
Saturday, 27 February 2016

Avocado Seed benefits.

Fruit and avocado seed.
Avocado fruit is not only delicious, but also healthy. However, not only the flesh of the fruit, avocado seed also can consume.
In fact, in fact, the seeds of avocado contains many nutrients the body needs. No wonder if the health benefits of any variety.

You can eat avocado seeds by grinding or memarutnya first, after peeling the skin on the outside of the seed.
Benefits of avocado seed to health.
Boost the immune system.
Avocado seeds have the highest levels of antioxidants. Even the much higher levels than that contained in the flesh. Antioxidants help keep the body from free radicals and boost the immune system. You also become more immune to colds and flu.

Lowering blood pressure.

Seeds of this one is very rich in potassium, which is an excellent vasodilator that lowers blood pressure. Thus, the seeds of avocado also helps soothe the pressure of the arteries and reduce the risk of hypertension.

Against cancer.

Did you know avocado seed contains flavonol? This is the kind that contains flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol and myricetin. Substances earlier will prevent the growth of tumors that can cause cancer.

Nourish the stomach.

Avocado seeds also contain more soluble fiber than the flesh. With high levels of fiber and antioxidants is high, the seeds of this fruit will prevent and soothe constipation naturally.

Help lose weight.

Because avocados contain high fiber content, then your appetite will be reduced if you eat meat and avocado seeds. Plus content of potassium and magnesium that will provide energy for the body to exercise.

Keeping cholesterol levels.

Avocado has been known to contain monounsaturated fat that helps lower cholesterol levels. The seeds also contain substances that can lower cholesterol in the body. Similarly, the natural oils contained in the avocado seed is rich in antioxidants that are beneficial for your cholesterol levels.

Reducing inflammation.

One of the best health benefits of avocado seed is content of antioxidants such as catechins and procyanidins that help reduce pain and inflammation or swelling due to inflammation. You can also use avocado oil to massage the swollen body parts so that the pain is reduced.


Powerful antioxidants contained in meat and avocado seeds will fight free radicals, which have been damaging healthy skin cells. If you eat an avocado seed regularly, the skin will look more youthful and wrinkle-free.

Nourish hair.

Mashed avocado seed also can be used as a hair mask. Apply on the hair regularly and get healthy hair beautiful and shiny. Production of gray hair will also be much reduced.

Avocado Seed Nutrition Higher From On Meat Fruit.

Avocado is one type of fruit that is versatile. Not only can be consumed directly, avocados can be processed into a variety of delicious dishes.
Ranging from sweet dishes, such as juices with added milk chocolate, to savory dishes such as guacamole or sandwiches. Similarly, with a myriad of health benefits.

Did you know that the seeds of avocado turns out no less healthy than the flesh?

Reporting from Food World News, seeds, avocados contain more antioxidants than most fruits and vegetables. Avocado seeds also contain about 70 percent of all the nutritional benefits of the avocado.

Not only that, the dissolution of the fiber content is also much higher than that contained in oatmeal and most other foods.

According to a study published in the journal Plant Foods in Human Nutrition in March 2012 and then, eat avocado seed regularly can lower cholesterol levels and may protect the arteries from clogging.

Do not always feel free to eat the seeds. You can eat them with the grind and make a juice or smoothie. Way, simply by cutting the seed in half and puree in a blender into a powder. After that, you can add it to the juice or your favorite smoothie.

According to many, the taste of avocado seed is strong enough so that it fits in combination with juices and smoothies are also rich in taste, such as berries, spinach, kale and pineapple.

Besides its seeds, avocado skin is also very healthy. Many health experts recommend it for the benefit of antibiotics and antiparasitic avocado skin.

Meanwhile, it turns avocado tree leaves can also be used as medicine wounds that will accelerate the wound healing process. Other benefits of avocado leaves cure sore throat and diarrhea.

This intake for Better Sex.

Have a lasting household and away from contention, is what everybody wants. One recipe is, keeping the intensity of sex with a partner.

But what if your spouse is not too excited? Perhaps, some of this intake can help you, as reported by the Times of India pages.


Tribal Asztec believe that the avocado is a fruit that is good for sexual health. From the scientific point of view, this oval-shaped green fruit indeed has properties that are good for your sexual health. In addition, the fruit is also useful to prevent the entry of saturated fat, as well as good for the heart and our heart.


Walnuts has properties that are rich and powerful to maintain sexual health, and re-awaken interest in sex. Meals are included in the group of nuts may improve sex drive faded because it contains a sex stimulant that is good for the reproductive system.


A study successfully showed that strawberries had a sexy and capable of increasing libido, for better sex. Therefore, consumption of strawberries regularly can improve the quality of reproductive organs. Combine strawberries with liquid chocolate to get a double result, because the potassium content in chocolate is also great for sex and domestic happiness


Foods that are confidential sexual health were already widely known to the public. Seafood such as oysters, lobster, and crab, which is rich in protein, can improve sex drive. But, be careful in taking it, if you do not want to cholesterol rise to a remarkable number.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 27, 2016 at 09:15
Tag : Avocado.

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