
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Did Your Heart.

Heart (Latin cor) is a hollow, hollow muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels by repeated rhythmic contractions. The term cardiac means relating to the heart, from the Greek word for heart cardia. The heart is one organ that plays a role in the human circulatory system.

Heart surface. 

Heart surface.

The heart is located in the chest cavity a little to the left, on the right lung and the left lung. Its mass is about 300 grams, the size of the fist. The heart is a muscle that is composed of a single layer of endothelium. Located in the heart torakik cavity, behind the sternum. The structure of the heart to turn down and slightly to the left.
Heart is almost completely enveloped by the lungs, but enclosed by a double membrane called the pericardium, which is attached to the diaphragm. The first layer to stick very closely to the heart, while the outer layer is more loose and watery, to avoid friction between the organs in the body that occurs due to the constant movement of the heart pumping.
Heart kept in place by the blood vessels which covers an area of ​​uneven heart / flat, as in the bottom and on the side. Two line splitter (formed from muscle) on the outer layer of the heart showing where the dividing wall between the porch and the heart chambers.

The internal structure of the heart. 

Internally, the heart muscle layers separated by a split into two sections, from top to bottom, into two pumps. Both of these pumps from birth never connected. It consists of two parts separated by a wall cavity of the heart. It can be concluded that the heart consists of four cavities, the left and right atrium and the right ventricle and the left.
Porch wall is much thinner than the walls of the booth for booth must fight the force of gravity to pump from the ground up and requires a greater force to supply the large circulation, especially the aorta, to pump around the body which has blood vessels.
Each porch and booths at the heart of each hemisphere is connected by a valve. Valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is called the tricuspid valve or valve leafy three. While the valve is between the left atrium and left ventricle is called bicuspid valve or valves mitralis (two-leaved valve).

How to Work Heart. 

At the heart of the pulsating any slack space and fill with blood (called diastole). Furthermore, the heart contracts and pumps blood out of the heart (called systole). Both porches sag and contracting simultaneously, and both chambers also loosens and contracts simultaneously.
Blood is running out of oxygen and contains a lot of carbon dioxide (dirty blood) of the entire body flows through two veins encouraged (vena cava) heading into the right atrium. After the right atrium filled with blood, it will push blood into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve.
Blood from the right ventricle to be pumped through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery leading to the lungs. Blood will flow through very small vessels (capillaries) that surrounds the air bag in the lungs, absorbing oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide and then channeled back to the heart.
Oxygen-rich blood flow in the pulmonary veins to the left atrium. Blood circulation in the right part of the heart, the lungs and the left atrium called the pulmonary circulation because blood flows to the lungs.
Blood in the left atrium to the left ventricle will be encouraged through the bicuspid valve / mitral, which in turn will pump clean blood is passed through the aortic valve into the aorta (the largest artery in the body). This oxygen-rich blood is circulated throughout the body, except the lungs. and so on.

Regarding Heart Health. 

Heart is one of the most important organs of the body, heart defects can be at risk of death. Divided heart problems due to cardiac failure is often almost into two parts, namely heart disease and heart attacks.

Heart Disease. 

Heart disease is a condition that causes the heart can not carry out their duties properly. These things, among others:
A weak heart muscle. It is a congenital abnormality. A weak heart muscle can not make people do excessive activity, due to the imposition of excessive cardiac performance would cause pain in the chest, and sometimes can cause the body to be the appear bluish. People with weak heart muscle is easy to faint.
The gap between the right atrium and left the porch, because of incomplete formation of a separate layer between the second platform when the patient is still in the womb. This causes the blood clean and dirty blood mixed. This disease also makes people unable to perform strenuous activities, because of heavy activity almost certainly will make the patient's body turned blue and breathless, although not causing pain in the chest. There is also a variation of this disease, namely a person really only has one porch.

Heart Attack. 

This condition usually occurs suddenly, and is often called congestive heart failure. Causes of heart failure vary, but usually the main cause is impaired blood supply to the heart muscles, because the blood vessels that normally drain blood to the heart muscles are blocked or hardened, either because of fat and cholesterol, or because the substances chemicals such as excessive use of drugs containing Phenol Propano Alanine (ppa) are mostly found in drugs such as Decolgen, and nicotine.
A heart attack is a condition when the damage experienced by the part of the heart muscle (myocardium) due to a very sudden decrease in blood supply to the heart muscle. Reduced blood supply to the heart suddenly can occur when one of the coronary arteries ter blockade for a while, either due to spasm - tighten the coronary arteries - or akibar blood pergumpalan - thrombus. Part of the heart muscle that is normally supplied by a pulse which blockaded stops functioning properly immediately after splasme subsides by itself, the symptoms disappear and the overall functioning of the heart muscle actually normal again. It is often called crescendo angina or coronary insufficiency. Conversely, if the blood supply to the heart at a standstill, the cells in question are permanent changes in just a few hours and a section of heart muscle referred to severely degraded or permanently damaged. Dead muscle is called infarction.

Heart attack symptoms include  ; 

1. Pain. If the muscle is not getting enough blood ( a condition called ischemia ) , then insufficient oxygen and the metabolism of excessive causing cramps or spasms . Angina is a feeling of tightness in the chest or squeezing chest feeling , which arises when the heart muscle does not get enough blood . The type and severity of pain or discomfort varies in each person . Some people who experience a lack of blood flow can not feel pain at all ( a condition called silent ischemia ) .
2. Shortness of breath is a symptom commonly found in heart failure . Shortness is a result of the influx of fluid into the air spaces in the lungs ( pulmonary congestion or pulmonary edema ) .
3. Tiredness or fatigue . If the heart is not pumping effectively , blood flow to the muscles during activity will be reduced, causing the patient to feel weak and tired. These symptoms are often mild. To overcome this , the patient usually gradually reduce its activity or thought these symptoms as part of aging .
4. Palpitations ( heart palpitations ) .
5. Dizziness and fainting . Decreased blood flow due to rate or abnormal heart rhythm or because of poor pumping ability , can cause dizziness and fainting
Food is also a major cause of heart attack, especially fast food (junk food). The research institute, from McMaster University, Canada, found results that people who eat a lot of fried foods, salty snacks, and meat have an increased risk of heart attack more than 35 percent greater than those who consumed little or do not eat.


There is no better countermeasures to prevent disease and heart attack, in addition to a healthy lifestyle (as often wake up early, not often stay up too late at night, and avoiding cigarettes and alcoholic beverages), healthy diet (emphasis on eating fibrous foods and Air-vegetable, and not eating too much fatty foods and high cholesterol), and regular exercise and not excessive. However, there are some substances that are believed to be able to reduce or increase the risk of disease and heart attacks, among others;
* Some researchers say that the substance allicin found in garlic may help maintain heart health. The study suggests that by virtue substance allicin, vascular tension is reduced 72%. However, some other researchers have also stated that there was no relationship between garlic to heart health. In a study conducted on 90 smokers body fat, European researchers found that the addition of garlic powder for 3 months showed no changes in their cholesterol levels or some other signs of heart disease risk.
* Studies show that reducing smoking does not reduce the risk of heart disease. To truly reduce the risk of heart disease, a person should really stop smoking.
* The findings, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reveals consumption of vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease.
* Research has shown that reducing salt intake can reduce the risk of heart disease. Salt intake can increase blood pressure. At low salt diet experiment showed the risk of heart disease by 25% and the risk of heart attack by 20%
* Consumption of foods that can maintain heart health such as Salmon, Tomato, Olive Oil, Wheat, Almonds, and Apples, Habatussauda and other herbal remedies.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: February 26, 2014 at 10:30
Tag ; Did Your heart.

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