Friday, 18 March 2016

Blessed wives.

The wife may have experienced this condition. Where the husband suddenly want to do biological activity when returning from outside the house. This sometimes makes the bewildered wife.
The confusion is not uncommon to make suspicious wife with what happened to her husband for outdoors. This could potentially lead to disputes if the husband does not explain exactly.

Blessed wives.

But the wives, be happy if the husband suddenly asked to make love 'when I was just coming home. Especially if he is a righteous husband, then what it does is not only to satisfy the lust alone. But there are other reasons that make them behave that way.
Already wife should greet her husband when he returned home with the best appearance. The husband who tired of working outside the home would be very happy if welcomed in such a way. It is also to anticipate if the husband suddenly asked to make love when I get home. So when the wife is at his best.
Do not be surprised and confused if one day your husband suddenly asked to make love when it gets home. Instead you should be happy, because she missed the article in addition to you, the husband could have had a previous condition that can damage the relationship of marriage. So he remember the message of the Prophet Muhammad and home to his wife.
"If any one of you see a beautiful woman and his heart will be inclined to the woman, then he should go home and see his wife and came to him on the bed so she was spared from a dirty mind." (Muslim).
The husband actions show loyalty to you as well as maintaining their love for you. They still keep religion and sexual honor. His love for you prevented him from letting his mind polluted by the absurd fantasy with a woman who may be teased or attract attention outside the home.
And mandatory for a husband and wife to fulfill the invitation, no matter what their current conditions. Therefore, when clocks berhiaslah husband expected to be home from work
Thalaq of Abu Ali bin Ali r.a., real-sulullah Saw Ra. said, "If a husband invites his wife, then fill immediately even though he was in the kitchen." (Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibban).
Abdullah bin Mas'ud r.a. said that he heard the Prophet. said, "A wife who encouraged her husband to his bed, but he's holding them up to her bed, then she was in a state anathema."
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 18, 2016 at 09:06
Tag : Blessed wives.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:06

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

About Stonehenge.

Stonehenge is a building constructed in the Bronze Age and Neolithic. It is situated adjacent to Amesbury in Wiltshire, England, about 13 kilometers northwest of Salisbury. As one of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is a circle of upright stones that are within the scope of the earthen wall.
There are disputes about the exact age of the stone circle, but most archaeologists estimate that the building was built between 3000 BC to 2000 BC. In 2008, radiocarbon dating indicates that the first stone was set between 2400 to 2200 BC. While other theories indicate that the blue stone (bluestone) was founded around 3,000 BC.
Mound and a circular ditch around it, is a marker of the early stages of construction of the monument. The dating obtained from the feature is about 3,100 BC. Stonehenge site and the surrounding environment are added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986 along with Avebury Henge.
Stonehenge is derived from the word and the Stone Henge. Stone means stone, while Henge means circle. Archaeologists define henge as the earthen wall
Circular, there are trenches in it.
At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the stones are no longer standing.
This could be because many tourists who climb around Stonehenge in the 19th century because they were great curiosity. Since then, it has carried out three phases of renovation to restore the stone sloping
or upside down, and to restore the stones into place carefully.

The early history.

Stonehenge complex was built in several phases of development for at least 1,500 years and throughout that period continues to run activities. There is some evidence for the construction of a massive
in and around the monument, making calendars on the construction of this monument can range up to 6,500 years old. Dates for the activity of the monument is difficult to know because some things like layers
natural limestone because periglasial and animals that dig the soil, digging a bad record and its lack of accurate data.

Before the monument was established (8000 B.C.).
Archaeologists have found four (possibly five) holes benchmark pole (postholes) with calendar 8000 B.C., in what is now the
parking lot. Three of the mast (possibly four), located in a row of east to west which might have something to do with rituals.

Development Phase Stonehenge.

Stonehenge I.

The first monument consisted of a circular mound and ditch with a diameter measuring 115 meters (320 feet) and with an entrance at the northeast. This phase occurred around 3,100 BC. On the outside area of ​​the circle there are 59 holes, known as the Aubrey holes to commemorate John Aubrey, the seventeenth century an archaeologist who first identified these holes.
In 2013, a group of archaeologists led by Professor Mike Parker Pearson, excavated more than 50,000 cremated bones of 63 individuals buried in holes Aubrey, Stonehenge. There is a possibility that some of the nobility. In this phase, a large single stone monoliths that are not smoothed known as 'Heel Stone' (Heel Stone) is placed outside the entrance.

Stonehenge II.

Proof of the second phase is not seen again. From the number of pole holes benchmark berpenanggalan early 300 B.C., indicating that some of the wooden structures are formed in the region at this time. At this time at least, 25 Aubrey holes function has been turned into a place of burial cemetery ash. At this time, Stonehenge interpreted as a cremation cemetery enclosed. This is the first known cremation cemetery in the area of ​​England.

Stonehenge IIIa.

Archaeological excavations indicate that around 2600 BC, the builders of Stonehenge has abandoned the use of wood as a benchmark. They switched using the stones and make two holes arch crescent (known as hole Q and R), in the middle of the Stonehenge site. Disadvantages of this development is evidence dating evidence is not strong. In the holes there are at least 80 standing stones, and only 43 pieces that can be found at this time. This stone is called the blue stone or bluestone, is estimated to come from the Preseli hills, about 240 kilometers away from Stonehenge, in what is now called Pembrokeshire, Wales with human power. Another theory is widely supported today is that rock glacier taken utilizes the Irish Sea.
The entrance of Stonehenge in northeast dilated at this time and make it aligned with the rising sun in mid-summer and a sunset at midwinter at the time. Nevertheless, the construction phase of the monument is not passed on and abandoned. Some small standing stones were moved and the hole Q and R are closed. Of the existence of this evidence, we can imagine the importance of this site at that time.
Heelstone or heel stone is a sandstone of the Tertiary period established outside the entrance to the northeast at this time. This groundbreaking calendar heel can not be ascertained accurately, and even can be placed at any time during the construction of the third. First, this stone is accompanied by a second stone, which
has not looked back. Two or even three large portal stones placed at the entrance to the northeast, which is currently only one fruit.

Stonehenge IIIb.

In the next phase 30 large sarsen stones brought from the mine is 40 kilometers north of the monument, in an area called the Marlborough Downs. There are also possibilities, these stones were imported from the remnants of limestone mine closer. The stones were carved to make a connection peg and the road beyond the established and formed a circle of stone pillars measuring 33 meters in diameter with 30 stone roof (lintel) on it. Every block of stone that weighs about 25 tons.
In the circle of the monument, there are five Trilithon sarsen stones are processed and arranged in a semicircle. In the circle, there are ten stone monument that stands up straight and five horizontal lintel stones, weighing up to 50 tons every stone. The entire stone is connected using a complicated connection.
At one sarsen stones are carved dagger and ax head. At this time, the road was built along 500 meters built, toward the northeast of the entrance and contains two pairs of parallel berparit pond in the middle. At the end, two large portal stones to be placed in the entrance that today the only remaining one door. Stone Sacrifice (Slaughter Stone) a length of 4.9 meters. Phase which uses high technology is believed to be the work of the Wessex culture in the early Bronze Age, around 2000 BC.

Stonehenge IIIc.

After the Bronze Age, there is the possibility of blue stone has been enforced as they are, in a circle between two poles sarsen and also in a semicircle in the middle, following the pattern of sarsen stones. Although this phase looked amazing, the construction of Stonehenge stage IIIc looks less neat than the phase IIIb. For example, a blue stone has upheld foundation is not solid and ready to fall. There are two circular holes are located outside the monument known as the hole Y and Z. These holes are never filled with stones related to the monument.

After Stonehenge standing.

Y and Z holes wrapped around the outside of the monument, the final construction is known about Stonehenge. The second circle pit was built in 1600 B.C., and the final use of the possibility during the iron. Roman coins and medieval artifacts have been found in and around the monument, but there is no evidence that this monument be used after the British prehistoric times, until today. Some locations and historical events to be around this monument. Vespasian built a fort on the road to Avon. In 1923 from the excavations carried out in Stonehengen found Saxons from the 7th century AD were beheaded. The site is known by educated people in the Middle Ages and has since been studied by various groups.

Functions and Construction of Stonehenge.

The first serious attempt to understand the monument was done around 1740 by William Stukeley. Stukeley stated that this location was built by the Druids, but the most important contribution is to take a picture of the location of Stonehenge scalable so it can support more precise analysis of the form and the interests of those sites. From the results of this work he shows that the henge and stone arranged in a particular form for the benefit of astronomy.
The way how the blue stones were transported from Wales has been widely discussed and the rock might come from Pembrokeshire and brought to Salisbury Plain (Salisbury Plain). Many archaeologists believe that Stonehenge was a test perpetuation of buildings made of wood into the shape of the stone. This is because many buildings were made of wood in the Salisbury Plain as Durrington Walls.
The monument is aligned northeast - southwest and is often focused that the builders of this monument built on a solstice and equinox. For example, in mid-summer morning, the sun will appear right on top of the rock heel (heel stone), and the first light of the sun will be heading to the center of Stonehenge between the two semicircular stone structure. Many doubt that this is a coincidence. The sun appeared on the degree that alternated and horizon landscape scenes. For it to be the proper alignment, the builders of Stonehenge Stonehenge must align latitude at 51 ° 11 '. This alignment is the basis for determining the shape and the groundbreaking Stonehenge.
Several other researchers argue that Stonehenge is an ancient observatory. Whatever religinya, Stonehenge is designed to predict an eclipse, solstice, the time for the sun passes the equator, and other important events relating to the calendar and sun and contemporary religion.
Many estimate that the machine is required in the construction of Stonehenge. The process of bringing the blue stone from Wales by human power requires a lot of rope, wood, and manpower. In an experimental archeology, experimental archeology or experimental archeology in 2001, a stone was moved from Wales towards Stonehenge by road and sea most likely. Volunteers pulled it on top of the sled while on the ground. But when it was moved to the top of the replica prehistoric boat, the ship sank in the Bristol Channel.
The process of enforcing the stone at the site of Stonehenge is also a debate. Stone supporter laid to make the last stone, and a large group of people pull the stone using a rope. For the stone, there is the possibility of using wooden poles stacked and lifted slowly, so that the pole stacks have the same height with upright stones, and can be easily moved to the top of upright stones. This proves that the people who built Stonehenge is a society that has the skill and knowledge of the science of using wood and stone construction with proficient.
In 2012, a theory predict that this monument is intended to bring together different people in the British Isles. This theory predicted that the monument is established by using human power very much and very simple tools. The need for an organization that organizes the community with the number of lots, and even the possibility of cooperation between the regions.

New history.

Stonehenge remains a place for visiting the Neo-druid and pagan beliefs of new or neo-pagans, and the location of the free music festival held between 1972 and 1984. However, in 1985 the festival was banned by the British government. This is caused due to fierce disputes between travelers and police known as the Fighting Beanfield.
In recent years, the position of the henge on Salisbury Plain has been affected by the A303 road that connects between Amesbury and Winterbourne Stoke, and A344. In the past several projects, including tunnels have been planned for the site. English Heritage and the National Trust have long struggled to move the path from that location. In early 2003
Department of Transportation announced some expansion of main roads, including the A303. On June 5 Highway Agency published a plan to change the way along the 13 kilometers at Stonehenge, including a two-kilometer tunnel, making the A303 road under the road that is used now.
Many organizations plan a longer tunnel, which will protect the archaeological area and the villages around it wider. Plans for the site including a new heritage center, which will open in 2006.
In 2008, a new road scheme will be realized and the old road will be closed.

Myths and legends.

Heel Stone (The Heel Stone) by the local community is also known by the name of Friar's Heel. There is folklore that can not be ascertained origin earlier than the seventeenth century, tells the origin of the name of this stone.
Satan brought this stone from a woman in Ireland, wrapped, and took him to Salisbury plain. One of the stones fell into the Avon River, and the remaining stone was brought to the plains. The devil then shouted, "No one will ever know how it was brought here!" A priest replied, "That's what you're thinking!" Satan then throws one stone on him and on his heels. The stone is then stuck in the ground and be in place until today.
The majority opinion of claims heel Friar ( "Friar's Heel") is the change in the name of "Freya's He-ol", from the name of the god Germany Freya words from Wales to the track. Simpler explanation is that the stone is heel or skew.
Stonehenge is also associated with the legend of King Arthur. Geoffrey of Monmouth said that the sorcerer Merlin has been taking care of the removal of Stonehenge from Ireland, where he had built on Mount Killaraus by giants who brought the stones from Africa. After he founded the rock near Amesbury, Geoffrey further recounted how Uther Pendragon, then Constantine III, was buried inside the stone circle. In the essay, Historia Regum Britanniae Geoffrey mixes British legend and imagination in many places; very interesting that he associated Ambrosius Aurelianus with this prehistoric monument, based on the evidence of a similar name between Ambrosius with Amesbury.

Examples of the Megalithic Age relic objects.

Megalithic era or also commonly referred to as a large stone age comes from the word meaning large and mega lithikum word or lithos meaning stone. Large stone age culture left many objects results in the form of large buildings that have a function as a means to worship the spirits of ancestors. This culture took place after the time neolithikum, Until today we can still see relics of this era in various parts of Indonesia.

Sample results cobblestone culture, among others in the form of menhirs, punden, dolmen, stone tomb, sarcophagus, waruga, and various types of large-sized statue.


Menhir stone.
    Menhir is a monument or     stone upright, Has the  
    function as
    media to honor those who
    have died are in place-
    right somewhere. And
    there also were found
    menhir built
    for the purpose as a
    means of worship, or
    worship of the spirits
    grandmother ancestor.


Punden is a building that is cemented stratified
level that serves as a place of worship for the spirits of the ancestors,
This building later evolved into the basic concept of the building Hindu temples and temple buddha.

Stone grave.

Stone grave.
Has a shape that resembles the building cemetery as we can see now, usually have a stone structure consisting of two sides long and two wide side. Most of the direction of the grave stone that is found
stretching from east to west.


A grave stone that has a cap on it, size between bottom
or a container with the top
or lid is usually the same
magnitude. Usually there
are carvings which is attached to the wall face


Dolmen usually placed somewhere in keramatkan or in place the course of the ceremony associated with the worship of ancestral spirits.
Dolmen megalithik building can take many forms and functions, among others
serves as the seat of a tribal chief or a place to put

A stone statue.

A stone statue.
Stone statues usually have a shape that resembles an animal / human.
Which may be believed to be the embodiment of the forefathers and becomes the object of worship. Stone statues, are found in the region
of  Indonesia among others in Pasemah,
South Sumatra and Sulawesi the Southeast.


Waruga is a grave stone that has no lid,
Relics of megalithic age is found in many sites Gilimanuk on the island of Bali.

Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 16, 2016 at 10:30
Tag : Stonehenge.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:30

Sunday, 6 March 2016

When Sex woman.

She put out the moans because she thought with a sigh     The sex may be to add excitement to their partners.
Most women during intercourse always pull out the moans and although there are also women who prefer to remain silent and not make a sound. In the satisfaction and enjoyment obtained any couple who have intercourse, and not a few women who say that the expression of joy at the sound of his sigh. In fact, most women who sighed as she felt her orgasm will come out when you're having sex.

In general, women are more noisy behave while having intercourse. Therefore, the woman called the creatures are very sensitive to any stimuli, resulting in getting pleasure from intercourse. Because the pleasure that can not be arrested by a woman, will eventually be affected in the expression so that it can burn a man's sex drive. So why do women have to sigh during intercourse?

1. The reason women put out a sigh when making love because no women are
    not able to hold the women because women do like the sound,
    and will not be able to control myself to keep quiet when passing pleasure
    loveliest couple lover.

2. She put out the moans because she thought with a sigh
    The sex may be to add excitement to their partners. However,
    for men the moans of sexy is a stimulus that can be for
    arouse sexual arousal, making men think that women-partner
    Her enjoy their intimate relationships and made their passion

3. The expression of pleasure for women who where moan and scream
    issued woman when penetration is running and that's because women
    could not resist the perceived pleasure during intercourse

4. She pretended to orgasm falsify the pair.
    The moans of a woman during sex is also likely due to fake
    the orgasms. Because the moans of a woman is likely to come from
    the desire to tell if the female partner is enjoying
    The sexual intercourse.
With other reasons could also mentions that the woman is trying to imitate what they see in porn, because women think that having sex with a rustling sound is a normal and ordinary thing done by other women.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 6, 2016 at 10:50
Tag : When Sex woman.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:50

About Cough.

A cough.
Cough is not a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanism in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of a disease or the body's reaction to irritation in the throat due to the presence of mucus, food, dust, smoke and so on.
Coughing occurs because certain stimuli, such as dust in the cough receptors (nasal, respiratory tract, even the ears). Then the receptor will flow through the nerves to the cough center in the brain. Here will give a signal to the muscles of the body to remove foreign objects before, until there was a cough.

Acute and Chronic.

Cough can be divided into two types: acute and chronic cough cough, both are grouped according to time.
Acute cough is a cough that lasts less than 14 days, and in one episode. If the cough is more than 14 days or occurred in three episodes for 3 months in a row, called a chronic cough or recurrent chronic cough.
Recurrent chronic cough that often affects children is due to asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and pertussis (whooping cough / cough of 100 days). Pertussis is a chronic cough caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization DPT.FM JB

The cause of the cough.

There are several kinds of causes of cough :

Generally caused by an infection in the upper respiratory tract is a symptom of the flu.
Upper respiratory tract infection (ISPA).
Asthma or tuberculosis
Foreign objects that enter into the airways
Choking from drinking milk
Inhaling smoke from people around
Emotional and psychological problems (for cough psychogenic).

Whooping cough.

Whooping cough illness, or a hundred-day cough or pertussis (English: Whooping Cough), is a contagious disease. The world occur about 30 to 50 million cases per year, and the cause of death in 300,000 cases (data from WHO). This disease usually occurs in children younger than 1 year, and 90 percent of these cases occur in developing countries. The disease is usually caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, but not infrequently caused by B. parapertussis.
Pertussis is a disease mediated toxin, the toxin produced by the bacteria (vibrating feathers attached to the upper respiratory tract) will paralyze the vibrating bristles that disruption of flow of respiratory tract secretions, and can potentially cause pneumonia.

Incubation period.

The time from exposure to signs of disease appear 3 to 12 days.


Usually begins with mild ARI symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and nasal fluid out continuously (at catarrhal stage) and then after 1 week to 2 weeks followed by a cough who constantly but followed a period in which there was a pause cough (paroxysmal stage). This cough may be followed with vomiting, this is due to the nausea that affects, and in young children where the physiological reflexes that have not been completely formed it will cause vomiting, it is not infrequently lead to malnutrition. This cough can trigger by yawn, laugh or cry, and will be reduced after 1 to 2 months. Complications that may follow this situation is pneumonia, encephalitis, pulmonary hypertension, and bacterial infections that follow.


Pertussis is spread through droplets coughed from patients who have the disease and then inhaled by healthy people who do not have immunity, antibiotics can be given to reduce the occurrence of bacterial infections that follow and reduces the likelihood memberatnya this disease (until the stadium catarrhal) after stage catarrhal antibiotics remain given to reduce the spread of the disease, antibiotics are also given to people who contact with patients, are expected by the administration as this would reduce the occurrence of these infections in healthy people.


If the disease is severe, patients are usually hospitalized. They were placed in a room that is quiet and not too bright. Commotion could stimulate coughing attacks. Can be suctioned out of the throat. In severe cases, oxygen is administered directly to the lungs through a tube inserted into the trachea. To replace fluids lost through vomiting and because babies typically can not eat due to cough, then given fluids intravenously. Good nutrition is important, and should be given food in small portions but frequently. To eradicate the bacteria, usually given antibiotics eritromycin.

Traditional Medicine.

1. Leaf clover 1/3 handheld washed and boiled with water 3 cups.
    Let the water a 3/4 of his. When cold, boiled water is filtered and drunk
    with sugar water 2 times a day as needed glasses.
2. Hibiscus leaves young 6 sheets, 10 sheets of juniper leaves, ripe noni fruit
    1 fruit, 1/2 upas bidara finger. -material Material is finely ground and then
    given a 3/4 cup of cooking water and 1 tablespoon of honey. The last
    ingredient is squeezed and filtered. Drink 2 times a day 2 tablespoons.


Most patients experienced total recovery, although it is slow. Approximately 1-2% of children aged under one year died. Death occurs due to oxygen deprivation to the brain (encephalopathy anoxia) and bronchopneumonia.


Immunization at 2, 4, 6, and 18 months and 4-6 years. It is expected the possibility of involvement of the pertussis will be lower by given her immunizations, and symptoms of the disease would not be as heavy as if without it provides immunization.


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchus (bronchus) (airway to the lungs).
The disease is usually mild and will eventually recover completely. But in patients who have a chronic disease (such as heart disease or lung disease) and in the elderly, bronchitis can be serious.


Infectious bronchitis is caused by viruses, bacteria and organisms that resemble bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia)
Recurrent bronchitis attacks can occur in smokers and people with lung disease and chronic respiratory tract. Recurrent infections may result from:
chronic sinusitis

Enlarged tonsils and adenoids in children.

Irritative bronchitis can be caused by :

Various types of dust
Smoke from strong acids, ammonia, some organic solvents, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and bromine
Air pollution irritants ozone and nitrogen dioxide
Tobacco and other cigarette.


Symptoms include :

cough with phlegm (sputum can be reddish)
shortness of breath when exercising or mild activity
often suffer from respiratory infections (such as flu)
swelling of the ankles, feet and legs left and right
face, palms or reddish mucous membranes
cheeks looked rosy
impaired vision.
Infectious bronchitis often begins with symptoms such as runny nose, ie runny nose, fatigue, chills, back pain, muscle aches, mild fever and sore throat.
Cough usually marks the beginning of bronchitis. At first it did not cough up phlegm, but 1-2 days later will issue a white or yellow phlegm. Furthermore sputum will multiply, yellow or green.
In severe bronchitis, after most of the other symptoms improve, sometimes high fever for 3-5 days and the cough may persist for several weeks.
Shortness of breath occurs when the airways clogged. Often found wheezing breath sounds, especially after coughing. Could develop pneumonia.


Diagnosis is usually made based on the symptoms, especially the presence of mucus. On examination using a stethoscope will sound crackles or abnormal breath sounds.
Other tests are wont to do:
Lung function tests
Arterial blood gases
Chest X-rays.


To reduce fever and malaise, to adult patients can be given aspirin or acetaminophen;
The children should be given only acetaminophen. Advised to rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Upper respiratory tract infection.

Acute respiratory infections in Indonesian also known as ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) or URI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) in English is a disease caused by an infection of the upper respiratory system.

Signs and symptoms.

Which included symptoms of ARDs are aching body aches (myalgia), runny nose (rhinorrhea), cough, headache, pain in tengorokan.
The cause of ARDs are viruses, bacteria and fungi. Most are viruses. Diagnoses included in these circumstances is, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis tosilitis.


Treatment given in this disease usually antibiotics even though most of ARI caused by a virus that can be cured by itself without giving medicine therapeutic, antibiotic treatment can accelerate the healing of this disease than just the provision of medicines symptomatic, in addition to antibiotic treatment can prevent reinfection from bacterial, administration, antibiotic treatment of this disease should be considered properly in order to avoid resistance of germs / baterial later. But in respiratory disease that has continued with symptoms of phlegm and mucus that have become green, antibiotic treatment is necessary because the existing symptoms prove that the bacteria involved.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 6, 2016 at 09:44
Tag : About Cough.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:44

Saturday, 5 March 2016

On lake Kivu.

Lake Kivu is located on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo with Rwanda, in Central Africa.
Lake Kivu is located on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo with Rwanda, in Central Africa. Lake Kivu empties into the River Ruzizi, which flows southward into Lake Tanganyika.
The first European to visit this lake was Prince Adolf von Gotzen in 1894 from Germany.

Containing Harmful Gas, Lake Kivu prone Explode.

Lake Kivu is located on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo with Rwanda, in Central Africa. Lake Kivu empties into the River Ruzizi, which flows southward into Lake Tanganyika.

This lake has an area of ​​2700 square kilometers and is located at an altitude of 11 460 meters above sea level. Own depth reaches 480 meters, making it the 18th deepest lake in the world.

Lake Kivu is actually a collection of freshwater lakes is small. Some of the small lake is a lake that can explode, due to geological phenomena. The surface of the lake is also deadly, as there is the content of harmful gases, namely carbon dioxide produced by the bacteria in the bottom of the lake.

When the activity of volcano reacts with noxious gases in the lake, there could be a catastrophic explosion that may harm people who are around the lake. In the vicinity of the lake's own life is at least two million people.

Lake Will Erupt Again?

A jet of water degassing (release between water and gas) in Lake Nyos
To prevent disasters like this in the future, the engineers set the gas discharge pipe that drives the water in both lakes to be elevated out, releasing carbon dioxide and returns the clean water back into the lake. They also found that Lake Kivu Rwanda, has a size of about 2000 times larger than Lake Nyos, saturated with carbon dioxide and methane and has never experienced erupted at least in the last thousand years.

The Rwandan government Kivu Gas Project started seven years ago and announced in mid-September this year that the project Kivu Methane Gas-Watt finally managed to liberate carbon dioxide from the water and catch methane that is then used to generate electricity. Will it could alleviate concerns of the 2 million people living near Lake Kivu?

The explosion can be triggered by landslides, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Lake Kivu near Mount Nyiragongo last erupted in January 2002. News of eruptions and earthquakes in the vicinity triggering fears of a lake that was feared would explode. But it is unclear exactly when it could happen.

Lake Kivu also has a dark history used to be known as a place where many bodies of victims of the Rwandan genocide dumped there. Yes at least the lake will not be revenge, but is expected to help improve the life that exists around him with an abundance of surrounding soil fertility.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 5, 2016 at 12:59
Tag : Lake Kivu.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 12:59

Master impregnates woman.

 Young pregnant.
If there is news Master Men commit sexual harassment or rape to female students, it is often the case. In Indonesia, we often read his news.
Sweetheart message based on coercion and threats and not by consensual.

Had Master Men loved by his female students, then they have sex on consensual, then it is likely not in the news, most end up in marriage, because they liked.

In Austria, a 13-year-old boy named Erwin impregnate female teacher in the field of sports the 43-year-old named Renata Juras. The relationship is based on consensual.

Erwin loved teacher Renata Juras women older than 30 years Erwin. They eventually married and around June 2012.'ll have children.
What conclusions can we draw from it?


Boy 13 years old immature, not necessarily Erwin loves the female teachers, but Erwin got sexual satisfaction is not necessarily obtained when Erwin dating a girl his own age.


Female teachers is certainly more experienced in the hearts and sexually attractive than boys are still green. Renata Juras so easily deceive Erwin to want sex with Renata Juras so pregnant.


If Erwin loves his female teacher, that love will really be tested by time. Had 30-year-old Erwin Renata Juras then 60-year-old course, if healthy young Erwin still want to have sex with his wife of 60 years would have menopause and had not a fertile period for women.


When their children are aged 17, Erwin 30 year old and 60 year old Renata Juras, then when it went along, of course other people would think of their children and Erwin are the children of Renata Juras. If others explained that Erwin was the husband of Renata Juras, surely other people do not believe.


No husband who is married to wife the same age or marry a younger wife, when the 50-year-old husband and his wife of 45 years, the husband tempted by WIL (Women's craving Other) aged 20 or 25 years. Moreover Erwin still immature when married, Erwin more easily tempted by WIL (Women's craving Other) when the 30-year-old Erwin and his wife Renata Juras was aged 60 years
So, keep your children carefully, either boys or girls.

The dangers of sex by men or older women with younger children may occur. Do not let children we experience events such as Erwin teacher who had sex with her so pregnant women.


Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 5, 2016 at 10:40
Tag : Master impregnates woman.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 10:40

Request More current boyfriend.

Courtship, love, heart flowery, beautiful really yes it feels dating? Nah need not feel lonely at weekends, there is a friend for a chat, and hang out in a place other than the same favorite companions. The problem, has long been going out with him, he suddenly asked for more than a peck the cheek and hand grip! Each time he looked annoyed and refuse away from us. Help!

Avoid Only Together Without Supervision.

Avoid Only Together Without Supervision.
If we again courtship, try in a crowded place and avoid deserted or unattended locations. In order to avoid the baseball we want. To be safe, do not accept an invitation to a girlfriend's house when the family was out. Courtship is also better not hang out? Kayak eat at a favorite restaurant, play games on the playground, or watch the latest movies in theaters.

Do not trigger Accept Request boyfriend Exit.

We never knew well who our partner even though they had known for years and believe the same girlfriend. Not necessarily, calls to him in accordance with our estimates. The problem is, we often get stuck teen age sexual harassment on a date. So, baseball is wrong for us to remain vigilant on any small possibility that the same could happen to us.

Say No.

Learning to say baseball from now. Player or the guy who approached us for some reason, usually tricky and oiliness. They can trap us in a thousand ways to get what they want. Typically, these guys try it out gradually. First ask handrails, then kiss, then? Duh! We must firmly girls. Remember, baseball is no guarantee ourselves if we inedible trap guy player. With baseball says the solicitation is suspicious, we can protect ourselves and make him respect ourselves.

Learn the Dangers of Free Sex.

Girls, there are many things worrying and risk-free sex. We could have contracted the deadly virus, psychology interrupted, avoiding pregnancy when not ready and our future could be ruined. Nah want it, we pursue a dream that had been missing for granted because of our negligence? So that we may better understand what the dangers of casual sex, get to know and learn it well. Can browse through the Internet and others. By doing so, we can be confident for avoiding baseball thing we want.

Smart Outfit.

Following the trend may not really for comfortable and too sexy when worn us. Instinctively, brain guy to work through what they see. Hence, in order to avoid the baseball we want to try to mix and match with a smart outfit. Celebrity-celebrity and fashion icon like us baseball adolescence push themselves look sexy and create age-appropriate baseball attract attention anyway. Chloe Moretz, Hailee Steinfeld, and many more trust we can look cool and beautiful without wearing open and too sexy outfit.

How to Reject Call to Men's Sexual Connect.

Boyfriend or gebetan once or even often invites us to have sex? We don? T want to, but if we reject fear diputusin or shunned him. In fact, he is a guy of our dreams. Eits ... Maybe our dream guy for now. Rather than regret later on, we doubt or fear baseball needs to reject.

Tips on how to say no to a guy to have sex.

Dare to say 'no'.

It is the cliche answer for any way reject anything that includes this case. But we must really consider the following, so this point is placed at the top, that is a decision that we will take a decision later is heavy and would have a major impact for the future. What we decide will certainly negatively impact us or maybe he is. So, the courage to say 'no', even though we really admire a guy or our girlfriends.

The body also must dare to resist.

When the he has started to steal the opportunity to touch our bodies, we have to react refuses too. Do not say no, but our bodies baseball to do so. He-he-he. Dare also to shy away from things we want baseball.

Bring to a crowded place.

For this one way, we have to rely on instinct girls. As humans, we have a reason which includes the ability to feel the atmosphere. If we feel the things that he did start suggestive good baseball, we can try to divert him to go to a crowded place. How to detect it could be the words of him that baseball is comfortable to hear. For example, "You look really sexy in that outfit tonight."

Making excuses.

The way this one is similar to the above points but this way when we already can not get anywhere else. This way we can use if we see baseball for the right moment to express our feelings and principles as girls who don? T want to have sex before marriage. Search for another reason if we can not get home tonight or no parents at home again, and so on. Once there was the right moment, we can express our thoughts to him.

Talk fine.

Baseball may forever we make an excuse to stay healthy dating style. We need to talk about it to your girlfriend or maybe gebetan. If we are talking about baseball pengin sexual intercourse that would be regretted later. Talk well, yes ...

And, that baseball lost important here is the heart of our readiness to accept the possibility that the worst would be the same diputusin our girlfriends. Our minds must be open if the baseball world that narrow, really. There are still plenty of opportunities for meeting other cross-eyed guy. Be patient once wrote.

Say no more emphatic.

Turns out it's a boyfriend or gebetan coercive type of guy. He forced us to have sex with a variety of reasons ranging from smooth to rough. Examples subtle reason is that he feels we are eternal love or sexual relationships is proof of love. While rough reasons are usually accompanied by threats if we would diputusin and the threat of death.

Really important to say no from the start and said repeatedly when he's constantly force. We do not need to shout, fixed by means of subtle but firm!

Reported to the authorities.

If he dared to threaten, baseball is no harm for us to threaten back. The act of forcing it interferes with human rights, and therefore we can threaten to report to the authorities. And, always prepare emergency contact settings on the phone so we could contact those closest quickly.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 5, 2016 at 09:13
Tag : Request More current boyfriend.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:13