Sunday, 16 February 2014

Kelud erupts February 13, 2014.


Lightning as a result of the eruption of Kelud.
Long as jarring vicious tongue,
stretched and stretched again every few seconds,
Kelud not as big as other volcanoes, but very scary.

So, thank you've seen this video.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 16, 2014 at 21:03
Tag ; 2014, hours. 22:50 pm., Kelud erupts dated February 13, video mount kelud.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:03

Beware of Cold Lava Kelud.

Depending on the intensity of rainfall around Kelud.
Two days after the massive eruption of Mount Kelud, Kelud volcanic activity tends to decrease, rain sand is no longer as big as before.
It was driven rain that happens in the area around Kelud day yesterday (15/2).
Among others in the district and sub-district Ngancar Puncu, Kediri, East Java.
The impact of the eruption of Mount Kelud was remarkable, many activities of people affected, but life must go on.
Two days after the eruption of Mount Kelud, the situation under control, people went back to resume daily activities.
They work together to clean up volcanic sand that covered the settlements and the roads around where they shelter.
Residents had dared to leave the house to run its activities. Work, school and other needs of life.
Meanwhile Kelud volcanic activity continues to decline, even so it is still a volcano alert.
Incompetence disaster has not gone away and it would not hurt if you have to stay alert. So, thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 16, 2014 at 19:47
Tag ; Beware of Cold Lava Kelud, mount kelud.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 19:47

Did you know Tuberose Flowers.

Tuberose flowers has the Latin name Polianthes tuberosa , in the Malay language : Night bitch is green perennial plant of the tribe Agavaceae . Oil of tuberose flowers can be used in making perfume . Tuberous name suggests this plant that has a bulb ( tuber ) . Today approximately 12 known species of the genus Polianthes .
Tuberose flowers usually bloom at night . The plant is expected to come from Mexico . ASTEK nation 's interest to know the names of flowers omixochitl or bone .

The name of this flower in the eastern side of india namely ratkirani , which means queen of the night . In singapore flower is named Xinxiao , which means the place moth landed . In Persian , this flower was named maryam , called the common name for girls. This flower is also used in hawaii for the bride as well as in the days of Viktoria first used as a cemetery flowers . The scent is described as a complex , exotic , sweet , and distinctive flowers .

Tuberose and habitat characteristics .

tuberose flower

Tuberose is bulbous plants that have high 0 , 5-1 , 4 m , leaves some sitting on stem tubers as well as along the upright stems . Inflorescence compound is not limited to a series of rather thin , inflorescence in the form of grain cluster unbranched . The position of sitting nearly flowers , generally in pairs in the armpit leaves a protective form ovoid . Floral tube length 2-5 , 5 cm wide end .
Tuberose propagated by tubers. Distances are lined up at 30 times 30 cm is very likely to be planted in a narrow though.
Tuberose plants have scientific names Polyanthes tuberosa L. This plant is a type of lily family-Bakungan (Amarillidaceae). This species is quite a lot of them blue lily (Agapanthus aprikanus L), sea lily (Crinum astatikum), september flowers (Euriclus alba) and lilies (Lilium longiforum). The composition of tuberose plant body consists of roots, stems in fact (Disus), tubers (pseudo-stem), leaf and flower stalks complete with flower petals. Tuberose plant leaves are long and flat glossy green on the upper surface bagiian and light green on the lower surface of the leaf, at the base of the leaves are reddish colored spots. Each flower stalk attached 5-12 or more flowers are blossoming is not the same, the color of pure white petals but those that reddish color.
This plant is relatively easily cultivated. Tuberose Planting can be done throughout the season, provided adequate soil water. But the right time should be adjusted, so that the time of harvest to fall on the big day. From the literature mentioned that the plant requires a fairly humid climate conditions (13-27 ° C), rainfall 1900-2500 mm / yr and full sun exposure. The most ideal areas for development tuberose is at an altitude of 600-1500 m above sea level., The type of soil andosol. The most important thing in choosing the type of soil is soil should be fertile, friable, contains a lot of organic matter (humus), good soil aeration and drainage as well as the degree of soil acidity (pH) between 5.0 to 5.7.
Cultivation is done starting with the processing of dried soil and made ​​talud then drained of water so wet . Further - made ​​beds 100 cm wide beds , high 20-30 cm ( length depends on the condition of the land ) , trench spacing between beds 30-40 cm , create income and drainage channels . To maintain fertility added manure mature ( so ) until well blended with the soil . Planting is done by planting the bulbs in a hole with a distance of 20 X 20 cm . Into the hole is given by means of urea incorporated into a hole on the left and right or between the rows of the array made ​​planting hole and then planting hole that has been filled tubers covered with soil . Humidity is maintained by always watering beds .

Maintenance performed includes ;

(1) irrigation / watering, especially in the early phase of seedling growth (1-2 times daily) or depending on the state of soil and climate, and preferably in the morning and evening, when the soil temperature is not too high.
(2) Stitching: for seeds that do not grow or decay, at least 5-15 days after planting, so that the growth of seedlings can be uniform embroidered with seed that has been grown in advance.
(3) Weeding: to get rid of weeds, at least 3 months after planting or hanging the state of the grass growth; should also be done at the time of weeding (3) scarify the soil; Fertilization aftershocks: (6 months after planting) with a mixture of NPK, to improve plant growth before the flowering tuberose.
This plant grows well in tropical or sub- tropical sunlight immediately , on the plains to a height of 1 . 400 m above sea level . This plant grows to 45 cm and yielded clumps of white flowers . The leaves are long and pale green that collects at the base of the trunk .
Tuberose propagated by tubers . Distances are lined up at 30 times 30 cm is very likely to be planted in a narrow though .

Identity Flora East Java

Based on Indonesian Presidential Decree No. 4/1993 , Tuberose Flowers in the set as the Identity Flora to East Java . Given this determination , it is expected to be able to be Icon existence of its own and can be preserved .

Benefits of Tuberose Flowers

Tuberose flowers used for ritual ceremonies , cultural events habits , tuberose can be used as cut flowers or as a garden plant . Tuberose is used in soups kimlo tuberose is not for cut flowers , but the tuberose coming from china .
Tuberose can be propagated by tubers . With the distance between the lined 30 x 30 cm allows Tuberose land to be planted in narrow .

Image ;

Tuberose flower.

Tuberose flowers are blooming.

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 16, 2014 at 11:29
Tag ; Did you know Tuberose Flowers.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:29

Did You Know About Bali Starling.

Bali starling
Bali Starling has Leucopsar Rothschildi Latin name , a type of warbler that has a medium size , with a length of approximately 25cm , sturnidae tribe . He is also recognized as Curik of the starlings . Bali starling has special markings , which are of white wool in all its body if the tip of the tail and wings are black . Cheek side unfeathered , bright blue and legs grayish . Males and females alike .

The characteristics of the Bali Starling.

Endemic to Indonesia , Bali starlings are found only in forests on the western part of the island of Bali . The Bali Starling is the only species that is endemic in Bali , and in 1991 was named the fauna symbol of Bali province . The existence of animal / bird is endemic protected by law .
Bali starling was found the first time in 1910 . Bali starling Scientific name named after an animal expert who has English nationality , walter rothschild , as the first where this species has been described to the scientific world in tahyun 1912.
Because it looks beautiful and elegant , be among the Bali starling bird that is in demand by some collectors and bird keepers . Illegal arrest , loss of native forest habitat , and where this bird is found very limited results in the bird population is rapidly dwindling and endangered in a short period . To avoid this subject to take place , some of the major zoos in all the world moves Bali starling breeding program .

Bali starling distress status as assessed in the IUCN Red List and are listed in Cites Appendix I.

Traits and Characteristics of Bali Starling

Bali starling has a very unique physical . His size is included in the category of medium -range between 22 to 26 cm when mature . Have white fur in all of his body , if the tip of the tail and wings are black . Dark brown eyes , the area around the eyelids are not hairy with dark blue . Sides of the cheeks unfeathered , bright blue and legs grayish . But in the back of the head there is white fur mane . Bali starling has gray legs with 4 fingers ( 1 to 3 to the rear and front ) . Part spike with between 2-5 cm , with the typical form at the top where there is elevation of the flattened upright . Gray color with the tip somewhat blackish brownish yellow . It is difficult to distinguish the size of the male body with the Bali starling females , but males in general are a bit bigger and have a longer ponytail . Bali starlings are omnivorous bird type .

Bali Starling has Leucopsar Rothschildi latin name, the type of warbler that has a medium size, with a length of about 25cm, sturnidae tribe.

Food Bali Starling

In the wild Bali starlings have a habit of eating forest fruits , caterpillars and insects that exist abundant . For the living area , Bali starlings usual track dipohon hole for shelter and nesting . They can enter the mating period on all purchases . September to March are marked by pairs of male and female birds . Spawning period takes place on all purchases . January - March . The number of eggs produced by a number of 2-4 points with a bluish green color an average diameter of 3 cm . Bali starling count has a low percentage of hatching because only one or two items are hatched . The subject is in between the trigger hard to develop Bali starling population . So , thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 16, 2014 at 10:27
Tag ; Bali Starling.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:27

Saturday, 15 February 2014

The Most Dangerous scorpions.

large scorpion.
Animals that this one be one of the most feared animals . Although small , eight-legged animal to be one of the most deadly animals in the world .
Oktopoda stings and poison animals can make a man or victims affected by the sting died in a relatively short time . Among the types of scorpion in the world , which is the most deadly ?

1. Deathstalker

Deathstalker scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus scientific name is one of the most aggressive scorpion . This type of scorpion found in the Middle East and North Africa . This scorpion has a body length of 10 to 13 centimeters . In Palestine , this type of scorpion known as Omdurman .
In English , the scientific name signifies the five striped tail scorpion fine . Although regarded as one of the most deadly , the scorpion is believed to treat brain tumors in humans .
Deathstalker can kill because of its poison . Rancun it is a mixture of very potent neurotoxin . Humans or the tail of a scorpion sting victims will feel unbearable pain , high fever and coma , convulsions and paralysis of limbs.

2 . Yellow Fat Tailed Scorpion

Others are also deadly scorpion is yellow fat tailed scorpion . This scorpion Androctonus australis has a scientific name . Although not turn off deathstalker , yellow fat tailed can also kill the victim , including humans , in just over two hours . At first glance this scorpion has a calm behavior , but who would have thought this was quite aggressive scorpion .
Scorpion type is also found in the Middle East , Africa and India . Generally located in the desert region . In addition to aggressive , the scorpion is also quite strong . Yellow fat tailed scorpion did not even need to take shelter under the sand to withstand sandstorms . Etymologically , the name Androctonus is derived from the Greek word meaning a human killer

3 . Spitting Thicktail Black Scorpion.

This one is equally deadly . He is the spitting thicktail black scorpio . African scorpion has a length of about 12 centimeters and quite aggressive . Cobra -like pattern of the attack . Scorpion with the scientific name of this transvaalicus parabuthus capable of spitting venom up to a distance of one meter .
Toxins are the eyes of the victim , causing the pain and temporary blindness . Permanent blindness can occur if not promptly cleaned of toxins . More than that , the victim could have died.
Scorpion toxins to be flushed out when face to face with danger . Scorpion venom capable of spraying as much as 4.25 milligrams . Interestingly , the toxins are not flushed out through the mouth or claw area , but from its tail . This behavior of course can deceive the victim . Because most victims will be concentrating on the face and scorpion claw tool .

4. Striped Bark Scorpion

According to the researchers , striped bark scorpio has a dangerous poison , but not deadly . In contrast to the black spitting venom spouting thicktail scorpio through the tail , striped bark along with scorpio spitting venom sting.
This scorpion stings cause pain throughout the body for 15-20 minutes . However , there are some cases said the victim suffered pain until two to three days . In addition to pain , the victim will experience nausea , fever and coma .
Scorpion Centruroides vittatus scientific name owner has a body length of up to seven centimeters . This scorpion is not aggressive so often there are distantly related to humans . These scorpions are found in the United States and northern regions of Mexico .
5. Asian Forest Scorpion
The scorpion 's body shape has a shape similar to the type of the emperor scorpion . Although physically similar , both have a different character . This includes the type of scorpion that is very aggressive and has a good defense . Therefore , if under threat , asian forest scorpion always put the horses like to attack .
Even so , this scorpion rarely uses its tail attack , but uses a claw magnitude . Although not a deadly poison , claws are very strong and it hurt like a wasp sting exposed .
Asian forest scorpion is found in the southern part of Asia , including Indonesia . The area is the habitat of the scorpion is a forest in Cambodia , Laos , Thailand , Vietnam , India , Sri Lanka , Indonesia , China , and other Asian regions . Scorpion types are categorized as mild .
So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno. 
DatePublished: February 15, 2014 at 17:27
Tag ; The Most Dangerous scorpions.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 17:27

Did You Know About Bats.

Bat .
Maybe you only know the name, but do not know what it is and how to bat. Bats are flying mammals that can be derived from the order Chiroptera with both front legs evolved into wings. Bats are nocturnal animals, also called nocturnal animals.

Bats .

Due to activity on the prowl at night bats difficult to use eyesight and bats use radar waves to be ultarsonik . Mechanism fruit bat radar to monitor the environment more sophisticated than previously thought by scientists .
In an article in ScienceDaily , a research team led by Nachum Ulanovsky of the Weizmann Institute of Israel and Cynthia Moss of the University of Maryland reported that Egyptian fruit bats ( Rousettus aegyptiacus ) adapt to the complex environment using two tactics .
That is, changing the beam width of the sound waves, similar to the mechanism of human vision eyes adjust the focal point to see specific things, and change the emission intensity of the sound waves.
It is obtained Ulanovsky and the team after testing five Egyptian fruit bats to locate and land on a mango-shaped plastic that is placed in various locations, dark conditions, given a snag in the form of nets, and supported 20 voice recorder microphone.
A recent study also conducted a biologist at the University of Southern Denmark called the bat as the first mammal known to have a super-fast muscle. The muscles that often makes the creature known in Indonesia as the 'bat' that can hunt down meal.
Super fast muscle is located in the throat and make it able to generate bat echolocation. Echolocation is a process in which
issued bat sound waves and the waves bounce back after hitting her prey.
When bats are closer to the prey, he will issue a 160 'calls' per second. This phenomenon is called 'terminal buzz'. The discovery of super-fast muscle is so explanation of why bats can issue a call that much in a very short time.
This is remarkable because the muscular part of the group (animals) are very rare. However, super-fast muscle it only allows calls only within certain limits. However, it is enough for bats to gather information about prospective prey.
To be able to produce this conclusion, Elemans and several colleagues conducted an experiment with a type of Daubenton's bat. Bats were released in a large cage filled with worms that have been hanging on a thin wire.
From there it can be seen how the pattern of the bat in catching prey. Including the resulting sound waves to determine the exact location of the prey.
In addition, bats are one of the mammalian order that acts as a biological control of malaria spread of livestock diseases and arthropods spreader.
"The tail can bat more than 500 fish prey on insects in one night, so it is conceivable that a bat colony consists of 10,000 head could take five million heads of insects every night," said Bat experts from LIPI Biology Research Center, Prof. Dr. Ibn Maryanto Ris , in Bogor, West Java, on Monday.

Bats catch prey. 

Ibn said , the loss of bat populations can threaten the outbreak of malaria . Given the presence of bats is very important for the balance of the ecosystem and useful for human life .
The current condition of Indonesian population numbers dwindling bat habitat destruction due to bat.
In Indonesia there are 225 kinds of bats which consists of 77 types of fruit eaters and play a role in pollination, the remaining 148 types of insect eaters that are not directly help people in eradicating pests and diseases.
Bats with the main feed insects majority live in the cave, foraging at night to use his echolocation, so as to catch prey such as insects slightest very easily.
Continued increase in the population of Indonesia resulted in increased pressure on natural resources.
"Forest area causing dwindling bat population from Megachiroptera group also decreased," Ibnu said.
Habitat destruction and limestone karst area that is habitat for bats has threatened extinction of the creatures of the night.
"Karst became prime bat habitat. Exploitation for purposes of industrial limestone caves which destroys almost all karst in Indonesia led to the extinction of the types of bats, "Ibnu said.
In addition, the conversion of forests to plantations and agricultural areas are also the cause of declining bat populations in the wild, due to the loss of food resources and perch.
Large-scale use of insecticides in agriculture threatens the existence of insectivorous bats food sources and can also indirectly cause a decrease in population.
"Maintaining habitat is essential for maintenance of the animal population. Disruption to the ecosystem of the cave will cause ecological balance of the process is interrupted so that the impact on humans, "he said.
According to Ibn, the government must prevent the destruction of biota mining limestone cave due to industrial use.
Due to the impact of the extinction of cave fauna can affect a wider area outside the cave. Insect pests such as rising population, declining production of commercial fruit bats and services that are indirectly supported limestone cave bat habitat.
"Efforts to conserve the types of bats are very important, and should be done in earnest, given the role of bats is very valuable for ecological processes that are beneficial to humans," said Ibnu.
Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Looks like a little monkey with wings when flying. Bats can be very powerful in the air. Their wings are thin can make them fly.
Brown bat can catch 1,200 mosquito size within one hour. In Bracken Cave, Texas, there are 20 million mexico without a tail bats that live there and eat about 200 tons of insects .. every night.
Vampire bats that suck blood. Relax, there are only three species of vampire bats in the world. If you are traveling in parts of Central and South America, you might see a vampire bat bite a cow and then sucking the blood from the bite wound.
Bats do not get fat. They can digest a banana, mango, and other fruits in about 20 minutes.
At least 10 people in the last 50 years have contracted rabies from bats of North America. Bats use echo in the dark to see anything around him. Bats have poor eyesight and do more activities at night, so they rely on other ways to see. Bats send out beep sound and listen to the sound reflections from wandering. Bats are more active at night, because it's easier to hunt insects and avoid predators.
Bat to secure a quarter of all mammals amount. This means that a quarter of all mammals are bats. There are over 1000 species of bats worldwide.
More than 50 percent of bat species in the United States has decreased and endangered. Due to the industry, deforestation, pollution, and hunting can remove a lot of bats and their habitats.
Resistant to cold night. They are like many in the windy cave, but the bats kept warm by covering the body with their wings.
Anticoagulant found in the saliva of vampire bats that may soon be used to treat heart disease patients. The scientists in several countries are trying to filter enzymes contained in vampire bat saliva used to treat heart disease and stroke patients.
Bats only have cypress pups a year. Most small-bodied mammals have more offspring than bats. Such as cats, rabbits, and rats.
Bats can live longer than your pet. Age of bats varies, but some species of brown bat can live up to 30 years. Compared to other small mammals that live only a year or two more, it was impressive.
Bat clean up behind their ears. Bats spend more time cleaning them. They wash themselves and each other carefully to lick and scratching for hours.

Image ;  

Bat .

Bats are flying.

Bats spread wings.

Bats are sleeping.

son bat

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 15, 2014 at 16:29
Tag ;  Bats.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:29

Did You Know About Spiders .

The spider , also called spiders , are jointed - book kind of animal ( an arthropod ) with two body segments , four pairs of legs , no wings and do not have a mouth chewers . All types of spiders are classified into the order Araneae , and along with scorpions , scorpion , eight-legged mite - all - put in the class Arachnida . Field study of spiders called arachnologi .
Spiders are predators ( carnivores ) , sometimes even cannibals . Its main prey are insects . Almost all types of spiders , with the exception of about 150 species of the tribe Uloboridae and Holarchaeidae , and suborder Mesothelae , be able to inject through a pair of fangs to the enemy or prey . Nevertheless , tens of thousands of species that exist , only about 200 species that can harm human bite .
Not all spiders make webs to catch prey , but all of them are capable of producing silk yarn - the strands of protein fibers are thin but strong - of the gland ( called spinnerets ) located on the back of his body . The silk fiber is very useful to help the movement of the spider , swinging from one place to another , entrap prey , making egg sacs , protecting the nest hole , and others .

Morphology .

Anatomy of a spider :

( 1 ) four pairs of legs
( 2 ) cephalothorax
( 3 ) opisthosoma
Unlike insects have three body parts , spiders only have two . Front segment called the cephalothorax or prosoma , which actually is a combination of head and chest ( thorax ) . While the rear segment called abdominal ( stomach ) or opisthosoma . Between the cephalothorax and abdomen are thin connective called pedicle or pedicellus .
In four pairs of legs attached to the cephalothorax , and one to four pairs of eyes . In addition to a pair of large fanged jaws ( called chelicera ) , there are also a pair of mouth or some similar hand tools called pedipalps . In some types of spiders , the pedipalps adult males enlarged and changed function as a tool in marriage .
Spiders do not have mouth or teeth to chew . In return , the mouth of a spider vacuum to suck the prey 's body fluids .

Senses .

Eye on spiders generally a single currency ( single lens eye ) , and not like the compound eyes of insects . Most spiders have eyesight is not so good , can not distinguish colors , or just on dark and light sensitive . Spider cave dwellers have even blind . There are exceptions in some kind of spider hunters who have sharp eyesight and good , including in recognizing colors .
To mark the presence of prey on spiders generally rely on vibrations , both in silk nets or on land , water , or place its host . There is also a spider that is capable tasted the difference in air pressure . The sense of touch a spider located at the hairs on his legs .

Predation .

Most spiders is indeed a predator ( predator ) interceptor , which is waiting for prey to pass nearby while hiding behind a leaf , petal layers , rock crevice , or a hole in the ground that was covered in camouflage . Some types have color patterns that disguise herself on the ground , rocks or tree pepagan , so no need to hide .
Weaver spider ( eg tribal members Araneidae ) make silk nets approximately spherical shape in the air , among the leaves and twigs , on the face of the rock fractures , in the corners of the building , between the telephone wire , etc. . These nets are attached , to catch flying insects that become prey . Once trapped insect webs , the spider promptly walked over and thrust its fangs to immobilize prey to simultaneously transmit and digestive enzymes into the prey 's body .
Slightly different , spider hunters ( such as members of the tribe Lycosidae ) are usually more active . Type of spider is common to explore the trees , grass sidelines , or the surface of the rocky wall to search for prey . This spider can jump to chase and pounce on its prey .
Can be injected through fangs spider is usually well digested and destroyed parts of the prey's body. Then slowly crushed organs and their bodily fluids in it is inhaled by the predator. For hours the spider suck up the liquid that dries prey carcasses. Spiders have jaws (chelicera) stronger, get faster spend their food by damaging the body and crush prey with the jaws and fangs. Live the rest of the little balls that are crushed prey body had shrunk.
Some weaver spiders have the ability to wrap the body of its prey by winding threads of silk . This capability is very useful especially if the prey has a self defense tool that is dangerous , sting like a bee that has , or if the spider wants to save some time while waiting for their prey when preferred to enjoy it later .

The diversity of type. 

Until now, approximately 40,000 spider species have been described, and graded into 111 parts. However, given that these animals are so diverse, many of which are very small stature, often hidden in nature, and even many specimens in the museum are not in the description well, it is believed that the possibility of a variety of types of spiders can reach 200,000 species entirely.

Order spider is further divided into three major categories at the level of the suborder , namely :


which is a primitive spider was venomous , with the segments of the body are clearly visible ; shows a closer genetic relationship with the ancestral arthropod jointed .

Mygalomorphae or Orthognatha. 

was to a group of spiders that make burrows hiding , and also makes a hole in the ground trap . Many large -bodied species , such as tarantulas and also lancah maung .

Araneomorphae is a group of spiders ' modern '. 

Most spiders that we encountered included in this suborder , given that its members consist of 95 parts and covers approximately 94 % of the number of spider species . Fangs of this group leads slightly tilted forward ( and not upright like the tarantula group ) and moved in the opposite direction as the claw biting prey .
A new study says that every pair of eyes eight spiders have special functions . It is known through the study of jumping spider .
Jumping spiders is a group of spiders that actively hunt prey . They do not use webs to trap prey .
A study of spiders reveals that the eye or eye at the center of the main pair of eyes can see in good detail . While a pair of eyes that is beside the function gives a warning when something is approaching .
These responses similar to those seen in humans who ducked when he saw the ball coming toward his face . However , human enough to avoid the use of two eyes and see the detail of the ball , while the spiders use four eyes for the same task .
" We found such a division of labor within the visual system , " says researcher and doctoral student at the University Skye Long to Live Science .
The researchers captured wild spider Phidippus audax is a species of jumping spider . They mark each pair of eyes that spider eyes with green and orange paint instead of a blindfold. 16 spiders covered his main eye , eyes covered 14 secondary tail called the anterior lateral .
Then use the iPod touch , the researchers examined the response of the spider . On the iPod touch screen has appeared a black spot will swell rapidly when researchers hit the play button . If able to detect motion , then the spider who saw it responds by moving backwards or lift the front legs .
Spiders secondary closed eyes did not show any reaction when the test is done . Meanwhile, according to Long , " spider eyes closed primarily move like a spider whose eyes were not covered . "

image ; 

Spider hunter.

Spiders are making house.

The spider is waiting for prey.

Spider ready to pounce on prey.

Thank you for reading this article . Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 15, 2014 at 10:23
Tag ; Did You Know About Spiders, spider.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:23