
Wednesday, 16 March 2016

About Stonehenge.

Stonehenge is a building constructed in the Bronze Age and Neolithic. It is situated adjacent to Amesbury in Wiltshire, England, about 13 kilometers northwest of Salisbury. As one of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is a circle of upright stones that are within the scope of the earthen wall.
There are disputes about the exact age of the stone circle, but most archaeologists estimate that the building was built between 3000 BC to 2000 BC. In 2008, radiocarbon dating indicates that the first stone was set between 2400 to 2200 BC. While other theories indicate that the blue stone (bluestone) was founded around 3,000 BC.
Mound and a circular ditch around it, is a marker of the early stages of construction of the monument. The dating obtained from the feature is about 3,100 BC. Stonehenge site and the surrounding environment are added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986 along with Avebury Henge.
Stonehenge is derived from the word and the Stone Henge. Stone means stone, while Henge means circle. Archaeologists define henge as the earthen wall
Circular, there are trenches in it.
At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the stones are no longer standing.
This could be because many tourists who climb around Stonehenge in the 19th century because they were great curiosity. Since then, it has carried out three phases of renovation to restore the stone sloping
or upside down, and to restore the stones into place carefully.

The early history.

Stonehenge complex was built in several phases of development for at least 1,500 years and throughout that period continues to run activities. There is some evidence for the construction of a massive
in and around the monument, making calendars on the construction of this monument can range up to 6,500 years old. Dates for the activity of the monument is difficult to know because some things like layers
natural limestone because periglasial and animals that dig the soil, digging a bad record and its lack of accurate data.

Before the monument was established (8000 B.C.).
Archaeologists have found four (possibly five) holes benchmark pole (postholes) with calendar 8000 B.C., in what is now the
parking lot. Three of the mast (possibly four), located in a row of east to west which might have something to do with rituals.

Development Phase Stonehenge.

Stonehenge I.

The first monument consisted of a circular mound and ditch with a diameter measuring 115 meters (320 feet) and with an entrance at the northeast. This phase occurred around 3,100 BC. On the outside area of ​​the circle there are 59 holes, known as the Aubrey holes to commemorate John Aubrey, the seventeenth century an archaeologist who first identified these holes.
In 2013, a group of archaeologists led by Professor Mike Parker Pearson, excavated more than 50,000 cremated bones of 63 individuals buried in holes Aubrey, Stonehenge. There is a possibility that some of the nobility. In this phase, a large single stone monoliths that are not smoothed known as 'Heel Stone' (Heel Stone) is placed outside the entrance.

Stonehenge II.

Proof of the second phase is not seen again. From the number of pole holes benchmark berpenanggalan early 300 B.C., indicating that some of the wooden structures are formed in the region at this time. At this time at least, 25 Aubrey holes function has been turned into a place of burial cemetery ash. At this time, Stonehenge interpreted as a cremation cemetery enclosed. This is the first known cremation cemetery in the area of ​​England.

Stonehenge IIIa.

Archaeological excavations indicate that around 2600 BC, the builders of Stonehenge has abandoned the use of wood as a benchmark. They switched using the stones and make two holes arch crescent (known as hole Q and R), in the middle of the Stonehenge site. Disadvantages of this development is evidence dating evidence is not strong. In the holes there are at least 80 standing stones, and only 43 pieces that can be found at this time. This stone is called the blue stone or bluestone, is estimated to come from the Preseli hills, about 240 kilometers away from Stonehenge, in what is now called Pembrokeshire, Wales with human power. Another theory is widely supported today is that rock glacier taken utilizes the Irish Sea.
The entrance of Stonehenge in northeast dilated at this time and make it aligned with the rising sun in mid-summer and a sunset at midwinter at the time. Nevertheless, the construction phase of the monument is not passed on and abandoned. Some small standing stones were moved and the hole Q and R are closed. Of the existence of this evidence, we can imagine the importance of this site at that time.
Heelstone or heel stone is a sandstone of the Tertiary period established outside the entrance to the northeast at this time. This groundbreaking calendar heel can not be ascertained accurately, and even can be placed at any time during the construction of the third. First, this stone is accompanied by a second stone, which
has not looked back. Two or even three large portal stones placed at the entrance to the northeast, which is currently only one fruit.

Stonehenge IIIb.

In the next phase 30 large sarsen stones brought from the mine is 40 kilometers north of the monument, in an area called the Marlborough Downs. There are also possibilities, these stones were imported from the remnants of limestone mine closer. The stones were carved to make a connection peg and the road beyond the established and formed a circle of stone pillars measuring 33 meters in diameter with 30 stone roof (lintel) on it. Every block of stone that weighs about 25 tons.
In the circle of the monument, there are five Trilithon sarsen stones are processed and arranged in a semicircle. In the circle, there are ten stone monument that stands up straight and five horizontal lintel stones, weighing up to 50 tons every stone. The entire stone is connected using a complicated connection.
At one sarsen stones are carved dagger and ax head. At this time, the road was built along 500 meters built, toward the northeast of the entrance and contains two pairs of parallel berparit pond in the middle. At the end, two large portal stones to be placed in the entrance that today the only remaining one door. Stone Sacrifice (Slaughter Stone) a length of 4.9 meters. Phase which uses high technology is believed to be the work of the Wessex culture in the early Bronze Age, around 2000 BC.

Stonehenge IIIc.

After the Bronze Age, there is the possibility of blue stone has been enforced as they are, in a circle between two poles sarsen and also in a semicircle in the middle, following the pattern of sarsen stones. Although this phase looked amazing, the construction of Stonehenge stage IIIc looks less neat than the phase IIIb. For example, a blue stone has upheld foundation is not solid and ready to fall. There are two circular holes are located outside the monument known as the hole Y and Z. These holes are never filled with stones related to the monument.

After Stonehenge standing.

Y and Z holes wrapped around the outside of the monument, the final construction is known about Stonehenge. The second circle pit was built in 1600 B.C., and the final use of the possibility during the iron. Roman coins and medieval artifacts have been found in and around the monument, but there is no evidence that this monument be used after the British prehistoric times, until today. Some locations and historical events to be around this monument. Vespasian built a fort on the road to Avon. In 1923 from the excavations carried out in Stonehengen found Saxons from the 7th century AD were beheaded. The site is known by educated people in the Middle Ages and has since been studied by various groups.

Functions and Construction of Stonehenge.

The first serious attempt to understand the monument was done around 1740 by William Stukeley. Stukeley stated that this location was built by the Druids, but the most important contribution is to take a picture of the location of Stonehenge scalable so it can support more precise analysis of the form and the interests of those sites. From the results of this work he shows that the henge and stone arranged in a particular form for the benefit of astronomy.
The way how the blue stones were transported from Wales has been widely discussed and the rock might come from Pembrokeshire and brought to Salisbury Plain (Salisbury Plain). Many archaeologists believe that Stonehenge was a test perpetuation of buildings made of wood into the shape of the stone. This is because many buildings were made of wood in the Salisbury Plain as Durrington Walls.
The monument is aligned northeast - southwest and is often focused that the builders of this monument built on a solstice and equinox. For example, in mid-summer morning, the sun will appear right on top of the rock heel (heel stone), and the first light of the sun will be heading to the center of Stonehenge between the two semicircular stone structure. Many doubt that this is a coincidence. The sun appeared on the degree that alternated and horizon landscape scenes. For it to be the proper alignment, the builders of Stonehenge Stonehenge must align latitude at 51 ° 11 '. This alignment is the basis for determining the shape and the groundbreaking Stonehenge.
Several other researchers argue that Stonehenge is an ancient observatory. Whatever religinya, Stonehenge is designed to predict an eclipse, solstice, the time for the sun passes the equator, and other important events relating to the calendar and sun and contemporary religion.
Many estimate that the machine is required in the construction of Stonehenge. The process of bringing the blue stone from Wales by human power requires a lot of rope, wood, and manpower. In an experimental archeology, experimental archeology or experimental archeology in 2001, a stone was moved from Wales towards Stonehenge by road and sea most likely. Volunteers pulled it on top of the sled while on the ground. But when it was moved to the top of the replica prehistoric boat, the ship sank in the Bristol Channel.
The process of enforcing the stone at the site of Stonehenge is also a debate. Stone supporter laid to make the last stone, and a large group of people pull the stone using a rope. For the stone, there is the possibility of using wooden poles stacked and lifted slowly, so that the pole stacks have the same height with upright stones, and can be easily moved to the top of upright stones. This proves that the people who built Stonehenge is a society that has the skill and knowledge of the science of using wood and stone construction with proficient.
In 2012, a theory predict that this monument is intended to bring together different people in the British Isles. This theory predicted that the monument is established by using human power very much and very simple tools. The need for an organization that organizes the community with the number of lots, and even the possibility of cooperation between the regions.

New history.

Stonehenge remains a place for visiting the Neo-druid and pagan beliefs of new or neo-pagans, and the location of the free music festival held between 1972 and 1984. However, in 1985 the festival was banned by the British government. This is caused due to fierce disputes between travelers and police known as the Fighting Beanfield.
In recent years, the position of the henge on Salisbury Plain has been affected by the A303 road that connects between Amesbury and Winterbourne Stoke, and A344. In the past several projects, including tunnels have been planned for the site. English Heritage and the National Trust have long struggled to move the path from that location. In early 2003
Department of Transportation announced some expansion of main roads, including the A303. On June 5 Highway Agency published a plan to change the way along the 13 kilometers at Stonehenge, including a two-kilometer tunnel, making the A303 road under the road that is used now.
Many organizations plan a longer tunnel, which will protect the archaeological area and the villages around it wider. Plans for the site including a new heritage center, which will open in 2006.
In 2008, a new road scheme will be realized and the old road will be closed.

Myths and legends.

Heel Stone (The Heel Stone) by the local community is also known by the name of Friar's Heel. There is folklore that can not be ascertained origin earlier than the seventeenth century, tells the origin of the name of this stone.
Satan brought this stone from a woman in Ireland, wrapped, and took him to Salisbury plain. One of the stones fell into the Avon River, and the remaining stone was brought to the plains. The devil then shouted, "No one will ever know how it was brought here!" A priest replied, "That's what you're thinking!" Satan then throws one stone on him and on his heels. The stone is then stuck in the ground and be in place until today.
The majority opinion of claims heel Friar ( "Friar's Heel") is the change in the name of "Freya's He-ol", from the name of the god Germany Freya words from Wales to the track. Simpler explanation is that the stone is heel or skew.
Stonehenge is also associated with the legend of King Arthur. Geoffrey of Monmouth said that the sorcerer Merlin has been taking care of the removal of Stonehenge from Ireland, where he had built on Mount Killaraus by giants who brought the stones from Africa. After he founded the rock near Amesbury, Geoffrey further recounted how Uther Pendragon, then Constantine III, was buried inside the stone circle. In the essay, Historia Regum Britanniae Geoffrey mixes British legend and imagination in many places; very interesting that he associated Ambrosius Aurelianus with this prehistoric monument, based on the evidence of a similar name between Ambrosius with Amesbury.

Examples of the Megalithic Age relic objects.

Megalithic era or also commonly referred to as a large stone age comes from the word meaning large and mega lithikum word or lithos meaning stone. Large stone age culture left many objects results in the form of large buildings that have a function as a means to worship the spirits of ancestors. This culture took place after the time neolithikum, Until today we can still see relics of this era in various parts of Indonesia.

Sample results cobblestone culture, among others in the form of menhirs, punden, dolmen, stone tomb, sarcophagus, waruga, and various types of large-sized statue.


Menhir stone.
    Menhir is a monument or     stone upright, Has the  
    function as
    media to honor those who
    have died are in place-
    right somewhere. And
    there also were found
    menhir built
    for the purpose as a
    means of worship, or
    worship of the spirits
    grandmother ancestor.


Punden is a building that is cemented stratified
level that serves as a place of worship for the spirits of the ancestors,
This building later evolved into the basic concept of the building Hindu temples and temple buddha.

Stone grave.

Stone grave.
Has a shape that resembles the building cemetery as we can see now, usually have a stone structure consisting of two sides long and two wide side. Most of the direction of the grave stone that is found
stretching from east to west.


A grave stone that has a cap on it, size between bottom
or a container with the top
or lid is usually the same
magnitude. Usually there
are carvings which is attached to the wall face


Dolmen usually placed somewhere in keramatkan or in place the course of the ceremony associated with the worship of ancestral spirits.
Dolmen megalithik building can take many forms and functions, among others
serves as the seat of a tribal chief or a place to put

A stone statue.

A stone statue.
Stone statues usually have a shape that resembles an animal / human.
Which may be believed to be the embodiment of the forefathers and becomes the object of worship. Stone statues, are found in the region
of  Indonesia among others in Pasemah,
South Sumatra and Sulawesi the Southeast.


Waruga is a grave stone that has no lid,
Relics of megalithic age is found in many sites Gilimanuk on the island of Bali.

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 16, 2016 at 10:30
Tag : Stonehenge.

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