Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Kidney illness.

Human Kidney Disease

What is the function of the kidneys .

Both kidneys are vital organs that perform many functions to keep the blood clean and chemically balanced . An understanding of how the kidneys work can help to keep us healthy .
Our kidneys are organs oval , each with a similar sized fist . The organs located near the middle of the back , just beneath the rib cage frame . The kidneys are sophisticated recycling machine . Each day , our kidneys decipher about 200 quarts of blood to sift around two liters of waste materials and excessive water . Excessive waste materials and water become urine , which flows to the bladder through a tube called the ureter . Our bladder stores urine until you urinate .
Waste materials in our blood comes from the decomposition of normal and active network of food we consume . Your body uses food for energy and self-repair . After the body has taken what it needs from the food , waste materials are sent to the blood . When kidneys do not eliminate , these waste materials will accumulate in the blood and damage the body .
The screening process occurs in a very small element in our kidneys called nephrons . Each kidney contains about a million nephrons . In the nephron , a glomerulus - which is a very small blood vessel , or capillary - intertwine with urine collection vessels are very small , which is called a tubule . Replacement occurring chemical complex , with waste materials and water out of the blood and into the urine system .
At the beginning , the tubules receive a combination of waste materials and chemicals that are still useful for our body . Kidneys we distribute chemicals substances for example sodium , phosphorus and potassium , and the material returns to the body . In this way , your kidneys regulate the levels of chemicals in our bodies . The right balance needed for life , and in excess can be bad .

In addition to eliminating waste materials , kidneys we issued three important hormones :

• erythropoietin , or EPO , which stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells
• renin , which regulates blood pressure
• calcitriol , the active form of vitamin D , which helps keep calcium for bones and for normal chemical balance in the body.

Structure of the Human Kidney

Why kidneys fail ?

Most kidney diseases attack the nephrons , causing the loss of ability to filter . Damage to the nephrons can happen quickly , often as a result of wounding or poisoning. But most kidney diseases destroy the nephrons slowly and silently. Damage only looks after a few years or even decades . Most kidney diseases attack both kidneys simultaneously .
Two causes of kidney disease is the most prevalent diabetes and high blood pressure . If there is a family we have a history of kidney problems , we may be at risk of kidney disease .

Diabetic nephropathy.

Diabetes is a disease that inhibits the use of glucose ( sugar ) by the body . When arrested in the blood and is not described , glucose can act like a poison . Damage to the nephrons as a result of glucose in the blood is not used is called diabetic nephropathy . If we can hold in the blood glucose levels remain low , we can delay or prevent diabetic nephropathy .

High blood pressure.

High blood pressure can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys . Damaged vessels can not filter waste materials from the blood as it should .
Doctors may prescribe blood pressure medication . High blood pressure drugs called angiotensin changing enzyme inhibitors ( angiotensin - converting enzyme / ACE inhibitors ) and angiotensin receptor barrier ( angiotensin receptor blocker / ARB ) were found to be effective in protecting the kidneys than other drugs that reduce blood pressure to the same extent . National Institutes of Health in the U.S. suggest people with diabetes or poor renal function in order to keep blood pressure below 130/80 .

Glomerular Disease.

Several types of kidney disease is classified in this category , including autoimmune diseases , infectious -related diseases , and sclerotic diseases . As the name implies , glomerular diseases attack the tiny blood vessels ( glomeruli ) in the kidney . Primary glomerular diseases are most prevalent include membrane nephropathy ( membranous nephropathy ) , IgA nephropathy , focal segmental and glomerularsklerosis ( focal segmental glomerulosclerosis ) . Protein , blood , or both in the epidermis of art are often the first sign of the disease . Glomerular diseases can slowly destroy the kidney function . Regulation of blood pressure is important for all kidney disease . Treatments for glomerular diseases may include immunosuppressive drugs or steroids to reduce inflammation and proteinuria ( protein in urine ) , depending on the disease .

Congenital kidney disease.

Some kidney diseases originating from congenital factors , for example , polikistis renal disease ( polycystic kidney disease / PKD ) is a genetic disorder with many cysts grow in the kidneys . PKD cysts can gradually replace many of renal mass , reducing kidney function and lead to kidney failure .
Some kidney problems may appear when the baby is still developing in the womb. Examples include autosomal recessive PKD , a rare form of PKD , and other developmental problems that interfere with normal nephron formation . Signs of kidney disease in children vary . A child may grow very slowly , may vomit often , or may experience pain in your back or waist . Some kidney diseases can be " silent " for several months or even years .
If your child has kidney disease , pediatricians should find time periodic checks . The first sign of possible kidney problems high blood pressure , red blood cell count is low ( anemia ) , or blood or protein in the urine . When doctors found a single one of these problems , further tests may be required , including a blood or urine test additional , or X-rays . In some cases , the doctor may need to perform a biopsy - taking a small piece of the kidney for examination under a microscope .
Some congenital kidney disease may be detected as an adult . PKD is the most common type used to be called "adult PKD " because the symptoms of high blood pressure and kidney failure only comes after patients in their 20s or 30s . But with the development of diagnostic technology , physicians can now find cysts in children and adolescents before the onset of symptoms .

Other causes of kidney disease.

Poisoning and trauma , such as a heavy blow directly on the kidneys , can lead to kidney disease .
Some drugs , including prescription medications , can be toxic to the kidneys if used frequently over a long period of time . Products that combine aspirin , acetaminophen , and other drugs such as ibuprofen found to be most harmful to the kidneys . When we often use pain medication bid , we should discuss with your doctor to ensure that no risk to your kidneys .

How renal failure occur ?

Many factors influence the speed of kidney failure are not yet fully understood . Researchers are still studying how protein in the diet and cholesterol levels in the blood affect kidney function .

Acute renal failure.

Some kidney problems happen quickly , for example, an accident that injures the kidneys . Blood loss can cause kidney failure suddenly . Some drugs and toxins can stop the work of the kidneys . Decreased renal function suddenly is called acute renal failure (acute renal failure / ARF ) .
ARF may lead to permanent loss of kidney function . But when the kidneys are severely damaged , kidney failure may be recovered .

Chronic kidney disease.

However , most kidney problems happen slowly . We can develop kidney disease are " silent " for years . Gradual loss of kidney function is called chronic kidney disease (chronic kidney disease / CKD ) . People with CKD can continue into permanent kidney failure . They are also at high risk of death due to stroke or heart attack .

End-stage renal disease.

Renal failure wholly or almost wholly permanently called end-stage renal disease ( end - stage renal disease / ESRD ) . People with ESRD must undergo dialysis or a transplant to survive . Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 26, 2014 at 16.20
Tag : Kidney illness.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:20

Bones name (Latin) Human Body.

Latin name of the bones in the skull.

Latin name of the bones in the skull.

Brow bone: Frontal 
Fontanel bones: parietal 
Back of the skull: osipital 
Orbital fracture: temporal 
Cheek bones: zygomatic 
Wedge bones: the sphenoid 
Mandibular bones: mandible 
Maxillary bone: maxillary 
Bone tears: lacrimal 
Nasal bones: nasal 
Palatine: pallatum 
Bones filter: ethmoidale 
Bone tongue: hyodeus 

Bone Latin name on Board.

Bone Latin name on Board.

Cervical vertebrae: cervical vertebrae 
Sternum: manubrium 
                                         Backbone: vertebrae limbalis 
Lumbar spine: lumbar spine 
Sacrum: sacrum 
Coccyx: vert coccigis 
True ribs: costae vera 
False ribs: costa spuria 
The ribs float: Costa Flunctua 
Scapula: skapikula 
Collarbone: the clavicle 
Bone intestine: Ilium 
Bones sat: iscium 
Pubic bones : the pubis 

Latin Name Member bone in the body 

Latin Name Member bone in the body

Upper limbs.
Bone of the upper arm: the humerus 
Bone lever: radius 
Ulna: ulna 
The bones of the wrist: carpus 
Bone palms: metakarpus 
Bone fingers: falanges 

Lower limbs.

Lower limbs.

Thigh bones: the femur 
Bone patella: patellar 
Dry bones: the tibia 
Calf bones: the fibula 
Ankle bones: tarsus 
Foot bones: metatarsus 
Bone toes: falanges (same with fingers on the hand) 
Heel bones: the calcaneus 

Forms of Human Bone Frame.

Based on the shape , the bone can be divided into three groups by the shape functions of the human skeleton there are three , namely pipe bones , short bones and flat bones .

Bone Pipe.

Bone Pipe.

 Pipe bone is bone that has a shape like a pipe . Cavity in the bone marrow contains a yellow pipe . The yellow marrow contains a lot of fat . Yellow marrow can serve as a food reserve . At the ends of the bones were inflated pipe , in which there are small cavities that contain red marrow . The red marrow function as blood -forming cells .

Short bones.

Short bones.

Short bone short bone size . In it there is only a small cavities containing red marrow . The bones are short bones , including , among others, spine, wrist , and ankle bones .

Flat Bones.

Flat Bones.

This bone -shaped flat . Similarly, short bones , flat bones serve as the formation of blood cells . This is due to the flat bones are small cavities that contain red marrow . The bones are included in the flat bones , among other ribs , sternum , skull and bones .

Bone Function ( Frame ).

Bone is a locomotor which has an important role for humans because human bones in addition to preparing the framework , also has several functions such as:
Gives the body shape
Protect tool ( the organs ) vital body
Restraining and straightened up , Supporting the establishment of the body
The place of attachment of skeletal muscle ( skeletal )
Red bone marrow to form red blood cells , place the formation of red blood cells
As a backup ( hoarding ) of minerals , especially calcium and phosphate
A place to store energy , which deposits fat in yellow marrow
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 26, 2014 at 15:41
Tag : Bones name (Latin) Human Body.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:41

The skin functions.

Skin structure.
Human skin is one of the tools that exist in the human excretion . We already know the substance that is excreted by the sweat of human skin . To find out more about skin and its structure and function , as well as the mechanism of sweating bodies , we see the following description .
The skin is the largest and outermost parts of the human body . Because of its location causes the skin often interact directly with the environment , which causes the damaged and dead skin . However, almost any time the skin is also growing . The skin rejuvenation process roughly lasts for about 4 weeks .


The skin is composed of two layers , the outer protective layer called the epidermis and the protective layer called the dermis .
Structurally , the skin is composed of two layers , the outer protective layer called the epidermis and the protective layer called the dermis . To better understand this, we refer to the descriptions below .

a. Protective Outer layer ( epidermis ) .

The epidermis , or often referred to as the epidermis . The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin , which has a thin structure with a thickness of about 0.07 mm . epidermal layer is composed of several parts, the outer part is called the stratum corneum ( horny layer ) , the middle stratum granulosum called , and the inner layer called Malpighi . For the full description as follows :

- Stratum corneum .

Also called the stratum corneum layer of horn substance . This was the location of the outermost layer and the skin is dead , dry , and composed of multiple layers of flattened epithelial tissue . Epidermal tissue is composed by 50 layers of dead cells , and will have peeling slowly , replaced by the underlying tissue as it contains the protein keratin . Its main functions include protecting the cells and prevents the entry of germs .

- Stratum Lusidum .

Stratum lusidum , which serves to " paint " the skin and hair . The more melanin produced from these cells , then the color will become dark .
Besides giving color to the skin , melanin also serves to protect the skin cells from the sun's ultraviolet rays that can harm the skin . Although actually the right amount of ultraviolet light is beneficial to change certain fats in the skin to vitamin D , but in excessive amounts is very harmful to the skin .
Sometimes a person avoid sunlight during the summer, because he wanted to avoid ultraviolet rays . This is because it turns out the ultraviolet rays can make the skin more black . Based on the research , ultraviolet light can induce the formation of melanocytes become more for the purpose of protection against skin . Meanwhile, if we see someone having olive skin , this caused the person has a carotene pigment .

- Stratum granulosum.

Stratum granulosum , which produce skin pigment , called melamine . This layer consists of living cells and is located at the bottom of the epidermis tissue . Stratum granulosum is composed of living cells produced by Malpighi layer .

- Stratum germ .

Stratum germ , often described as a living cell because this layer is the active layer splitting . The cells divide outwards to form the outer skin cells . The new cells formed will encourage existing cells in the cell next it will also be driven from below by newer cells again . At the same time the cells of the outermost layer of peel and fall .

b . Protective layers deep ( dermis ) .

Under the epidermal layer of the skin there is a protective layer in , called the dermis layer . The dermis is also called the cuticle or korium . The dermis contains fibrous connective tissue .
Dermis tissue has a more complicated structure than the epidermis , which consists of many layers . This tissue is thicker than the epidermis is about 2.5 mm . The dermis is formed by special fibers that make it flexible , consisting of collagen , which is a type of protein that makes up about 30 % of body protein . Collagen will gradually decrease with age . That is why an old man rough skin texture and wrinkles .
Various sections in the dermis include blood vessels, hair , nerve endings , sweat glands ( glands sudorifora ) , oil glands ( sebaceous glands ) , skin and fat tissue . For more details, let us see the description below .

- Blood Vessels .

Most of the blood capillaries located in the dermis . The blood vessels that carry blood part containing food and oxygen to the dermis and epidermis . The blood vessels also plays a role in supplying the sweat glands and hair roots. In addition, blood vessels play an important role in the regulation of body temperature .

- Hair .

Although located in the dermis layer of the hair , but the production process is at the epidermal layer . Layer of the epidermis into the dermis layer to form a hollow pipe called a hair follicle . Hair grows adjacent to the hair follicle . At the bottom of the bag there is a set of network that contains blood capillaries and nerves , called hair follicles . Hair roots are protected by epidermal cells that constantly divide and new cells push upwards . These cells will soon die and harden to form the hair .
On the scalp , there are parts that are attached to hair follicles . The section called hair enforcement muscle . Contraction of this muscle causes the hair to stand . If the skin around the hair of our head is less nourished , dandruff consequences will arise .

- End nerves .

Nerve endings is one part of nerve cells that transmit information from the outside environment . Inside are a variety of receptors ( receiver stimuli ) , such as touch receptors , pressure receptors , pain receptors , and temperature receptors .

- Sweat Glands .

Sweat glands are coiled tubular shell has growing from the epidermis to the dermis extends . At the base of the glans surrounded by many blood capillaries and sympathetic nerve fibers . Of blood in the capillaries , sweat sweat duct passes issued and the pores on the skin surface . Sweat issued containing mostly water in the form of an inorganic salt solution ( eg sodium chloride ) and a small amount of organic material such as urea . Because sweat contains metabolic wastes , such as urea , then the skin is also called excretory organs .

- Oil glands .

The oil glands are in addition to the hair follicle . These glands produce oil called sebum . Sebum hold water into the hair and epidermis . In addition to holding water , oil glands also maintain the flexibility of the epidermis and protect it from bacteria .

- Skin Fat Network .

Below the dermis there is a layer composed of adipose cells ( adipose tissue ) that store fat . Fat is used as a protective coating . Therefore , adipose tissue is also known as a fat storage and network protectors .


The skin is an excretory organ where transpiration . Part of the skin that functions for this are the sweat glands . Why hot air when we sweat a lot ? Turns out it was related to its function , namely as a regulator of body temperature . Sweat released the body can absorb heat , to maintain body heat so stable . The base of the sweat glands located adjacent to blood capillaries . Water and mineral salts in the blood capillaries will be absorbed by the sweat glands , and issued in the form of sweat.
Aside from being a means of excretion , the skin also functions as follows .

a. Protect the body from heat , Germs , and friction from the outside .

Skin full fortress surrounded by enemies who are always ready to break into if there is a part of the fort is open . The enemy is germs . If these germs can enter the body and participate in the bloodstream it will harm the body . For example aerus Staphylococcus can cause a wide variety of diseases such as acne, boils up , a lung infection .

b . Regulate body temperature .

The skin can be cool and warm the body . At the time of the cold air will close the skin blood vessels so that blood does not flow to the skin as a result it looks pale . This condition is intended to help keep the body heat is not easily lost so blood can be protected . In this condition , the sweat glands will be sealed to prevent the formation of sweat .
As for the state of the body temperature increases, the nerve endings in the skin to open , resulting in more blood flow to the skin with the aim to be cooled by the surrounding air . That is why someone looked flushed when overheated .

c . Spending regulate water .

Skin can control water loss from the body , as if the body loses excessive water will harm the body . Sometimes found someone experiencing fainting after attending the flag ceremony in the blazing hot sun . This is because excessive sweating resulting in a condition called " salt hungry " .


We have seen that substance is excreted in sweat. The amount of sweat released was influenced various circumstances , such as the activity of the body , the temperature of the environment , food , health , and emotional state . In it also contains certain substances, such as water, salt (NaCl), urea, acid and metabolic waste .


Every day adult human sweat is approximately 225 ml . All the sweat produced from about 2 million sweat glands scattered throughout the dermis layer .
The process of transpiration is influenced by the hypothalamus . The hypothalamus is the central nervous system regulating body temperature that produces the enzyme bradykinin . Enzymes work bradykinin affect the sweat glands to secrete sweat . Besides influenced hypothalamus , sweat glands work is also influenced by changes in environmental temperature and blood vessels .
High temperature veins ( due to high ambient temperature ) will provide a stimulus to the hypothalamus . By stimulation of the hypothalamus immediately affect the sweat glands to absorb water , salt , urea , and various metabolic waste substances from the blood capillaries . Various substances are excreted through sweat ducts and pores of the sweat glands to the skin 's surface in the form of sweat . Sweat evaporates immediately and the body temperature back down to normal .
If the sweat that comes out too excessive , salt levels in the blood can be reduced . As a result , the muscle may have spasms or may be too faint . Moreover, because the blood vessels in the dermis layer expands , the skin can become red . This situation can happen when we do strenuous physical activity . However , we can reverse skin paled when narrowed blood vessels in the dermis , such as when we are scared .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 26, 2014 at 14:52
Tag : The skin functions.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:52

Did your gallbladder.

Gall bladder ( green ) in the human digestive system .
Gall bladder or gall bladder (English : the gallbladder ) is a pear-shaped organ that can store about 50 ml of bile that the body needs for digestion . In humans , the length of the gall bladder is about 7-10 cm and dark green - not because of the color of their network , but because of the color of the liquid bile contains. This organ connected to the liver and duodenum via the bile duct .

Bile .

Bile is an alkaline liquid that is bitter and yellowish green

Bile is an alkaline liquid that is bitter and yellowish green because they contain the pigment bilirubin , biliverdin , and urobilin , which is secreted by the liver hepatocytes in most vertebrates . Every day bile secreted by the liver as much as 500 - 1000cc where secretions runs continuously , the amount secreted increases when digesting fat . In some species , bile is stored in the gallbladder and released into the duodenum to aid in the digestion of food . An eggplant -shaped gallbladder and a muscular membrane , located in a side lobe of the liver below the surface until the edge of the front , 8-12 cm in length , with a capacity of 60 mL . Bile layer ( bag ) consists of the outer layer of the serous / parietal , bergariss muscle layer , the inner layer of mucous / visceral called mucous membranes .

The parts of the gallbladder :

1 . Fundus felea bladder , gallbladder part most end after bladder felea corpus .
2 . Corpus felea bladder , part of which contains the gallbladder bile ( bile ) .
3 . Bladder neck , a neck of kantng bile duct is the first entry of bile into the gallbladder .
4 . Cystic duct , 3 cm in length running from the neck of the gall bladder and concatenated with the hepatic duct , common bile duct into the duodenum Markowitz .
5 . Hepatic duct , duct out of the neck .
6 . Keledokus duct , the ducts that carry bile to the duodenum .

The gallbladder is a small organ located near the middle of the stomach area of ​​the body . Its main function is to store bile from the liver . Bile is a substance that aids in the digestion of fat , the fat is not soluble in water , so in order to emulsify fats needed something special . The liver produces bile and then stores it in the gallbladder until the body needs to digest fat . When the moment arrived , the gallbladder began to let the flow of bile into the intestine , in the duodenum , where fat is digested with the help and then absorbed by the organism .
While sitting in the gallbladder bile , water poured out of it through the gallbladder wall , makes bile more concentrated and therefore more effective . Bile also neutralize some of the acid found in certain foods . Just like any other organ in the body , can damage the gallbladder and cause disease .
In some people , usually women more than 40 years ,
( but there have been enough cases of men suffering from gall bladder as well ) , in which bile can crystallize into small stones , called gallstones .
Gallstones are made of salt , calcium and cholesterol , all put together in a small stone . These gallstones can cause several problems , starting with inflammation of the gall bladder and end up with severe pain and blockage . In three quarters of the gallbladder patients did not cause visible symptoms , but over a quarter of something that appears .
The most encountered symptoms of gallbladder disease ;
* Variable pain in the abdominal area .
Variable because this pain is sometimes easy , sometimes very badly , and sometimes long , sometimes , vomiting accompanied by high temperatures , yellowing of the skin and eyes , when gallstones block the flow of bile duct from the liver to gallbladder . Gallstones can leave the body alone , but in some cases they are stuck on the road and impede the flow of
bile . If this happens, surgery is needed . Gallbladder surgery is called cholecystectomy , and consists of a procedure that removes the gallbladder from the liver of the body and connects directly to the stomach , so that the bile does not pass anymore . This leads to digestion of fatty substances become less effective .
In the most unfortunate cases , complications lead to gallbladder cancer . This can happen if a person suffering from gallbladder disease have weight problems and also smoke and drink a lot .
Gallbladder cancer is a fatal disease , despite advanced surgical tehniquies trying to remove the majority of patients with gallbladder dead .
Gallbladder disease is in many cases almost harmless , but if you feel any of the symptoms you should visit a doctor and take his advice . Patients who have been operated to remove the gallbladder and was soon able to return to their normal lives , but they must pay attention to the amount of fat they eat , because without the gallbladder body can not handle the digestion of fatty substances into the well .
The pancreas lies behind the stomach , transversely behind the stomach . The pancreas is an organ that has a dual purpose , namely endocrine function (no channels , hormones are secreted directly into the blood stream ) and exocrine function ( have a channel to secrete digestive fluids through the pancreatic duct ) .

( 1 ) Digestion ( exocrine ) .

Pancreatic fluid is alkaline and neutralizes the acid of the stomach . This sap contains several enzymes that act as catalysts in the breakdown of complex materials into simpler materials which are then absorbed through the small intestine and into the blood vessels .

( 2 ) Adjust blood sugar levels ( endocrine ) .

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that plays a role in regulating blood glucose levels . Glucose is the principal energy used by the body .
Disruption caused by the pancreas include ;

1 ) Diabetes mellitus .
Diabetes mellitus or known diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas fails to supply enough insulin to regulate blood sugar ( glucose ) . Increasingly insufficient insulin causes diabetes increasingly available can be fatal .
Eye and kidney complications usually the first affected if diabetes is not curable . This condition can occur in childhood or adulthood. Diabetic children are more difficult to cure and more serious . Insulin injections or oral administration and control diet hard is one form of diabetes care .

2 ) Hypoglycemia .
Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the pancreas insulin production so much that blood sugar levels become low .  Various symptoms will appear as a result of low blood sugar levels . For example, the brain does not have a backup fuel because it depends on the material supplied by the blood . Hypoglycemia will reduce the efficiency of the brain . Sort it can be done through the diet ( food ) .
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 26, 2014 at 11:38
Tag : Did your gallbladder.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:38

Did Your Heart.

Heart (Latin cor) is a hollow, hollow muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels by repeated rhythmic contractions. The term cardiac means relating to the heart, from the Greek word for heart cardia. The heart is one organ that plays a role in the human circulatory system.

Heart surface. 

Heart surface.

The heart is located in the chest cavity a little to the left, on the right lung and the left lung. Its mass is about 300 grams, the size of the fist. The heart is a muscle that is composed of a single layer of endothelium. Located in the heart torakik cavity, behind the sternum. The structure of the heart to turn down and slightly to the left.
Heart is almost completely enveloped by the lungs, but enclosed by a double membrane called the pericardium, which is attached to the diaphragm. The first layer to stick very closely to the heart, while the outer layer is more loose and watery, to avoid friction between the organs in the body that occurs due to the constant movement of the heart pumping.
Heart kept in place by the blood vessels which covers an area of ​​uneven heart / flat, as in the bottom and on the side. Two line splitter (formed from muscle) on the outer layer of the heart showing where the dividing wall between the porch and the heart chambers.

The internal structure of the heart. 

Internally, the heart muscle layers separated by a split into two sections, from top to bottom, into two pumps. Both of these pumps from birth never connected. It consists of two parts separated by a wall cavity of the heart. It can be concluded that the heart consists of four cavities, the left and right atrium and the right ventricle and the left.
Porch wall is much thinner than the walls of the booth for booth must fight the force of gravity to pump from the ground up and requires a greater force to supply the large circulation, especially the aorta, to pump around the body which has blood vessels.
Each porch and booths at the heart of each hemisphere is connected by a valve. Valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is called the tricuspid valve or valve leafy three. While the valve is between the left atrium and left ventricle is called bicuspid valve or valves mitralis (two-leaved valve).

How to Work Heart. 

At the heart of the pulsating any slack space and fill with blood (called diastole). Furthermore, the heart contracts and pumps blood out of the heart (called systole). Both porches sag and contracting simultaneously, and both chambers also loosens and contracts simultaneously.
Blood is running out of oxygen and contains a lot of carbon dioxide (dirty blood) of the entire body flows through two veins encouraged (vena cava) heading into the right atrium. After the right atrium filled with blood, it will push blood into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve.
Blood from the right ventricle to be pumped through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery leading to the lungs. Blood will flow through very small vessels (capillaries) that surrounds the air bag in the lungs, absorbing oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide and then channeled back to the heart.
Oxygen-rich blood flow in the pulmonary veins to the left atrium. Blood circulation in the right part of the heart, the lungs and the left atrium called the pulmonary circulation because blood flows to the lungs.
Blood in the left atrium to the left ventricle will be encouraged through the bicuspid valve / mitral, which in turn will pump clean blood is passed through the aortic valve into the aorta (the largest artery in the body). This oxygen-rich blood is circulated throughout the body, except the lungs. and so on.

Regarding Heart Health. 

Heart is one of the most important organs of the body, heart defects can be at risk of death. Divided heart problems due to cardiac failure is often almost into two parts, namely heart disease and heart attacks.

Heart Disease. 

Heart disease is a condition that causes the heart can not carry out their duties properly. These things, among others:
A weak heart muscle. It is a congenital abnormality. A weak heart muscle can not make people do excessive activity, due to the imposition of excessive cardiac performance would cause pain in the chest, and sometimes can cause the body to be the appear bluish. People with weak heart muscle is easy to faint.
The gap between the right atrium and left the porch, because of incomplete formation of a separate layer between the second platform when the patient is still in the womb. This causes the blood clean and dirty blood mixed. This disease also makes people unable to perform strenuous activities, because of heavy activity almost certainly will make the patient's body turned blue and breathless, although not causing pain in the chest. There is also a variation of this disease, namely a person really only has one porch.

Heart Attack. 

This condition usually occurs suddenly, and is often called congestive heart failure. Causes of heart failure vary, but usually the main cause is impaired blood supply to the heart muscles, because the blood vessels that normally drain blood to the heart muscles are blocked or hardened, either because of fat and cholesterol, or because the substances chemicals such as excessive use of drugs containing Phenol Propano Alanine (ppa) are mostly found in drugs such as Decolgen, and nicotine.
A heart attack is a condition when the damage experienced by the part of the heart muscle (myocardium) due to a very sudden decrease in blood supply to the heart muscle. Reduced blood supply to the heart suddenly can occur when one of the coronary arteries ter blockade for a while, either due to spasm - tighten the coronary arteries - or akibar blood pergumpalan - thrombus. Part of the heart muscle that is normally supplied by a pulse which blockaded stops functioning properly immediately after splasme subsides by itself, the symptoms disappear and the overall functioning of the heart muscle actually normal again. It is often called crescendo angina or coronary insufficiency. Conversely, if the blood supply to the heart at a standstill, the cells in question are permanent changes in just a few hours and a section of heart muscle referred to severely degraded or permanently damaged. Dead muscle is called infarction.

Heart attack symptoms include  ; 

1. Pain. If the muscle is not getting enough blood ( a condition called ischemia ) , then insufficient oxygen and the metabolism of excessive causing cramps or spasms . Angina is a feeling of tightness in the chest or squeezing chest feeling , which arises when the heart muscle does not get enough blood . The type and severity of pain or discomfort varies in each person . Some people who experience a lack of blood flow can not feel pain at all ( a condition called silent ischemia ) .
2. Shortness of breath is a symptom commonly found in heart failure . Shortness is a result of the influx of fluid into the air spaces in the lungs ( pulmonary congestion or pulmonary edema ) .
3. Tiredness or fatigue . If the heart is not pumping effectively , blood flow to the muscles during activity will be reduced, causing the patient to feel weak and tired. These symptoms are often mild. To overcome this , the patient usually gradually reduce its activity or thought these symptoms as part of aging .
4. Palpitations ( heart palpitations ) .
5. Dizziness and fainting . Decreased blood flow due to rate or abnormal heart rhythm or because of poor pumping ability , can cause dizziness and fainting
Food is also a major cause of heart attack, especially fast food (junk food). The research institute, from McMaster University, Canada, found results that people who eat a lot of fried foods, salty snacks, and meat have an increased risk of heart attack more than 35 percent greater than those who consumed little or do not eat.


There is no better countermeasures to prevent disease and heart attack, in addition to a healthy lifestyle (as often wake up early, not often stay up too late at night, and avoiding cigarettes and alcoholic beverages), healthy diet (emphasis on eating fibrous foods and Air-vegetable, and not eating too much fatty foods and high cholesterol), and regular exercise and not excessive. However, there are some substances that are believed to be able to reduce or increase the risk of disease and heart attacks, among others;
* Some researchers say that the substance allicin found in garlic may help maintain heart health. The study suggests that by virtue substance allicin, vascular tension is reduced 72%. However, some other researchers have also stated that there was no relationship between garlic to heart health. In a study conducted on 90 smokers body fat, European researchers found that the addition of garlic powder for 3 months showed no changes in their cholesterol levels or some other signs of heart disease risk.
* Studies show that reducing smoking does not reduce the risk of heart disease. To truly reduce the risk of heart disease, a person should really stop smoking.
* The findings, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reveals consumption of vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease.
* Research has shown that reducing salt intake can reduce the risk of heart disease. Salt intake can increase blood pressure. At low salt diet experiment showed the risk of heart disease by 25% and the risk of heart attack by 20%
* Consumption of foods that can maintain heart health such as Salmon, Tomato, Olive Oil, Wheat, Almonds, and Apples, Habatussauda and other herbal remedies.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 26, 2014 at 10:30
Tag ; Did Your heart.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:30

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Did you Types of Drugs and Side Effects.

Drug trafficking in Indonesia is very sad, the government is being intensively to combat drugs, government efforts should be supported by all Indonesian people. We must be aware of the illicit goods, as our knowledge. There are several types of drugs and their side effects are very dangerous for our lives.

PCP (Phencyclidine). 

PCP (Phencyclidine).

PCP (phencyclidine) is a dissociative drug that is actually used for anesthesia, produce hallucinogenic and neurotoxic effects. The drug is commonly known as Angel Dust, and also known as Wet, Sherm, Sherman Hemsley, Rocket Fuel, Ashy Larry, Shermans Tank, Wack, Halk Hogan, Ozone, Hannah, Hog, Manitoba Shlimbo, and Embalming Fluid, and some names other. Although the effects of psychoactive drugs only lasted a few hours, total elimination from the body takes longer, usually up during the week. PCP is consumed as a sideline by drug users, especially in the United States where the demand met by producers of illegal drugs. The drug is manufactured in powder and liquid forms (PCP dissolved most often in ether), but typically it is sprayed onto leafy material such as marijuana, mint, oregano, parsley or Ginger Leaves, and tobacco. PCP has potent effects on the nervous system altering perceptual functions (hallucinations, delusions, delirium or confused thinking), motor functions (unsteady gait, loss of coordination, and disrupted eye movement or nystagmus), and autonomic nervous system regulation (rapid heart rate, temperature regulation changed). This drug has been known to change the mood in a way that was unexpected.

Psilocybin mushrooms. 

Psilocybin mushrooms.

Or so-called mushroom psilocybian, are fungi that contain the psychedelic substances psilocybin and psilocin are, and occasionally other psychoactive tryptamines. There are some colloquial terms for psilocybin mushrooms are most commonly called magic mushrooms or shrooms. When psilocybin has ingested a substance that is broken down to produce psilocin, which is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects. Intoxicating effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms typically last between 3 to 7 hours depending on the dose.



Otherwise known as Marijuana in herbal form, is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa. Humans have been consuming cannabis since prehistory, although in the 20th century there was an increase in its use for recreational, religious or spiritual, and medicinal. It is estimated that about four percent of the world's adult population use cannabis annually. Cannabis has psychoactive and physiological effects when consumed, usually by smoking or consumption directly. The minimum amount of THC required to have a psychoactive effect is about 10 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. The state of intoxication due to cannabis consumption is colloquially known as "high", which is a condition in which mental and physical was changed due to the consumption of marijuana. Each user has a different experience influenced by several factors such as potency, dose, chemical composition, method of consumption and so on.



Is a resinous narcotic formed from the latex released by young seed pods of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). The flowers contain up to 16% morphine, an opiate alkaloid, which is most frequently processed chemically to produce heroin for the illegal drug trade. Opium has gradually been replaced by a variety of semi-synthetic, and synthetic opioids with a more powerful effect, and by other general anesthesia. This process began in 1817, when Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertürner isolation of pure morphine from opium after at least thirteen years of research and experimentation that almost became a disaster on himself and three sons.

Ecstasy (MDMA). 

Ecstasy (MDMA).

Is a semisynthetic psychedelic entactogen of the phenethylamine family whose effects are much lighter than most other narcotics-producing psychedelics. Ecstasy is used as a side and is often used with sex and associated with club drugs as entheogen additionally used to supplement various types of practices for transcendence including in meditation, psychonautics, and psychedelic psychotherapy. Primary effects of MDMA include an increased awareness of the senses, feelings of openness, euphoria, empathy, love, happiness, a sense of mental clarity and an increased appreciation of music and movement. Tactile sensations are felt some users, making physical contact with others more pleasurable.



Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. Arguably the greatest of all the psychedelics used mainly as an entheogen and to supplement various types of exercises for transcendence including in meditation. LSD's psychological effects (colloquially called a "trip") vary greatly from person to person, depending on factors such as previous experiences, state of mind and environment as well as the strength of the dose. The use of LSD can have long-term effects psychoemotional some users cite the LSD experience as causing significant changes in their personality and life perspective.

Crack cocaine. 

Crack cocaine.

Often referred to as "crack", is believed to start to be made and popularized since the early 80s. Due to the harmful effects of ether were used to produce pure cocaine manufacturers are trying to get rid of the ammonia mixture. Usually the filtration process also determines. Baking soda is currently more widely used as a base rather than ammonia for reasons that are not pungent aroma and less toxic.



Known as "meth" or "ice", is a psychostimulant and sympathomimetic drug. Methamphetamine enters the brain and triggers the release of substances norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Because this substance stimulates the mesolimbic which causes euphoria and excitement, so no wonder it caused a lot of substance abuse and severe dependence. Users can obsess on some simple activities that are repeated, such as washing hands repeatedly install and dismantle benda2 back and forth repeatedly. Discontinuation will cause some effects such as depression, insomnia, anxiety, difficulty eating, and so on.



Crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. Which suppress the stimulatory effect is the main cause of the nervous system called the euphoric sensation and a sense of excitement is also believed to increase the effects of energy is what causes this substance is quite popular and widely used. cocaine is a potent substance that affects the nervous system, the effect could be felt from 20 minutes to many hours, depending on dosage and how to use them. The earliest sign is when it starts using hyperactive, restless, increased blood pressure, increased pulse rate, and euphoria. The euphoria is sometimes followed by discomfort and depression and a craving to use again. Sexual arousal can be increased when using this drug, but long-term use will lead to paranoia, impotence and other bad things.



Opium is extracted directly from the opium poppy. Real function is to heal the dependence on morphine. Once injected directly into the blood, will be turned into heroin and morphine directly memalui spread to the whole body blood circulation. heroin like other endorphins that cause effects to morphine euphoria, pleasure and even called a sense of "orgasm". Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 25, 2014 at 18:13
Tag : Did you Types of Drugs and Side Effects.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 18:13

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