Sunday 2 February 2014

Tips shrimp processing for you.

جراد البحر والروبيان

جراد البحر والروبيان المطبوخ جاهزة.

الجمبري هو نوع واحد من المواد التي لذيذ و طبق جانبي لذيذا و يمكن تقديم في أي طبق. وسوف تكون وجبة لذيذة وشهية عندما أعدت بشكل صحيح. التبصر في اختيار نوعية جدا الروبيان في حاجة ، وكذلك التقنيات اللازمة لتنظيف الروبيان. ولكن هذا لا يقل أهمية ل معرفته هو كيفية معالجتها. لتحديد الجمبري بالقشور الجلد و الرأس يجب أن تكون سليمة و غير التالفة . الجمبري و basuk ولا رائحة مريب ، والملمس ليست لينة جدا.


من أجل صحيح الروبيان قشر هو الافراج عن رؤساء الجمبري والروبيان قطع قذيفة تدعم ما يصل الى الذيل. وفي الوقت نفسه، ل الروبيان المقشر ، وينبغي أن تكون واضحة و عديم اللون كريهة الرائحة . أن يكون الروبيان كوك جيدة مع الجمبري ثم بالتأكيد ليست الملمس الصلب و الطعم الحلو ، و تأكد من عدم طهيه في وقت طويل .

الروبيان مرق

يمكن أيضا أن تكون مصنوعة الروبيان في مرق . هذا صلصة لذيذ جدا ، ويمكن استخدامها لجعل أنواع مختلفة من المرق في الطعام. كيفية جعل mengsangrai يبدأ مع الجلد و الرأس من الروبيان حتى يتغير لونه ، ثم صب الماء ويطهى حتى يتم تقليل المياه.


زراعة الروبيان عن طريق حرق أيضا عملية جدا، و وضع الروبيان على لوح التقطيع مع القدمين متجهة للخارج الروبيان. قطع الجمبري بين الجانبين القدمين للمس الجلد بسكين حادة. الروبيان مفتوحة حتى المياه على نحو سلس ويغسل مع تشغيل . تعطي توابل وتخبز لمدة 4-5 دقائق. تطبيق التوابل في حين يشوي بحيث لا الحواف المحترقة.

اغلي الروبيان

بالنسبة لأولئك الذين لا يرغبون في التمتع الروبيان معالجة دهني ، ويمكن معالجة الجمبري بطريقة يشعر diebus لا يقل ذيذ . غلي الماء ، ووضع الروبيان و godok إلى 4 دقائق. لا تنتظر حتى يغلي الماء مرة أخرى. وبالتالي فإنه لا التمسك الجمبري الروبيان قذيفة اللحوم .

المقلية كريسب

زراعة الروبيان المقلي مع طريقة ثابتة جدا ان نكون اصدقاء الأكل، و كثيرا ما هو موجود في شكل من الأطباق المقلية . قبل القلي تأكد من عدم تجميد الروبيان و يمكن تجفيف الروبيان المباني اللفة وأكثر عملية مع المناديل الورقية . استخدام ¼ ملعقة صغيرة من زيت الزيتون و التوابل حسب الذوق. المقلية الغواصات 3-5 دقائق ثم أضيفي الزيت النباتي ليس الزيت الساخن جدا حتى لونها بنيا ذهبيا .
لذلك ، وشكرا لكم على قراءة هذا المقال . كتبت ونشرت من قبل بامبانج Sunarno.
الاسم: بامبانج Sunarno.
DatePublished: 2 فبراير 2014 في الساعة 16:00
Tag ; نصائح تجهيز الروبيان بالنسبة لك, جمبري

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 16:00

The longest bridge.

From China to America , these bridges are exceptional length will amaze you when to cross .
Passing a bridge while traveling , either a suspension bridge for pedestrians and large bridge for vehicle traffic , sometimes gives sensation . There is a pleasure if you can see the bird's-eye view from a height , or at a distance from the activity of the people down there . At night time , the long journey through the bridge can cause its own romance .
The bridge is a ' friend ' for a long time traveler . He connects one place to a new place on the other end . And now , the bridges have been built with increasingly strong and long . Here are five of them .

Donghai Bridge , China.  (length 32.5 kilometers) 

Donghai Bridge which stretches along 32.5 miles is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world .

Donghai Bridge Construction

Donghai Bridge which stretches along 32.5 miles is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world . He connects Shanghai and Yangshan across the South China Sea . Unfortunately , the tourists in China are not allowed to drive . So , just enjoy this bridge from public transport .

Bridge Runyang (length of 35.7 km)

Bridge Runyang (length of 35.7 km)

The bridge has a length of 35.7 km and is the longest in China . When completed in 2005 , it is the third longest in the world . Runyang bridge could be an alternative for the traveler who does not want to enjoy the scenery of the Yangtze River ship . Try to trace the Beijing - Shanghai Expressway and taste glory .

Hangzhou Bay Bridge (long 36 kilometer)

    Hangzhou Bay Bridge (long 36 kilometer)

Hangzhou city is known for its scenery form the legs of the bridge are stuck firmly in the area of ​​West Lake. However , Hangzhou is also home to something bigger , like a bridge of Hangzhou Bay along 36 km . It took 10 years to plan and design the bridge . It also involved more than 600 experts in construction . The result , he ranks third in the world 's longest bridge at this time .

Manchac Swamp Bridge (long 36,7 kilometer)

Manchac Swamp Bridge (long 36,7 kilometer)

The second longest bridge in the world is made so long , 36.7 km , to refer people to pass through the swamp in Louisiana , USA. Since each concrete pole must be as deep as 76 m are put into a swamp , the manufacturing cost becomes expensive . Manchac Swamp bridge construction spend Rp70 billion , for every 1.7 miles of his .

Bridge Lake Pontchartrain Causeway (long 38,4 kilometer)

Bridge Lake Pontchartrain Causeway (long 38,4 kilometer)

With a length of 38.4 km , Lake Pontchartrain Causeway was named as inappropriate longest bridge in the world today . He also won the longest bridge across the water from the Guinness Book of World Records . The location is at the top of Lake Pontchartrain , New Orleans , USA. Because so long , there are times of approximately 12 km of the total length of the bridge where you can not see land at all .


So , thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 02, 2014 at 15:19
Tag ; The longest bridge, bridge

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 15:19

The discovery of ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian civilization was born on the banks of the Nile in 3150 BC , when the upper and lower Egypt unite under the leadership of a pharaoh .
This civilization continues to thrive and live up to about 31 BC when it was conquered by the Roman Empire .
Throughout their long history of civilization , the ancient Egyptians recorded to be the inventor of the amazing things that can even be seen his work up to now .
The discovery of ancient Egypt .
Although the ancient Egyptian civilization generally associated with mummies and pyramids, they are actually able to make a variety of other useful inventions.
Some inventions of ancient Egypt we need to know ;

Papyrus ( Papyrus ) .

Papyrus ( Papyrus ) .

Papyrus can be said to be a forerunner of paper used in the modern era .
Egyptians made paper from papyrus Cyperus plants that grow along the banks of the Nile .
At the beginning of the year 3000 BC , the Egyptians have used papyrus to make paper , mats , baskets , straps , and slippers .
Papyrus stem elected woven into sheets that can be used for various purposes .
Quality papyrus proved very high because it is still intact when discovered 5000 years later .

Black ink .

Black ink .

The discovery of the ancient Egyptians are also very useful is black ink .
The Egyptians made ​​black ink by mixing soot with vegetable and beeswax .
They then replace the soot with other organic materials to create a different color ink . For example , replacing soot ocher used to make the red ink .

Plow fields .

Plow fields .

Animal -drawn plow was the discovery that not only revolutionized the way farming Egyptian society , but also affect the farming practices of other civilizations .
Using the plow , turning farmland could be done much easier and faster than using the hoe that uses human power .

Hours .

Hours .

Ancient Egypt taught the world to know the time to create a clock . They found two types of clock : sundials and water clocks .
Sundial obelisk shaped ( pole ) anchored at the clearing . They then observe the movement of the shadow of the obelisk and divide it into zones that indicate the time .
The Egyptians also determine the longest and shortest days of the year by recording the days when the shadow of the obelisk has the longest and shortest size.
The ancient Egyptians discovered water clock circa 1417-1379 BC during the reign of Amenhotep III, which allows them to read the time at night .
The water clock in the form of a container with a small hole in the bottom where the water was dripping at a constant rate .
The container that showed marked changes in the water level at the same level shows the time .

Calendar of the Sun.

Calendar of the Sun.
Various ancient civilizations using the calendar month to show time . The ancient Egyptians were the first to use the solar calendar consisting of twelve months , each of which has 30 days plus 5 extra days at the end of the year .
They then enhance these systems by adding one day in a leap year ( every four years ) in the year 238 BC .

Pyramid .

Pyramid .

Identical to the ancient Egyptian pyramids is the tomb of the pharaoh .
Ranging from ancient Greece to the design of the Louvre Museum in Paris , the pyramid becomes the basis of all Arsitekstur the inspiration .
The first Egyptian pyramid -pyramid -shaped located at Saqqara , built in 2750 BC for King Zoser of the third dynasty of Egyptian kings .
Prior to this , the kings of Egypt are generally buried in the square tomb made ​​of mud bricks called Mastaba .
However , King Zoser architect named Imhotep began designing forms another tomb that is now known as the step-pyramid .
Ancient Egyptian figures ; Are Imhotep = Joseph in the Bible ?
Is Imhotep = Joseph in the Bible ? Imhotep is one of the most fascinating figures in ancient Egyptian culture .
Imhotep means "one who comes in peace " .
He served as the vizier ( prime minister ) of Djoser , which is one third dynasty king .
During his life , Imhotep is believed to be the high priest of the sun god Ra . He also claimed to have a range of other skills such as doctors , architects , poets , and philosophers .
After his death , Imhotep was given the status of a god and be a handful of ordinary people who achieve that status .
Imhotep was also an inventor who is considered discovered papyrus scrolls , although there is no direct evidence that leads there .
Being one of the people closest to the king , Imhotep may be involved in the design of the tomb of the pharaoh , Pyramid of Djoser , which is also known as the Step Pyramid at Saqqara located and built circa 2630-2611 BC .
However , that made him famous and achieved the status of a god after his death is expertise in the field of medicine .
Imhotep is known as the founder of Egyptian medicine and does not include elements of magic in medical care .
Imhotep successfully diagnose and find a cure for two hundred diseases . Diekstraknya medicines from various plants . He is also known to perform advanced surgical and dental care .
Imhotep is believed to have understood the human circulatory system, vital organs and its usefulness .
The ancient Egyptians believed that Imhotep 's mother was half- goddess , the patron saint of Egypt , things that helped him achieve the status of a god after his death .
When Greece invaded Egypt, they come to worship and build temples for Imhotep.
The Greeks seemed to see Imhotep as a manifestation of their own healing god Asclepius named .
Imhotep was Joseph ?
Another interesting thing about Imhotep is some belief that he is actually a figure of Joseph as told in the Bible .
This belief is associated with the prediction of the coming seven years of famine .
This prediction actually came from a dream of Pharaoh Djoser . In this dream the Nile god spoke to pharaoh and that only Imhotep could interpret the dream.
Imhotep story is very similar to the story of Joseph in the Bible that tells of a shepherd boy named Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers .
After going through various trials , Joseph finally arrive in Egypt where he predict and prevent the famine for seven years .
Subsequently , he became vizier and gain status as the only person who is right after the pharaoh . So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 02, 2014 at 14:17
Tag ; The discovery of ancient Egypt, discovery, important, egyptians

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:17

No Longer Footstool.

Juventus Logo.

Inter Logo.

Inter Milan is one of the classic rivals Juventus in Italian soccer stage .
Not only compete in the affairs of the title , the two teams on the pitch duel was often tight and hot , but the Derby d' Italia , title classic duel against Inter Milan Juventus , this season is not seheboh previous seasons .
That's because the gap in the achievements of both teams in the two previous seasons .
If Juve scudetto success in the last two seasons , the nickname Nerazzurri Inter , not even able to penetrate the top four in his last two seasons .
Each rank ninth in the 2012-2013 season and ranked sixth in 2011-2012 .
Indeed, at the first meeting in the series A Guiseppe Meazza last September , can hold Juventus Inter Milan by a score of 1-1 , but view the performance shown both teams , Juventus remains the favorite to be able to achieve maximum results against Inter Milan at the Juventus Stadium later ( 3 / 2 ) .
Old Lady , Juventus got the nickname flashy record at Juventus Stadium . In ten Serie A home games this season , Juve successful clean sweep of all victories . Juve 's performance is declining .
In the quarter- finals of the Coppa Italia Juventus beat AS Roma 1-0 at the Olimpico . Four days later Juve held 1-1 by a team of other Rome , Lazio also at the Olimpico .
But Juve remain confident , because Inter away record this season too muddy. In the last ten games at home against Javier Zanetti and his friends only win once.
" I hope the game will be tight , " said Antonio Conte , Juventus to Inter Sempre .
" We see , whatever the circumstances , the match will be very heavy . I myself hope that the best team will win the fight , " he said .
Inter Milan get extra power with the inclusion Hernanes from Lazio .
Brazil 's national team midfielder came along winger Danilo D' Ambrosio Torino .
Inter Milan's Walter Mazzarri allenatore certainly excited by the arrival of two players . Midfield options become rich . If fit , Hernanes could debut in the game.
Arrival Hernanes considered appropriate , because the midfielder Esteban Cambiasso will be absent due to injury .
Meanwhile, the captain and Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon is also absent because of a red card against Lazio .
" We are very disappointed with the performance of the team . We wasted too many opportunities . However we will look forward . We are not scared against a team like Juve , cause the game eleven men against eleven people , " Juan Jesus determination , Inter defender told La Gazzetta dello Sport.
So , thank you for reading this article.  Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno .
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 02, 2014 at 13:01
Tag ; No Longer Footstool, Inter Milan, Juventus

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 13:01

Exodus suspected cause.

Red Bull-Renault

Red Bull-Renault is not at all convincing during pre-season testing in Jerez.Red Bull-Renault is not at all convincing during pre-season testing in Jerez.
The defending champion team's performance surprised many people.
The exodus of the number of key figure behind their success the past four seasons is suspected as the cause.
However, rush owner Dietrich Mateschitz of Red Bull issued a rebuttal.
"The problem is in the engine (Renault) and not on our team, which remains at the highest level," explained the man from Austria.
Red Bull has lost Aerodynamics Director Peter Prodromou, who joined McLaren.
In addition, the vehicle dynamics Director Mark Ellis and Simulation Technician Chief Giles Wood overtake Mercedes.
During the test session, Red Bull is not convincing, even worth saying sag.
The first day of testing (28/1) an error occurred mounting parts that make Sebastian Vettel late down the asphalt.
He had tried his RB10 about 15 minutes before the test session is closed.
The next day returned an error occurs in the installation of ERS who have never experienced before.
The peak on the last day, Red Bull was forced taken into first after just able to pack 21 laps.
Mateschitz always took a full day to spend time overseeing the trials of winter since 1995 , when he was the owner of Sauber .
Presence in Jerez on Thursday (30/1) in conjunction with the new RB10 driven breakdowns Daniel Ricciardo in the first lap.
"The initial problem is not at all surprising. We predicted a tough first test and must be addressed for the next test in Bahrain," he said.
So, thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 02, 2014 at 12:00
Tag ; Exodus suspected cause, F1

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:00

Saturday 1 February 2014

Quelle est la fonction de la pyramide.

Pourquoi Pharaon construire une pyramide?
Les anciens Egyptiens ont construit les pyramides comme des tombeaux pour les pharaons ou leur roi.
Un pharaon commencer à planifier sa tombe, ou «maison de l'éternité,« dès qu'il monta sur le trône.
Cela est dû à la pyramide est réalisé avec tant ainsi l'intégralité de décision prend beaucoup de temps.
Pour le voyage à l'au-delà, les pharaons ont besoin des choses lorsqu'il était encore vivant, y compris les esclaves. Il ya plus de 100 pyramides en Egypte ont été construites pour les différents pharaon.
La plupart de la pyramide est constitué de l'ensemble principal est entouré par une cour, une pièce où les pharaons momifiés enterrés, et une petite pyramide comme l'âme du pharaon.

The parts of the pyramid.
Des pyramides ont quelques petites pyramides dédiées à proximité de la tombe des membres de la famille royale.
Croyance égyptienne antique indique que la mort est le début d'un voyage de l'au-delà.
Après sa mort, la momie du roi est stocké dans la pyramide afin de rester en sécurité en même temps afin de se préparer pour le voyage de l'au-delà plus facilement.
Pharaon articles sont également stockées dans la pyramide pour un accès facile en cas de besoin tout le pharaon dans l'au-delà.
Il ya une raison pourquoi les pyramides égyptiennes en forme de pyramide. Les anciens Egyptiens croyaient que le pharaon de l'au-delà par des intermédiaires soleil.
La lumière du soleil est utilisée pharaons symbolisés par une forme de pyramide.
Forme de pyramide est aussi un monument au dieu soleil Rê, ou cru pour créer toute la vie.
L'emplacement est également pyramides importantes. Pyramide doit être sous les étoiles qui sont considérés comme le plus important.
La plupart des pyramides ont été construites sur la rive ouest du Nil, comme le soleil est considéré comme "mort" (évier) dans l'ouest chaque jour.
La première pyramide a été construite en l'an 2611 a été enregistré comme un repas pour la Colombie-Britannique Pharaon Djoser.
La première pyramide n'a pas le côté lisse mais se compose de six niveaux (étages).
La première pyramide a été construite sans stile une trentaine d'années plus tard.
Une cinquantaine d'années plus tard, les grandes pyramides de Gizeh situés été construit.
Pyramide de Gizeh est une réalisation remarquable tenik. Le complexe de pyramides ont été construites environ deux millions de blocs de pierre, avec chaque bloc a un poids pouvant aller jusqu'à quinze tonnes.
Il a fallu plus de 80 ans pour construire trois pyramides situées à Gizeh.
Donc, merci de lire cet article. Rédigé et publié par Bambang Sunarno.
nom: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: Février 01 2014, au 21h55
Tag ; Quelle est la fonction de la pyramide, pyramid

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:55

Symbols of Ancient Egyptian civilization.

Ancient Egyptian civilization has always been a subject of admiration for the whole world .
In an age when other parts of the world are trying to find a way to hdup more civilized , the Egyptian civilization has reached its peak .
In addition to achievements in technology such as the calendar and the clock , they have been able to develop a system of reading and writing called hieroglyphics .
Hieroglyphs have lots of pictures and symbols . The symbol is also a part and indivisibility of the spiritual life of the ancient Egyptians .
Important symbols used by the ancient Egyptians.

Ankh .

Ankh .

 The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol shaped like a cross with a circle above the head of the key .
Also referred to as the Key of Life , Key of the Nile , or the Breath of Life , ankh represents eternal life .
Most Egyptian deities depicted holding the ankh looks . Believed that people need a ' breath of life ' after death .
Ankh most commonly found in tomb paintings in ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife bless describe a person who has died .
The ancient Egyptians also carry this symbol as an amulet .

Amenta .

Amenta .

Amenta represents the world of the dead , which means the underworld ( underworld ) or the world that lies beneath the real world .
Amenta symbolizes the land where the dead are buried and thus also the point where the journey begins hereafter .
Amenta believed to be a mythical land . In the next period , Amenta land is believed to be located in areas near the west bank of the Nile where the dead are generally buried .
This symbol is found in the paintings on papyrus scrolls in the ancient Book of the Dead which was written .
Amenta is also found in hieroglyphic texts that had to do with death and life after death .

Djed pillar .

Djed pillar .
Djed Pillar is one of the most common symbols used in Egyptian mythology .
This symbol represents strength and stability . Initially , Djed pillar of Ptah was associated with the creation of so-called ' Djed Majesty ' .
Later, this symbol is associated with the backbone or the god Osiris ruler hereafter.
Djed Pillar is also considered to represent the human spine in general because both have a similar form .
That's because, Djed pillar is a symbol that is often found at the bottom of the coffin in which the spine is placed .
Djed pillars are also made ​​in the form of amulets and placed near the back of the mummy to ensure its revival .

Ba .

Ba .

 Ba is a symbol that represents the soul or personality of a person .
The ancient Egyptians believed that Ba will stay alive even after a person dies .
Ba is described as a bird that has a human head that will go to the afterlife from the tomb of the dead person .
There is a belief that when the gods intervened in earthly things , then in fact they are working Ba .
This belief is related to the belief that the pharaoh had a divine right where he acted as a mediator between the gods to the people .
In this sense , the king or pharaoh known as Ba god .

Eye of Horus .

Eye of Horus .

Eye of Horus represents the physical safety and well-being .
Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky god depicted as a falcon.
Eye of Horus also represent sacrifice and healing qualities .
This symbol has seven different versions are represented by seven different hieroglyphs .
Eye of Horus appear repeatedly in ancient Egyptian funerary text called ' The Litany of the Eye of Horus ' .

Winged sun disc .

Winged sun disc .

Winged solar disc represents one form of the god Horus Behdety .
This symbol of the sun disc-shaped wings and a symbol that is also found in many other cultures around the world .
According to Egyptian mythology , the god Thoth uses his magic to turn Horus into the shape of a winged disc .
It is a symbol of protection and prowess were found painted on the door of the tomb and on papyrus scrolls .

Maat feather .

Maat feather .
Maat is the ancient Egyptian goddess who set the world remained in an orderly condition and prevent the universe back into chaos .
Thus , Maat symbolized order , balance , prosperity, and justice . This symbol also symbolizes the moral values ​​and ethics .
Ancient paintings that depict the pharaoh also wears a feather Maat in the form of an amulet or pendant that show their responsibility in maintaining social order and justice .
The ancient Egyptians believed that the souls of the dead if it weighs exceed Maat feather , it means that his soul was filled with sin that deserves punishment from Ammit .
Conversely , if the soul is more lighter than Maat , means that one is free from sin so that will be sent to the world of Osiris .

Scarab .

Scarab .

Scarab beetle is a scarab -shaped symbol which is one species of dung beetle .
Dung beetle lays its eggs in a ball of dirt and menggulirkannya on the same ground as the sun rolled across the sky .
This symbol symbolizes the phenomenon of spontaneous creation which children like dung beetles emerge from an unknown place .
In ancient hieroglyphics , the scarab thought to be associated with the sun god Khepri morning that also symbolizes the existence and creation .

Ka .

Ka .

The ancient Egyptians gave much attention to the concept of life and death and life after death .
Therefore, they have a lot of concepts related to the cycle of life and death along with a series of accompanying symbolism .
Ka is the element that makes people different from the living dead. In other words, he is a breath someone who no longer exists after death .
The ancient Egyptians believed that the Ka could be maintained and restored through food and drink .
Therefore , they will make offerings of food and drink for the dead so they can live a life after death with ease .
Ka is represented by two hands up to the elbows are bent upwards. This symbol is found in hieroglyphics, tombs, and the inside of the pyramid.

Primordial mound .

Primordial mound .

Primordial mound is an important symbol associated with the ancient Egyptian creation myth .
The ancient Egyptians believed that there is only one hill / mound that emerged from the sea of chaos at the beginning of the time of creation .
Of these mounds popping up all life on earth so that makes it a primordial entity that is responsible for the evolution of life .
The idea of ​​the pyramids and temples of ancient they are believed to be derived from this concept . So , thank you for reading this article .
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 01, 2014 at 21:19
Tag ; Symbols of Ancient Egyptian civilization, simbol

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 21:19