Beast (1998 ) , Midian ( 2000) , Damnation and a Day ( 2003) , Nymphetamine (2004 ) , Thornography (2006 ) , Godspeed on the Devil 's Thunder (2008 ) .

4 . Dimmu Borgir .

Black Metal band from Oslo , Norway , formed in 1993 . Formed by Shagrath , Silenoz, and Tjodalv. The band published its first album 'Inn i Evighetens Morke' in 1994 . Who then completed the entire tracks on the album For All Tid (1994 ) .
The band is known to play a stream of Symphonic Black Metal , Black Metal , Black Metal Ritual , and Deathy Metal . The themes addressed in the lyrics of his songs is similar to Cradle Of Filth , which is about the worship of Satan , Ritual , and Warfare .

album ;

For all tid (1994 ) , StormblÄst (1996 ) , Enthrone Darkness Triumphant (1997 ) , Spiritual Black Dimensions (1999 ) , Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (2001 ) , Death Cult Armageddon ( 2003) , StormblÄst MMV (2005 ) In Sorte Diaboli (2007 ) .

5 . Arch Goat .

The fifth band is the Black - Death Metal band , namely Arch Goat established in Finland . Their first album released in 1992 titled " Jesus Spawn " . An album in which is full of blasphemies to God . Style and style of this band is similar to AngelCorpse , namely the Anti Christ and many plays filosophy Satanist . The band also sometimes plays Ritual Music .

album ;

Jesus Spawn (1992 ) , Angelcunt ( Tales of Desecration ) (1993 ) , Angelslaying Black Fucking Metal (2004 ) , Live Black Mass (2005 ) , Whore of Bethlehem (2006 ) .

6 . Blasphemy .

Satanist band 's sixth , is Black Metal band from Canada , was formed in 1984 Burnaby area called Blasphemy . Their first debut dalah " Blood upon the Altar " in 1989 , an album containing blasphemies to God .
The band also toured to Germany " Fuck Christ " . In his poems , this band uses many themes related to paganism , mythological and lyrics of the Anti - Christ .

album ;

Fallen Angel of Doom (1990 ) , Gods of War (1993 ) , Live Ritual - Friday the 13th (2002 ) .

7 . Behemoth .

Black Metal band from Poland in 1991 . The band played music with themes Satanist , and Ritual , and the worship of idols . The band also played Death Metal music flow , there is also a call as Black Metal , Avantgrade Metal , Pagan Metal .
However, the actual flow of the band is still in doubt , because the band would rather not labeled in any genre .

album ;

Forests Dream Eternally And the ( EP ) (1995 ) , Sventevith ( Storming Near the Baltic ) (1995 ) , Grom (1996 ) , Bewitching The Pomerania ( EP ) (1997 ) , Pandemonic Incantations (1998 ) , Satanica (1999 ) , Thelema .6 ( 2000) , antichristian Phenomenon ( EP ) (2001 ) , Zos Kia Cultus ( Here and Beyond ) ( 2002) , Conjuration ( EP ) ( 2003) , Demigod (2004 ) , Slaves Shall Serve ( EP ) ( 2005) , The Apostasy (2007 ) , Ezkaton ( EP ) (2008 ) , Evangelion (2009 ) .

8 . Arch Enemy .

Melodic Death Metal band from Sweden . The band called Arch Enemy . The band released its first album in 1996 titled " Black Earth " . The band's style was amazing , every track on the album is full of melody guitar sound combined with vocalist girl ( Angela Gossow ) This makes it so memorable .
Matters discussed in his songs are things about the Apocalypse , and the Anti - Christ . In addition , the band pesonil derived from the former player metal band before , as the band Carcass , and John Liva .

album ;

Black Earth (1996 ) , Stigmata (1998 ) , Burning Bridges (1999 ) , Wages of Sin (2001 ) , Anthems of Rebellion ( 2003) , Doomsday Machine ( 2005) , Rise of the Tyrant (2007 ) .

9 . Beherit .

The band was formed in Finland in 1989 . The band itself has the meaning " devil " in Syriac. Their music themed savagery, the Anti - Christ, Hell, and blasphemy. The band is famous for its personnel played ambient style , the band also plays and Black Metal Deathcore flow .

album ;

The Oath of Black Blood ( 1991 ) , Drawing Down the Moon ( 1993 ) , Dawn of Satan 's Millennium ( 1991 ) , Werewolf , Semen and Blood ( 1998 ) , Messe Des Morts ( 1994 ) , Beast of Beherit - Complete Worxxx ( 1999 ) .

Album Beast of Beherit - Complete Worxxx ( 1999 )

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 1, 2014 at 14:42
Tag ;  Satanic sect, Satanic cult ( SATANIC ).

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:42